Sunday - Day before leaving for the cruise - Part 2

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You were packing in your room when someone knocked at your door. You put down the shirt you had been folding and walked to your door before opening it.

" Oh, hey Jane. " You greeted, somewhat disappointed it wasn't Jeff about to apologise.

" Hey (Y/n). You almost finished packing? " She asked. You shook your head and shrugged.

"Haven't found the time 'til now. You? " You stuffed more of your clothes in the suitcase you had prepared. She nodded.

" L.J helped me. " She kneeled down next to you and helped you fold some of the clothes you had put aside to bring. You smiled at her.

" Thanks. " You whispered slightly, thinking how her boyfriend helped her and yours was being a jerk right now.

" Don't mention it. " You both finished packing your suitcase, you being thankful for the extra help and her not bringing up Jeff.

You had finally finished packing and both got up to sit on your bed. She lay down on her back, looking at your ceiling. You waited for the question you knew she would ask, dread looming over you.

" So... What's up with you and Jeff? " There it is.

You sighed and plastered on a smile.

" Nothing. Why would anything be wrong? " You tried your best to sound pleasant but you couldn't help sounding aggravated.

" (Y/n), don't try that crap with me. I'm your best friend, I know when somethings up with you. Plus, everyone could see it at the table, unless you didn't realise that Jeff was glaring at you pretty much the whole time. " She stated. You couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at that. (How immature of him.)

" Fine, jerk. It probably all started with the banana thing, though that was mostly a joke. Don't think he got that though. Plus ever since we've done "it" he won't stop bugging me abut how I don't go around naked around him. Like, excuse me, just because we're in a relationship and we've had sex doesn't mean I'm going to walk naked around you every time we're alone. " You paused to take in a breath, Jane stayed quiet, listening to you as you poured out your heart. She knew it helped you. " Plus I had a nightmare last night. And Jeff was really sweet about it to me and made sure I was okay. But the nightmare was about him and I think he felt me flinch when he touched me which I don't think made him feel any better about me. " You finished, tears sliding down your cheeks. Jane moved to pat your shoulder slightly.

" Hey, if there's one thing that I know about Jeff, it's that he's stubborn as hell and who knows when he'll apologise. " She put her arms under her head. You looked at her and frowned.

" How the hell is that supposed to help me? " You asked. That had done the complete opposite of cheering you up. Jane turned on her side to look at you.

" What? I never said that would cheer you up. I was just saying what I knew about him. " You laughed and shook your head.

" You're an idiot. " You fell backwards, your head hitting her stomach causing her to cough. She flicked your forehead before answering to your insult.

" Eh, I know. That's why you love me though. " You smiled and shook your head.


You and Jane walked out of your room, arm in arm. You were cheered up and had excitedly forced her to come with you chill in the forest. She had agreed, only because you had blackmailed her with her and L.Js secret. Jane, defeated, trudged along side you.


You had both finally made it in the forest, accompanied by BEN who had actually left his videogame to come with you both, so yes, you should feel special.

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