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"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea-" 

"I'll sail the world, to find you."

"If you every find yourself stuck in the dark and you can't see-"

Ashley frowned, "Um..."

Maia groaned, "Ashley, that is the fifth time!" 

Ashley glared at her best friend, "Well maybe I don't want to learn your stupid  friendship song."

Maia tutted, "You're saying that now, but later when I'm rich and famous and there a five thousand other people competing to take your place, you'll thank me."

"For teaching me a Bruno Mars song?" She asked incredulously. 

The crazy girl she considered her best friend nodded, "You'll know when you do." She said philosophically.

Ashley rolled her eyes and got off the car's bumper.

"Come on," She said, holding her hand out to Maia.

Maia raised her eyebrows, "Where are we going?"

Ashley shook her head, "It's three. School's over. You better have a goodass excuse for us bunking to tell to your boyfriend, cause I have nothing."

Maia blinked, "We're going back to school?"

"Yupp." Ashley said, popping the 'p'.

Maia groaned, "Why?"

"Are you kidding me?" Ashley shook her head, "Oliver is probably out of his mind with worry right now."

Maia's eyes widened, "Oh, right."

Ashley shook her head as she got into her car.

"This is going to be fun."

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