Eating Competition!!

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The four of you had finally finished making the waffles and were now busy watching Ticci Toby put them in the waffle machine. You were busy talking to Masky about his failure at chess, in a nice way, of course, whilst Hoodie chatted happily to Ticci Toby about, well, you weren't really paying attention to that. There was a slight this as the kitchen door was pushed open and Jeff made his way in, followed by L.J. Jeff spotted you quickly, and grinned as he made his way towards you. You frowned and looked over at L.J who mouthed the word 'sorry'. Jeff reached you quickly and leaned down to whisper in your ear.

" So, someone told me that SOMEONE was spying on me during our breakup. " His breath was hot on your ear, causing your breathing to hitch and your cheeks to blush. Being a killer, and so extremely good at listening and picking up breathing differences, he noticed this immediately. He moved from your ear and looked down at your face. You stared back up at him before breathing out a response.

" I wasn't. " You replied.

" Never said it was you. " He mumbled, looking down at your lips.

" You never said it wasn't. " You mumbled back. His mouth got closer to yours.

" But I never said it was. " Your mouth got closer in turn.

" But you never said it wasn't. " His mouth was maybe a centimetre away from yours.

" But I ne- " He was cut off by you crashing your lips onto his. Getting over the knits like shock of you among the first movement, he quickly kissed back. It was getting pretty intense when you heard a groan and some awkward coughing. You broke away from Jeff, causing him to whine and nuzzle your neck. You laughed and pushed him away. He pouted before moving to stand at your side rather than in front of you. You awkwardly looked at the rest of the group and forced yourself to smile. Masky sighed.

" I think I lost my appetite. That image is forever imbedded in my brain. " He pouted under his mask. Hoodie giggled quietly, causing Masky to look up at him sharply. " Really? Again? " He growled. Hoodie covered his mouth stitching and laughed again, his shoulders betraying his silence. Masky practically pounced on him.

" Enough! " Shouted Toby. Masky and Hoodie stopped fighting and looked up at him. " The waffles are ~tic~ ready and I don't want you two ~tic~to make me drop them. ~tic~ " He spoke sharply. Masky and Hoodie both mumbled an apology and Masky helped Hoodie up.

" Awww, so friendly! " You exclaimed. Masky pulled a bitch-face at you. " Right, not the time. " L.J looked behind him at the clock and sighed.

" Jeff, you promised you'd help me. It's time to help. " L.J motioned at the clock to Jeff. Jeff frowned.

" Help with what? " He asked in confusion. L.J stared at him and Jeff stared back, confusion taking over him.

" You know, with the thing? " He made some sort of hand movement involving a finger? You frowned, the four other boys also confused.

" Jeff the thing! The bloody thing! " He shouted, repeating the movement with the finger. A sudden light of realisation shown on Jeff's face.

" Oh! Right! That thing! " Jeff winked at L.J before turning to you.

" You have no idea what he's on about, do you? " You asked him.

" Not a single clue. " He answered with a chuckle. " Sounds important though so I'm gonna go. I love you baby, I'll see you later. " He kissed your cheek before looking at you.

" Bye, I love you too Jeffy. " Jeff pouted but made no further comment on the nickname. He walked away with L.J and turned around to wave at the door. You blew him a kiss causing him to blush and you to laugh. You turned to the gang, putting your hands on your hips on determination.

" Right, where were we? "


The four of you were sat around a table in the dining room, a pile of 150 waffles on a plate before all of you. You all stared at each other, getting ready. Your hands were by your sides, and you were waiting for E.J, whom you had dragged in here, to tell you to start. E.J looked at the four of you, making sure no one was cheating, before finally letting you all start.

" 3. 2. 1- GO! " He yelled. He casually let himself out as you all began stuffing your faces with waffles.


You couldn't eat anymore and neither could the guys. There were only two waffles left, but none of you could bring yourselves to eat them. Masky spoke up, holding his stomach.

" Man I feel sick. " He lay back in his chair. Hoodie did the same.

" Y-yeah, I s-shouldn't have e-eaten so m-much. " He mumbled.

" Well ~tic~ I hope ~tic~ me eating more th~tic~ than I could ~tic~ actually pays off. " Toby sat up, looking at all of you. You were so full you were sleepy and so were just laying against your chair, head drooping. " So how many did ~tic~ you guys eat? "

" 37. " You answered smugly.

" Oh. S-same. " Hoodie answered, slightly confused. Toby looked at the two of you, astonishment clear on his face.

" That's crazy. I got 37 as well...? " He frowned, wondering if he had miscounted. You all looked at Masky, who looked completely and utterly confused and slightly annoyed.

" There is absolutely no way we all ate 37 waffles. " He muttered in annoyance. You all looked at each other in shock. (No, I needed to win. There must be some way to win this...) You were busy thinking when your eyes landed on the two waffles. You looked at the other three who were busy arguing about the other cheating. You quickly snapped up the waffles and ate both of them in three bites. The boys stopped shouting and looked at you in shock.

" Woohoo!! I win bitches!! " You yelled. Masky groaned.

" That's ~tic~ cheating! " Ticci Toby yelled.

" How?! I ate the most waffles. You guys are simply sore losers. Sucks to be all of you!! " You yelled back. They all sat there and glared at you. Well, you assumed that's what Masky and Hoodie were doing, that or they were just staring at you...? You just glared back menacingly. They eventually gave up and sat back, their sore loserness kicking in. You laughed a little before getting up. " Well, as fun as this was, I need to go. I'd like to have a nap before meeting Sally and possibly Splendorman. "

" Pfft, okay, bye. " Masky muttered. You laughed again walking out the door, waving behind you. They very nicely waved back. (Wooh! Sally, here I come!)

A/n- Woohoo! Next chapter is out! Sorry it's a little late! I hope the length makes it up to you :((( I love you all and I hope you all have a good day/night!


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