#twenty six#

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Yes I know.

I know.

You guys have probably forgotten what this story is about, and to be completely honest, it's okay, because I sort of have too.

So quick round up of my life, I'm giving the SAT again, Drama Club has been sucking out my soul, and I've been filling stupid admission forms in all my free time, and I'm still very very behind. To be honest I still don't know how to be a senior.

So that's my sorry state right now. It's not even like I'm not writing, I've been writing the Drama Club script since like June, and this story really shouldn't be a problem because the chapters are so tiny. 

But I dunno.

Anywhoo. I love you guys. If you've given up, I'm really really sorry, and if you're still here, I'll make it up to you. I'm gonna plan ahead and write a huge chunk of chapters and try to update weekly.

This stupid hiatus is finally over.

"Ashley where have you been?" One of her more annoying teammates, Amanda, screeched when she showed up for practice.

Stupid fake turnip.

"I was sick." She shrugged.

"I was so worried. Coach said she might replace you if you didn't show up soon."

Yeah and I bet that excited you, didn't it?

"Well I'm here now." 

"WHITMAN." Coach Madison screamed from the other side of the gym.

Oh great. 

Wordlessly she jogged over to where Coach was standing.

"I know you're not a slacker, Whitman." Coach boomed. "But you need to get your priorities straight. Being cheerleading captain is a big responsibility, and I picked you because I knew you could handle it. Now don't let me down."

"Yes Coach." Ashley resisted the urge to salute. Coach had that effect on people.

She turned to walk back when Coach stopped her.

"Oh and Ashley?"

She turned around, shocked. Coach never used first names if she could help it.

"I'm glad you're back." She said gruffly, "Now Barmer will finally stop trying to weasel her way into your position."

She knew Amanda was up to no good.

She smirked, "Don't worry Coach, I'm back now."

Ashley Whitman was back for good.

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