#thirty eight#

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Dedicated to @phoenixheart28 because your comment made me go awww. It really made my day, thank you!

He stared at her.


She nodded.

He slumped down in his seat, "Are you f ucking kidding me?"

She was shocked, this wasn't the reaction she was expecting.

"Sorry?" She tried.

He shook his head, "You mean to tell me that you've liked me for more than ten years?"

She covered her face with her hands, "I know, it's weird. I'm sorry."

She looked up when she heard the door slam and her heart sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

He left.

Then her door was flung open and she was gathered into strong warm arms, and soft, familiar lips were on hers.

She melted into the kiss. It was different from the ones they had shared before, much more forceful, more passionate. When they broke apart, gasping for breath, he said, "Why didn't you tell me?"

She snorted, "You would have thought I was crazy, come on Marcus, you hated me."

He was silent, and she knew she was right. She bit her lip and looked away from him, tears burning in her eyes.

"F uck," Marcus swore again, "I'm so sorry Ash, I can't even begin to imagine how it must have been for you. I wish I had loved you the way I love you now way back then too."

She smiled, "That would have been nice." 

Noticing the guilty expression on his face, she slowly placed her hand on his cheek, "I'm glad I waited," She told him, "I would do anything for you."

His eyes lit up, "Even meet my parents?"

She groaned, "Anything but that."

"Come on," He teased.

She grabbed on to the steering wheel for dear life, "You can't make me."

He smirked, "Is that a challenge?"

She honked the horn in response.

He grinned mischievously,  "Oh you shouldn't have done that."

And then the oaf that she called her boyfriend started to tickle her.

"Nooooooo." She squealed, trying to wiggle away from him.

"Do you give up?" He asked.


"Wrong answer."

"Okay I do, I do! Stop!" She said with tears of laughter in her eyes, "You ruined my dress." She pouted.

He rolled his eyes, "You look gorgeous."

"Your opinion is highly biased." She informed him.

"It's also the only one that matters." He shot back, "Now come on princess." He said before picking her up bridal style.

She let out a squeak of laughter before putting her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

His eyes were wide when they broke apart.

"My mom is watching." He told her.

"F uck."


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