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Dedicated to FloralJade because I'm loving her book Sugar Sweet :)



Pick up, dammit.



"Marcus, what's up?"

"I ran into Ashley today."

"You what now. Where was she?"

Marcus thought of Ashley rolling around on the floor, fighting with the two boys.

"Doesn't matter." 

"Like hell it doesn't. I'm going there right now and karate chopping her into next week."

"She's not there anymore."

"...Marcus, what are you hiding?"

Marcus sighed, "You didn't see her, Maia. She was...different."

"Wait, was she nice to you?"

"Not funny."

Maia was still laughing, "Sorry, sorry, what do you mean, different?"

"She was crying. There was something about her, she almost looked scared of me."

"Crying? Scared? You sure you've seen Ashley, and not her nicer, more humane doppelganger?"

"I'm being serious here!" Marcus yelled, frustrated.


Marcus sighed, "I'm sorry for snapping at you-"

"You really mean it?" Jovial Maia was gone, "Ashley was crying? Our Ashley? She never cries." 

"I know," He said, "That's why I'm so worried about her." 

"Well, break's over, so she can't ignore us once school starts."

"Are you doubting Ashley's capability of getting her own way?"

He heard a sigh, "You're right. I just want to help her."

"We all do," He said softly, "If only she'd let us." 

"She's such a stubborn mule." 

"That she is."

"And you still love her."

That wasn't a question.

"You love her too." He retorted.

She squealed, "So you do love her!"

Marcus shook his head in defeat, "Goodbye-"

"Marcus, don't you dare-"

But his phone was already in his pocket.

He would deal with angry Maia tomorrow.

Right now he couldn't get a specific girl off his mind.

The girl he was in love with.



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