#twenty five#

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"How did you manage to get such a nasty injury dear?" The nurse asked as she held a sterile cloth to his nose.

"I fell," Marcus grumbled, which, in his opinion wasn't far from the truth.

If the truth involved him falling onto Ashley's elbow, that is.

She said it was an accident but he wasn't sure whether or not he believed her.

He supposed it was his fault for trying to kiss her.

She had chased him out to the part of the playground where the toddlers played before she got close enough to tackle him to the ground. Marcus couldn't help but feel a sense of  déjà vu that took him back to that day in the woods.

The day the kissed for the first time.

Unfortunately for him, this time he didn't get that lucky.

Ashley did, however, land on top of him with a loud, "Ouf," and it sucked the breath out of him momentarily. When he got his breath back he got fully aware of their close proximity and the fact that her eyes were a very unique shade of ice blue.

His stupid brain seemed to stop functioning. That was obviously the only explanation. Why else would he try to kiss Ashley Whitman?

Their noses were in the danger of almost touching when Ashley scrambled in an attempt to get up, clocking him in the nose as she did so.

She muttered apologies to him the entire way to the nurse's office, but the rejection shone clear as day. 

It hurt, but he wasn't giving up just yet. 

And no way in hell he was telling the nurse.  

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