" I can never get there on time... "

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Important: Some scenes may not be suitable for younger readers. I rate this at least pg-13. You have been warned.
You woke up feeling refreshed, not something that happened often. You sat up and stretched, smiling to yourself. You looked around your room, rubbing your eyes, trying to locate your clock. You remembered that it was on your bedside table, turned towards it and groaned, frowning deeply.
" How the hell did I sleep for 7 hours?! Why the hell didn't anyone wake me up?! " It was now 21:37. You growled, flinging the covers off of you and storming out of your room. You were so going to kill the first person you bumped into. You angrily walked through the hall, towards the stairs. You felt the presence of someone, and grinning at the thought of getting your anger out, you turned around and glared. Sally sleepily looked up at you, her teddy in her hand. You opened your mouth to snap something, but just before you could, your brain stopped you. You closed your mouth and smiled slightly. She wouldn't have known to wake you up. She's just a kid.
" Hey Sally. Why are you up? " You asked gently. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before murmuring in a sleepy voice.
" I heard you stomping around. " Your cheeks flushed guiltily. You had forgotten that she would be asleep at this time. You held out your hand and she reached out to hold it. You bent down to be eye-level with her before smiling again.
" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. " You apologised and she looked into your eyes and smiled before yawning again.
" It's okay (Y/n), it scared him though. " She mumbled thoughtfully. You looked in the direction she was staring in and smiled again.
" Sorry for scaring you. " You whispered to her bear. Sally smiled before yawning yet again. You laughed slightly to yourself before picking her up. She snuggled into your arms and as you made your way to her room, you heard her snore quietly. You pushed open her door and made your way to her bed. You gently lay her down, pulled her blankets up and on her, tucking her and Charlie in. You smiled at her innocent (sort of) sleeping form. You bent down and kissed her forehead softly before quietly making your way to the door. You peeked in, making sure she was still asleep before exiting the room. She had calmed you down, sort of, and so you calmly made your way to the living room, where everyone seemed to hang out at this time. You made your way down the creaky stairs, through the front area and into the living room. BEN was, as usual, in front of the tv, playing Mario Kart with Jeff, Masky and Hoodie, Jane was sitting next to Toby, slyly stealing glances at L.J who was sat on the other side of the room, talking with E.J. The brothers didn't seem to be there. You stepped into the room, anger back and flowing through your veins. You walked into the middle, right in front of the tv, much to the complaint of BEN and the boys. You glared all four of them to silence before glaring at everyone in the room in turn. Everyone turned silent, waiting for your probable outburst. You settled your eyes on Jane, your glare becoming more menacing. You took in a breath before letting it all out.
" Why the hell didn't anyone wake me up for supper? " You asked, your voice composed, unlike the rest of your body. You could swear you saw Hoodie shiver in fear. The silent was deafening. You looked around waiting for an answer, which no one brought. Tentatively, Jane raised her voice slightly, not daring to seem rude, knowing how you got when you were in these moods.
" We forgot... You were sleeping for so long we kinda didn't realise you were still in the house... " Jane mumbled softly. Your head snapped to look at her and you squinted your eyes, your glare being ever present.
" Oh, that's fine then. Just fantastic. My friends forgot I was there. What could I ask for more? " You responded sarcastically. Jane sank back into the couch and you looked around again before pointing your finger at all of them.
" I hate you all. "  You concluded. You nodded once, telling them your talking was over. This is when E.J decided to speak up.
" Uh.. (Y/n)? We left you a plate of food. In the fridge. " He muttered, unsure as to if he should speak or not. You froze completely before smiling.
" Nevermind, I love you guys. Especially you. " You pointed at E.J before bouncing towards the kitchen. You stopped when you heard Jeff speak up.
" Excuse me? How rude. You're not going to live to see another day. " Threatened Jeff to E.J. You rolled your eyes before resuming your walk to the kitchen. You opened the fridge and quickly located your food. A big portion of lasagna was on a plate. You smiled before getting it out. You walked towards the dining room, sat down and picked up a fork. You started getting teary-eyed.
" Crying because of food again, huh? " You turned quickly and your eyes landed on a grinning Jeff. He was leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed and his eyes locked on yours. You pouted at him.
" I'm really hungry. I wouldn't be crying because of how hungry I am if SOME PEOPLE had woken me up. " You stated. It was his turn to roll his eyes then before taking the seat next to you. You started eating your food quickly and he looked at you with wonder and maybe awe. After 2 minutes of him just staring at you, you put down your fork and raised an eyebrow in question. He shook his head and smiled.
" I don't know how someone as small as you can eat so much. " He answered, shaking his head again. You pulled a bitch-face before resuming your previous activities. You quickly finished your food, got up and put your stuff in the dishwasher. You were heading out of the room when Jeff stopped you, turned you around and then kissed you. You were surprised but after a few seconds, soon joined in the kiss. Jeff pulled you close to him, your bodies pressed against each other. You tangled your hands through his hair, earning a soft groan from him. He licked your bottom lip, trying to deepen the kiss. You smirked against his mouth before pulling away from him. Jeff protested weakly, looked at you and whinged again. You laughed before turning around and indicating for him to follow you. Jeff raised an eyebrow but followed you anyway. You went up the stairs Jeff following. He sped up, catching up to you and took your hand in his. You smiled to yourself, squeezed his hand and made him follow you to your room. You opened the door and pushed Jeff in, locking the door behind you. Jeff looked at you in confusion before realising why you were here. He grinned and walked back towards you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tangled them back in his hair. He groaned, slightly louder than last time. He pressed his lips against yours, not waiting for you before entering his tongue in your mouth. His tongue eagerly explored your mouth as he picked you up gently and laid you down on your bed. He moved his lips from yours momentarily and looked into your (e/c) eyes.
" You sure about this? " He asked, breathing heavily, his eyes dark. You nodded, unable to form words. You smiled up at him, eyes twinkling. (This is going to be a long night.) And it was, but you loved every second of it.

A/n - Man, I haven't updated in so long :/// I'm back now though, exams are finally finished so I'll be writing much more often! I hope you enjoyed this part and if you have any ideas for this story, please share them with me in the comments, or just message me :) Love you all, hope you all have a great day/night!
<Credit goes to whoever made the picture above. It's adorable!>


~ Abyss

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