What does Jane mean?

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( What did Jane mean? Why would Jeff be happy to hear that me and Trender aren't together? It's not like he likes me. Ha no. I'm probably like a little sister to him. Wait no that makes no sense. He wouldn't kiss his little sister on the lips now would he? But he can't like me. And even if he did, I can't date him. It'll probably be like last time and I'll have to leave again. It'll just hurt more. I don't want to hurt again. ) You were sat on the sofa, lost in thought when someone walked up to you and poked you on the shoulder.
" (Y/n)! Guess what we're playing! " You looked up to see Offenderman looking down at you. ( Probably something I'll get uncomfortable in knowing you. ) You smiled because as much as you hated the games he made you play, you still loved him. He was like an older brother to you.
" Pfft I don't know. What are you going to play? " You asked, making sure to emphasise the you. He looked excited before looking down at you.
" No what we're playing. You have to. Everyone is. " He proceeded before getting excited again. You smiled and giggled a little about how quickly he could go from being disappointed to being excited. " We're playing 7 minutes in heaven! How cool is that? I must admit, I suggested the game, but BEN seemed quite happy to play as well, and since you and Jane are the only girls, you both have to play. " Your smiled dropped as soon as he mentioned 7 minutes in heaven.
" What? I'm not playing that! It's awkward being in a closet with someone. Especially when they're drunk! " You were panicking and getting exasperated at him. ( How often does he think he can get me to play that game? ) You had played the game once when you were 11, because for some stupid reason no one decided that you were too young and you had picked out of the hat, the guest of the evening. Some random kid called Steven or something. Let's just say blood was spilt that night, not by you but by your over protective friends, when he tried to touch you and you screamed because he wouldn't stop.
" It's not going to be like last time! No strange guests or anything. Just us. You can trust us. " He said reassuringly, whilst putting a hand on your shoulder. You looked up and raised an eyebrow at him.
" What if I pick you? Or Slender? How awkward would that be? " You asked, determined to get him to say you didn't have to play.
" Well if you pick me, we can play cards. Always have a packet in my pocket. Never know what the ladies may like. " He proceeded to take a packet of cards out of his blazer pocket and you laughed a little before he put them back in. " Pretty please? And you better feel damn special because I do not beg in normal circumstances. " You laughed again and rolled your eyes before standing up with a sigh.
" Fine lets go. But one round. I'm not going in that closet for more than 7 minutes. " He nodded happily and walked towards the middle of the room, where everyone were talking and waiting for you two to join them. You all sat in a circle, everyone having apparently already put in an object. You were picking first, which was why you hadn't put anything in.
" Everyone put something in? Yes? Good. Now (Y/n), ready? Because even if you're not you're going, so yeah, go. " Offender put the hat, BENs hat, in front of your face, forcing you to look at it. You looked at it worriedly, before taking in a deep breath and reaching in it.

Your hand roamed around for a while, looking for something that felt interesting. Your hand brushed past a sharp object, but it didn't grip your attention and so you continued looking. After Someone, BEN, sighed exasperatedly, you decided to pick the next object you touched, which happened to be a soft, velvety thing. You pulled it out, eager to see what it was before looking at it in confusion.
" Who put in a sleeping mask? " You mumbled to yourself. You proceeded to showing everyone by holding it up.
" Who's is this? " You asked awkwardly. Someone put their hand up before getting up and walking towards you.
" That's mine. "

A/n- Whos sleeping mask is that? Can we guess or is it going to be a mystery until the next chapter comes out? Who knows, I guess we'll have to see. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and As usual, comment any feedback and vote if you have time and liked this part. Have a good day/night

~ Abyss

Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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