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Masky and Hoodie nodded.

" Yean, pancakes seem nice. " Masky commented. You nodded and smiled proudly before turning to look at Ticci Toby who looked at you with what one could only describe as pure disgust.

" Who the FUCK would want some pancakes? " Toby asked, utter disgust clear in his voice. You and the other two looked at him in shock for about a minute before you slowly moved your head to whisper to Hoodie, who was the closest sat to you.

" Is he joking or? " You asked, confusion mixed with shock.

" S-sadly, no. " He whispered back. You nodded and moved back to your original position.

" Okay... What's wrong with pancakes? " You asked. Masky groaned, causing you to look at him with confusion.

" There he goes again. " Masky practically threw his head onto the table, not bothering to lift it back up once Ticci Toby started speaking.

" Well, first of all, ~tic~ it's not waffles. Second of all, it's not waffles ~tic~ and third of all, the most important point, ~tic~ IT'S NOT WAFFLES! " He nearly shouted the last bit. He was twitching a lot more now, with less time between each twitch. You weren't going to lie you were a little scared.

" Wow, rude. What did pancakes ever do to you? " You rolled your eyes to mask your fear and concern. Toby just stared at you. " But fine, we'll make waffles instead. " Toby fist bumped the air before getting out of his chair and leading the way to the kitchen, his twitching having calmed down back to it's usual level.


You had all gotten out the necessary ingredients, after a lot of searching, and spread them out on the counters.

" Okay, everyone has their chosen add in? " You asked, looking around. You had all, as a group, decided that everyone would choose something to add to the waffles. Separately, of course. There was no way you could mix gummy bears with chocolate chips, well, at least that's what Masky thought. Everyone nodded and you took a little time to look at their chosen add ins. Masky had chosen blueberries, Hoodie gummy bears, Toby had chosen a tub of Nutella and you had settled for nice, simple marshmallows. Yes, you were all very healthy. Well, at least Masky was.

" Okay, lets get this started! " You spoke, excitedly. Ticci Toby instantly began directing people around the kitchen, showing off his waffle knowledge. This definitely was not his first time making waffles, that you knew for certain.

A little while later and the mixing had begun. You had four separate batters, and so four separate people mixing. You were doing a great job, and Toby was doing an even better job, because that was somehow possible. You looked to your left to see how Masky and Hoodie were doing.

" Umm.... Are you two okay? " You asked. Masky was mixing vigorously, batter flying everywhere as he tried desperately to get it to mix smoothly like yours. Hoodie on the other hand, had pretty much given up on getting it to look good, so instead he was having some fun with it. He was mixing quickly, laughing quietly as little bits flew out of the bowl and landed on Masky's arm. They both stopped mixing quickly when they heard you.

" Oh, yeah, of course we are (Y/n). " Masky answered, smiling in your direction. At least a quarter of Hoodie's batter was on his arm, but he somehow did not seem to notice.

" Oh, okay... " You turned to Ticci Toby, who had not bothered looking up when you spoke to Masky and Hoodie, too into his mixing to care about what was going on. " Toby, do you think they're okay? " Toby turned to look at you before looking past you at the other two proxies.

" What the actual ~tic~ fuck guys? " Was his response, which came with some slight twitching. You laughed, shaking your head at his response. Toby was always such a quiet guy, at least until it came to making waffles.

" H-hey, we c-could b-be doing wo-worse... " Hoodie mumbled. You laughed slightly, causing him to look up at you.

" Mate, most of your batter is on Masky's arm. " You retorted. Masky looked at you in confusion before looking down at his left arm. Hoodie fidgeted a little before answering back.

" Sh-shut up. " He mumbled. Masky looked from his arm to Hoodie, to his arm and then back to Hoodie.

" Are you kidding me right now. " Masky said, his voice reflecting complete doneness <Is that even a word?> .

" S-sorry... " Hoodie giggled quietly.

" Really, you're going to laugh? " Masky raised his voice slightly. Hoodie covered his mouth/frown area with his hand and let out a laughing breath <?> before coughing and nodding.

" S-sorry. " He replied in a normal tone. Masky shook his head.

" Whatever. "

A/n - Wooh! Next part out! I have so many plans for this story and I have no clue how to write them out! I hope you guys can forgive me for proably not updating for another week! Although, I did promise two things this weekend, so you can go check out another story I'm writing, my sequel to my Eyeless Jack story! Well, the first chapter of it anyway!

I hope you guys really enjoy reading this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it! I love you guys and, as usual, I hope you all have a very good day/night! See you all next week!

~ Abyss

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