Being Followed...?

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Jeff the Killer x Reader

(Y/n) = Your Name (M/n) = Middle Name - If you have one (L/n) = Last Name (H/c) = Hair Colour (E/c) = Eye Colour (F/c) = Favourite Colour- you can change what colour the favourite colour is (L/F/C) = Least Favourite Colour (F/n) = Friends Name
( Your thoughts are typed in brackets )
< Comments from me are typed in these thingys >

WARNINGS : There's like one swear word. Literally one. So yeah...

A/n - Wow! I haven't posted a story in a while! I hope this makes up for it though. This story will be long, so I hope you're prepared! Have fun! Also The first chapter is a bit confusing/boring. Bear with me.

~ You were walking through the woods next to your childhood home. The trees leaves were falling to the ground in a cascade of orange and red. They twirled around your head and danced till they reached your feet. This made you smile and laugh. Your (H/c) hair was flowing in the wind as you continued deeper into the forest. You wrapped your (F/c) coat tighter around your body and pulled your scarf over your chin. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a piece of paper stuck to a tree. You laughed as you ran towards it, remembering your childhood games with the faceless man. You smiled at what the paper read ' Hello (Y/n) ' . You took it from the tree before looking around for more. You spotted another one on a truck further away from the tree. You laughed again before running towards it. You ripped it from the tree, excited to read it. ' Glad to see you again ' you read.
" You don't even have eyes Slendy! " You called out knowing he would come to tell you that he did. That's how you always made him show up as a kid.
" Yes I do. You just can't see them my dear. " You heard from behind you. You smiled before turning around quickly and hugging him. ~

You woke up and slowly opened your eyes. You had been having the same dream for the past 2 months. It was always with your house, the woods and your old friend. You looked around the room until your eyes landed on your boyfriends sleeping form. You smiled to yourself. He looked so peaceful with his brown hair falling onto his eyelids. He was mumbling in his sleep again making your smile turn into a frown.
" He's having a nightmare again.. " You mumbled to yourself still looking at him. His eyelids suddenly opened, revealing his bright green eyes. His eyes were wide as he looked around the room, breathing heavily. His eyes landed on yours and you smiled reassuringly.
" Hey it's okay Sam. I'm here. " You whispered to him before hugging him. It took him a few minutes to calm down before he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
" Happy 15th birthday... " He mumbled out to you. You were currently sleeping over at his house, as his parents had gone to a meeting and he didn't like being alone. Your foster parents didn't mind, but they wanted you back for supper so you could celebrate with them. Which probably meant them going to the bar and getting drunk without you. Like they did last year, and the year before that.
" I love you. " He mumbled against your neck tickling you slightly. You giggled before replying.
" I love you too. " You answered kissing his head. You pulled away and made him look at your face. " I'm meeting up with (F/n) today. We're going shopping remember? " You asked him as his face turned into a unhappy expression.
" I don't like (F/n). " He told you, crossing his arms and frowning.
" Well I do. I'm not asking you to like her. I'm just telling you that I have to go get ready. " You replied, getting up from the bed and heading towards the bathroom.
" What time will you be back? " He called from the bedroom, passing a hand through his messy locks.
" Well we're meeting up at 11 and having lunch there... So about 2ish. Probably not before that. " You answered before closing the bathroom door. You took off your clothes and walked into the shower.
You got out and wrapped a towel around yourself before walking back out into the room. Sam wasn't in there so he was probably making some breakfast or watching t.v. You walked to your draws and took out a (F/c) t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. You put on some white socks and got changed. You walked out of the bedroom whilst brushing your hair. You walked into the kitchen living room thing, before stopping next to your boyfriend. You peeked over his shoulder.
" What are you making Sammy? " You asked moving away to continue brushing your hair.
" Waffles. " He answered cheerfully. You smiled and kissed the back of his head before turning and walking back to your room.
You quickly put on some mascara and eyeliner, finishing off with some vanilla scented lip balm. You walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch.
" When is it going to be ready? " You asked your boyfriend, whilst turning on the t.v with the remote.
" I just need to cook them, so about 15 minutes. " He answered back from the kitchen part.
" That's too long! " You whined and he chuckled a little bit. You turned on some Ninja Turtles and started watching it.
About 20 minutes later, Sam walked over to you and set down a plate of waffles on your lap. You grinned and he handed you the maple syrup. You poured it over your waffles and began to eat them as he sat down next to you. You both finished your waffles, whilst watching the Ninja Turtles.
About 20 minutes later, you got up and put your plate in the sink. You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth before walking towards the front door and putting on your (F/c) hoodie.
" I'm going now Sam! " You called from the front door.
" Okay! See you soon! I love you! " He called back. You smiled and turned to leave.
" I love you too! " You called back, before walking out and meeting your friend.


" You're late. " (F/n) told you as you walked towards her. You had met up at the park like you always do.
" Sorry... " You mumbled. " Sam had made waffles and we watched The Ninja Turtles... " You looked to see what she would say.
" It's fine, I got here like two minutes ago anyway. Happy birthday by the way!" She grinned and hooked her arm into yours before dragging you towards the mall.


You were having lunch with your friend when, from the corner of your eye, you saw something shiny. You turned towards it, but there was nothing there. You frowned and turned back towards your friend who was busy arguing with her sister on the phone. You began to look around when something caught your attention. Two guys were looking at you. Well you thought they were guys. You couldn't be sure because of the masks they were wearing. One was white with black lips and eyes, and the other was black with red eyes and a stitched on smile thing.
" Again? Maybe I'm hallucinating... " You mumbled under your breath.
You turned to look at your friend to see if she saw them too.
" No Jess! I don't care if he's cute! " She was shouting through the phone. You frowned and turned to see that the two guys had gone. (Wait what? They were there two seconds ago. They can't have left that quickly...) You frowned again before shrugging and turning back towards your meal.
" Sorry about that. Jess thinks she's met the one again. " (F/n) explained, putting her phone back in her bag. You raised your eyebrow at her.
" Isn't she 12? " You questioned putting your rubbish in the bin next to you.
" Exactly. " She replied sighing. You chuckled before getting up and grabbing your bag from the seat next to you. (F/n) stood up with you and you both headed for the exit of the restaurant. As you were heading towards the other shops, you stopped in your tracks and looked in front of you. The two guys were there again, this time though they were eating what seemed to be cake, whilst looking at you.
" (F/n)? " You turned to look at her.
" Yeah? " she asked looking back at you. You pointed in front of you to where the guys had been, only to see that they were gone again.
" (Y/n)? There's nothing there. " She looked to where you had been pointing before looking at you with a confused expression.
" But there were two guys there! They were staring at me! Again! " You shouted, panic filling your voice.
" (Y/n), are you okay? " (F/n) asked. She looked at you worriedly and put her hand on your shoulder comfortingly. You looked around slowly before sighing and passing a hand through your now messy (H/c) hair.
" Yeah I'm fine. " You answered shakily. She looked at you again before dragging you to the next shop.


" Bye (Y/n)! " (F/n) said whilst hugging you tightly.
" Bye (F/n)! " You answered chuckling slightly. You hugged her back and after a couple of seconds you both let go. You waved at each other before you walked towards Sams house and her towards hers.
You let yourself in as Sam had given you the spare key. You set down the two bags which held two different things. One had a (F/c) hoodie and the other one had a (F/c) shirt. You looked around but couldn't see your boyfriend. You heard some noise coming from the bedroom and so you headed towards there. As soon as you got to the door, you opened it and walked in.
" What the hell are you doing?! " You shouted at Sams shocked face. The girl he was previously making out with ran out. You soon heard the front door open and close.
" (Y/n), listen to me it's not wh- " Sam started, but you interrupted him before he could finish.
" No Sam! I don't even want to hear it! We're through! " You shouted at your now to be ex boyfriend.
" God damn it (Y/n)! I didn't mean to! It was an accident! " He shouted back at you. You looked at him in disgust before going to pack your bag.
" Uh huh. Why don't you go sleep with her and we'll call that an accident too shall we?! " You shouted, stuffing the rest of the stuff you had brought over since you visited him so much.
" Shut up and listen to me! You can't leave me (Y/n)! You have absolutely no right! " He shouted turning you around by your shoulders. You glared at him before breaking out of his grip and putting in your last shirt.
" We're done Sam! Do you understand?! I don't want to see your stupid face ever again! " You shouted before putting the suitcase on the floor and beginning to walk towards the door. You were stopped by someone grabbing your arm roughly.
" Let me go Sam! " You shouted causing his hold on you to get tighter.
" You're not going anywhere bitch. " He hissed squeezing your arm, causing pain to rush through it.
" I don't think that's your decision. " You and Sam both stopped talking and turned to look towards the window.

A/n- I wonder who it could be! Well, not really since I'm the one writing the story... But anyways! Comment any feedback and vote if you have time and liked this part! Have a good day/night!

~ Abyss

Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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