Days Of The Past

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A/n - This chapter is slightly different as mentioned at the end of the previous chapter. In this chapter I'll write about your past so you understand the story a bit more. It will be written as different scenes, so it's hopefully still interesting. Hope you enjoy! Also the little girl in these scenes are all you. Just thought I'd let you know so you don't get confused.

Name - (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)
Gender - Female
Hair - (H/c)
Eyes - (E/c)
Height - 5'2
Age - 15
Mother - Deceased
Father - Deceased
Siblings - None

Third Person Pov

~ " It's a girl! " Rung out through the hospital room over the sound of a crying baby. The nurse handed the now washed baby over to a man with brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled down upon it and tickled it's chin lightly.
" Hello, (Y/n). " He said kindly to his daughter. She giggled slightly and soon fell asleep in his arms.
" She's beautiful. " The mother said as the baby was handed to her. She smiled softly and closed her eyes. The nurse went up to the father and rested her hand on his shoulder.
" Would you like to stay with your family for a while? " She asked kindly. He smiled and nodded. She nodded back and turned before walking out with the rest of the nurses and doctor.
A loud resounding, never ending beep woke up the sleeping father as he looked up at his wife.
" No, no, no! Jessi! " He screamed as nurses and doctors rushed into the room. Tears were streaming down his face as he yelled at the doctors.
" No! Do something! Please! Jessi! Damn it don't leave me! " He turned to look at his wife before getting pulled out of the room. The faint sound of a baby crying could be heard in the background.

~ " Daddy! Look at me! " The little 4 year old girl shouted to her dad. He looked up from his phone to look at his daughter. She was standing at the top of the slide and was waiting for her dad to look before sliding down all on her own.
" I'm looking darling. " He smiled and nodded at her. She smiled brightly and sat down before sliding down. The father began clapping his hands and stood up before running up to her. She squealed as he picked her up and twirled her around.
" Are you ready to go home (Y/n)? " He asked the smiling toddler and she nodded. " Well then let's go. " He answered turning around with his daughter still in his arms.

~ The little 6 year old smiled at her tall friend. He would always visit her when she would go to the woods.
" Mr. Slendy, why don't you have a face? I can never know when you're smiling. " She asked as he pushed her on the swing that hung on a tree.
" I can't say why I don't have a face miss (L/n), but know that whenever I'm with you I'm smiling. " He answered as she giggled. He stopped pushing her and she got off confused.
" What's wrong? " She asked stroking down her (F/c) dress. He looked down at her and moved forwards slightly.
" Are you ready to meet my friends? " He asked, holding his hand out for her.
" Are there any girls? " She asked smiling at him. He nodded.
" You would get along well with Sally. She's just like you. " He answered and she smiled again. She gently took his hand as he teleported away.

~ " Awh look who's crying again. You cry baby. " The 14 year old sneered at the crying 7 year old clutching her broken doll to her chest. " Guess you won't be needing this ugly thing anymore. " He and his friends laughed as he reached out to take the doll. Someone stopped his hand midair and twisted it.
" What did you say? " The little girls saviour asked him as he twisted the guys arm even more. The guy screamed out in pain and looked at him with fear in his eyes.
" Nothing! I didn't say anything! " He shouted, tears starting to fall from his hazel eyes. The boy who had saved the girl glared at him before taking out a knife. The little girl didn't seem fazed about this at all. Just watching silently, still clutching the doll to her chest. The 14 year olds friends quickly ran away towards their houses. The boy quickly sliced his neck before bending down and whispering something in his ear. The teenagers lifeless body fell to the ground in a pile of his own blood. The boy looked at the little girl worriedly and walked over to her. She stood up and dusted herself before smiling at the boy.
" Thanks Jeff. " She smiled and walked up to him. He carried on looking at her worriedly.
" Are you okay (Y/n)? " He asked as they began walking into the woods to get back to the mansion.
" I'm okay. " She answered and then looked at him. " Won't you get in trouble with Slendy? " She asked looking at him. He winced slightly and looked back at her before shrugging.
" Probably. " He answered trying to act casual. She frowned.
" I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. " She replied. " I'll explain to Slendy what happened. " She finished, crossing her arms in determination.
" No I'll be fine. " He answered.
" Shhh. I'm doing it whether you want me to or not. " She replied nodding in his direction.
" You're a stubborn 7 year old. " He retorted shaking his head slightly.
" Meh. I know. " She answered smiling.

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