Meeting Back With The Gang - And A Few Unknow To You Proxies

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You felt a hand clasp around your wrist and then pulling you away from BEN and towards the mansion. You looked at the hand and slowly went up the arm to look at the persons face. You sighed exasperatedly.
" Jeff, what are you doing? I was saying hi to BEN. " You pointed out and stopped him from dragging you further. He turned to look at you and frowned.
" Don't you want me to show you your room? " He asked cocking his head to the side slightly.
" Jeff, it's the same room that she used before she moved. You know that. She knows where it is. " BEN looked at him confused. You turned back to Jeff and raised your eyebrow.
" Thanks Jeffy, but I know where it is. So.. Where's Sally? " You asked eager to see the little 6 year old. You had been great friends with her since you had met her when you had been 6 years old. BEN ran up to you, grabbed your hand and pulled you inside.
" Sally! (Y/n)s here! " BEN shouted through the mansion. In mere seconds you heard running down the stairs. You looked towards the stairs and BEN frowned.
" You're not Sally. I specifically called for Sally. " BEN stated looking at the black and white clown that had ran down the stairs. Your face split into a wide smile.
" Laughing Jack! I haven't seen you in 3 years! You haven't changed at all! " You shouted jumping up and down again before bouncing over to him and hugging him tightly. You heard him chuckle before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
" (Y/n), you've grown. " He stated frowning before gently pushing you away and looking you up and down.
" Well yeah. Like I said 3 years, no see. " You informed confused. He grinned at you.
" Remember how small you were? Like you were tiny. " He stated, his grin widening. You gave him a ' seriously ' look and shrugged. You had had a growth spurt in the past two years. When you had last seen them you had measured 4'2 and now you were 5'2.
" Yeah so now I can kick your ass when you steal my things and hold them above your head. " You replied smugly and he chuckled before you heard an excited squeak coming from the stairs.
" (Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)! " Sally screamed, getting more excited every time she said your name. You looked at her and you smiled excitedly before running to meet her.
" Sally! Sally! Sally! " You shouted as you picked her up and spun her around. She giggled loudly until you stopped and hugged her tightly.
" I missed you! " She shouted excitedly clinging to your neck. You giggled and squeezed her.
" I missed you too! " You answered back before attempting to set her back on the floor, she clung on to your neck forcing you to carry on holding her.
" Hey what's with all the commotion? " You heard a voice behind you ask. You turned around with Sally still in your arms. You stopped and looked at the guy. He was wearing a white mask with black features. You frowned at him. He sensed you looking at him and turned to you. He just stood there, staring at you. You frowned.
" Why were you following me today? " you asked and everyone turned to look at the guy.
" Why are you all staring at me? You're the ones that voted for me and Hoodie to go because she didn't know what we looked like and so wouldn't suspect a thing. You guys explain. " He said before crossing his arms. ( So the guy with the black mask with red features must have been Hoodie. )
" Oh right yeah.. " L.J mumbled.
" How the hell did you guys expect me not to suspect a thing? Two guys, in masks might I add, were following me. " You stated looking at them. The front doors opened suddenly and Slender walked in with Smile Dog close behind. Smile Dog spotted you instantly and sauntered towards you. He jumped on you, barking happily, and you bent down, still holding Sally, and scratched him behind the ear. He licked your hand and walked to sit next to Jeff, who was currently sitting on the floor, looking at you. As soon as you saw him look at you, a pink tint appeared on his cheeks and he quickly looked away. You looked at him confused before turning to Slender.
" Why were you guys following me? " You asked him and he turned to face you.
" Well we had to make sure you wouldn't leave before Jeff got to you. So I sent my proxies to make sure we knew where you were at all times. " Slender replied calmly, as if being stalked by his proxies was the most normal thing in the world. You sighed.
" (Y/n), this is boring " Sally added leaning her head back dramatically. You smiled slightly and moved her to your right side.
" Maybe we should go do something then, and leave these boring people behind! " You answered excitedly. She smiled widely looking up at you.
" Tea Party! " You both shouted at the same time, before you ran up the stairs with her and went to Sally's room, leaving confused CreepyPastas behind.

A/n - Well this chapters slightly longer than the last. Hope you enjoyed! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. Im actually really stressing out about exams and stuff, all whilst getting ready to go on vacation. So I'll try to update as soon as possible. Just bear with me! I actually have no idea how many chapters I'm going to make for this story. It was supposed to be a short one, but I guess it isn't turning out that way! That's fine though because I like writing this story. For the next chapter I'm going to write a bit about your past so you get to know yourself better! Which is a bit weird but I hope you like it nonetheless! Comment any feedback and vote if you have time and liked this part! Have a good day/night!

~ Abyss

Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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