#thirty nine#

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So yesterday was my birthday and it was freaking amazing. I'm seventeen now, so that's there, yay. Now I'm taking a break from UC application essays and shizz. I don't know how this chapter is going to turn out, cause I'm still pretty buzzed from yesterday, lol. 

Ashley hated awkward hugs.

"So nice to finally meet you dear." Mrs. Matson said, practically flinging herself onto Ashley.

Ashley sent Marcus S.O.S. signals with her eyes, but the idiot had the nerve to smirk at her.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Matson." Ashley finally said, awkwardly returning the hug. 

"Marcus talks about you all the time." The lady gushed, as she ushered them into the house. Ashley turned and smirked at her adorable boyfriend, whose face had turned red, "He does, does he?"

"Oh yes dear, the nicest stuff of course." She assured her.

"Ashley's cheer captain, Ashley's so funny, Ashley has a 4.0 GPA, I love Ashley." Came a voice in the dining room, and a girl a few years younger than them walked into the room.

Marcus glared at her girl, "Ignore Leah, she was born bitter."

Leah laughed, "Be nice to me Mark, I'm leaving tomorrow."

On seeing Ashley's confused expression, Marcus explained, "Leah goes to this fancy ass boarding school for music prodigies." (A/N: *cough cough*)

"Lunch is ready." A voice came from the kitchen, cutting off the conversation. Marcus gently tugged her hand, "Come on," He said softly.

"I hope you like lasagne dear." Mrs. Matson asked as she put a steaming container in the middle of the table.

Ashley smiled, "I love lasagne."

Marcus rolled his eyes, "She already knew that because I told her."

His mother hit him on the back of the head, "Stop giving out family secrets." She scolded, making Ashley and Leah laugh.

"You didn't have to do all this Mrs. Matson." Ashley told her.

"Nonsense!" She replied, "And call me Jane."

"Er, okay," Ashley mumbled, "Jane."

"Enough of this, let's eat." Leah whined, banging on the table.

Ashley laughed, her boyfriend's family was just like him. They were going to get along just fine.

Sorrz for all the typos guys I need sleep.

Don't be a silent reader.



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