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A/n - Image credits: OrderOfTheRoyalWolf on DeviantArt.

You woke up at 11, to an announcement through the speakers.

" Good morning Creepypastas, we have arrived back. I hope you all enjoyed your time on the cruise, and I hope to see you all again. " The message ended with a beep and you sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes. You saw that Jane and L.J had already packed all of your stuff, leaving you a shirt and jeans to put on, and had been waiting, with Jeff, for you to wake up. You smiled at them.

" Thanks guys. " You quickly got out of bed, heading into the bathroom to get changed. You quickly put on your shirt and jeans, looking around the bathroom as you did. It felt as though you had been on the ship for ages, and you were really going to miss being surrounded by people that wouldn't judge you and your friends. You smiled again, a bit sadder this time before heading out. You walked over to your friends, and Jeff smiled at you.

" I'm going to miss being here. " Jane confided, looking around the room. The three of you agreed.

" The good news is, " L.J started, " we can always do the things we did here at home. We just need to invite the rest of the guys around more than twice a year. " You nodded.

" That's true. " You smiled at them. " Well, are you all ready to go? " They all said yes and so you all grabbed your bags, Jeff wrapping his arm around your waist. You all walked out of the room and onto the deck, smiling and saying goodbye to the other Creepypastas, those that you wouldn't see for a while. You spotted two familiar faces and waved them over.

" Hey (Y/n). " Paintey spoke, sadness obvious in his voice. " I guess it's time for us to go, huh? " He looked at the four of you. The Puppeteer was next to him, not saying anything, which was incredibly unusual for him. Your face crumpled and you embraced both of them in a tight hug. Jeff saw how sad you were in having to leave your two friends and so he spoke up.

" You know, " he started, getting the attention of the two guys you were hugging, " we have space at the mansion... You two could always come back with us. We wouldn't mind. " You opened your eyes, looking at them both, hopeful.

" It's true, " Jane nodded, " we love having you guys around and twice a year really sucks. " L.J nodded.

" You should come back with us. " L.J concluded. You nodded vigorously.

" Please, please, please! " You shouted, looking at them hopefully. The Bloody Painter and The Puppeteer looked at each other. You were trying to read their faces, which was hard since one of them has a mask and the other was just staring at the other. At least to you anyway. You weren't good at reading faces, although you liked to pretend you were. The Puppeteer turned and smiled at you.

" Okay! Let's go with you guys! " He resisted the urge to jump and down in excitement. You, however, did not resist the urge.

" Yes! " You bounced. " Woohoo! Let's go! " You hugged them again before making your way off the ship and joining Slendy and the gang. Slender looked over the group, making sure everyone was there. His eyes landed on The Puppeteer and Bloody Painter.

" I'm guessing you guys have finally decided to join us? " He asked. They were about to answer when you nodded.

" They did! " You couldn't contain your excitement. You heard Jeff chuckle next to you. Slender also seemed amused.

" Alright then, lets get on the minibus. " And with that, everyone got in, talking about the cruise, and what they were going to miss most.


It had been about a week since the cruise had ended, and Paintey and Puppeteer had both settled in well.

You ran down the stairs, making your way to the dining room quickly. You slammed the doors open and jumped in your seat.

" Yes bitches! " You exclaimed. " I'm on time for breakfast! " You did a small dance in your seat.

" Your ten minutes late. " E.J looked at the clock and then back to you.

" Okay, someone " looks at E.J, " woke up with a bad attitude. "

" Yeah, no need for that negative attitude. " BEN snickered. E.J glared at the both of you, causing you two to high-five.

" You guys always high-five after ganging up on me! " E.J crossed his arms. You reached over and patted his hand.

" It's not ganging up on you if we love you. " You smirked.

" Actually, I think it is. " The Puppeteer spoke, his mouth full.

" That's disgusting. " Paintey looked at him and shook his head.

" It would ~tic~ be disgusting if ~tic~ it wasn't waffles in ~tic~ there. " Toby laughed a little at himself.

" I'm pretty sure it's still disgusting. " Masky frowned under his mask at his friend. Hoodie nodded.

" Y-yeah, if an-anything, th-the fact that y-you said th-that is a b-bit c-creepy. " He scooted away from his friend a little.

" Guys, I ~tic~ was joking! " He exclaimed, trying to convince people.

" Sure you were. " L.J looked a little concerned.

" Guys, come on ~tic~, I'm not that ~tic~ weird. " He was really trying to convince you all.

" No, I feel like you are that weird. " BEN spoke up, also frowning at Toby in concern.

" No yeah, definitely. " You added. Jeff nodded next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You would never get used to that. God, you loved him so much.

" That's definitely something you'd say. " He added. Ticci Toby sighed in exasperation.

" You all suck. " He muttered.

" I definitely do not suck if anything, I get sucked. " Offender grinned at his own joke. Everyone groaned.

" Offender, not at the table. " Slender rested his head in his hands, ashamed of his own brother.

" Yeah, there are children present. " Trender added, shaking his head in disgust.

" Yeah, poor BEN isn't ready to hear that. " Sally chimed in. You couldn't help but laugh as BEN opened his mouth, offended.

" At least mention Splendor! Not me! " He shouted. " Why did I have to die as a fucking child. " He grumbled.

" Language. " Jeff warned, earning a death glare from BEN.

" I'm not a child! " Splendor giggled. " I am a very mature adult. " He added.

" Haha, no. You are not. " Trender cut in, still shaking his head. Splendor pouted at him.

" I hate being the youngest. " He continued pouting. You giggled, Splendor deepening his pout.

" Sorry. " You tried to hide your laughter, but you were failing pretty badly. You coughed to camouflage it.

" You suck. " Jane looked at you. You pressed a hand over your heart, feigning hurt.

" My own best friend, my reason to live. " You wiped a fake tear from your eye.

" What? I thought that was me. " Jeff looked at you, shaking his head in confusion.

" If anything, it's me. " Sally spoke, also with her mouth full. Slender gave her a look and she closed her mouth.

" Actually, it's probably me. " BEN shrugged. Smile Dog barked, making you look at him. You laughed and scratched his head.

" You're all my reason to live. " You smiled at them and they all smiled back. The rest of the breakfast time was spent talking about old memories you all had together. The cooking incident with the flour, the times you all spent on the swings, every little thing you had all done together. You were all crying laughing by the time the meal was done. You couldn't wait to see what other memories came your way.

A/n - Wooh!! Three chapters in two days?? I am on a roll!! Unfortunately, the next chapter is the last one :((( I'm going to miss writing this so, so much. It's unbelievable how attached to this story I am xD Anyway, if you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote/comment and follow me if you want to see more from me! I love you all, and, as usual, have a good day/night!

~ Abyss

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