Tea Party!!!...

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A/n - Yes, I am aware that I already have a chapter named ' Tea Party ' but I couldn't think of another name for this chapter so here it is!! It's not like we spend ages reading chapter names so I'm guessing it will be fine!!!!

Also, this is going to be a LONG chapter. I figured I owed you all that much :)

~ Abyss


You were awoken from a nap by the ding of your phone. You frowned, rubbing your eyes and reaching for your phone on your bedside table. You opened the text, wincing at the bright light.

Splendy: (Y/nnnnnn)! Me and Sally are having a tea party!! Join us!!

You groaned, dropping your phone onto your bed and rubbing your face with your hands. You looked at the clock and sighed. It was definitely about time you get up from your nap, it had been two hours. You sat up, swung your legs over the side and groaned louder. Well, this was going to be tough.


You had somehow managed to make yourself look presentable after that nap and were now on your way to the game room, where you were hoping they would be since Splendorman hadn't actually texted you the location and had been ignoring your texts. You rolled your eyes remembering that fact as you trudged along the cruise ship, following signs, plus the map you had found in you and Jane's room, hoping you would soon get to your destination. You must have only been walking for a maximum of 5 minutes, but that seemed like an eternity to you, especially after that amazing nap you took, when you finally got to a big door with a sign signalling that you had gotten to your destination, aka the game room. You were slowly, but surely, waking up, and you hoped that soon, you would be able to act like your usual self.

You tapped your cheeks several times before reaching for the door handle, opening it slowly so as to not tire yourself out. You were met with the sight of Sally sat on the floor holding a doll, and Splendor giggling as he held his own doll and made them talk. You couldn't help but smile at the sight before coughing subtly to make them aware of your presence. Sally looked up quickly, her face instantly lighting up, somehow more than it was already, getting up quickly to dash over to you and throwing her doll in the process.

" (Y/n)!! You're finally here!! " She jumped up and down in front of you in excitement. You smiled and placed a hand on your hip.

" Excuse me? Finally here? I got the text 15 minutes ago. I'm pretty damn quick if you ask me. " You responded. Splendor finally made his way over to the two of you after placing down his doll gently and making sure the doll Sally was playing with was alright.

" 15 minutes is so long though!! " He whined. You frowned at him.

" It wouldn't have taken so long if you had replied to my texts. " You grumbled. Okay, it would have because this was your first destination. They didn't need to know that though.

" Yes, well, your texts were boring and I wanted to have a tea party. " He whined again.

" You sound like a child. " You shot back. His features lit up at this.

" Why, thank you!! " You giggled and shook your head.

" Are you guys done? " Sally whined. " I really want to have this tea party... " She trailed off. You hugged her and then Splendor before nodding.

" Right, what first? " You looked at both of them and smiled. This was going to be fun.


You had managed to find a huge crate in the game room full of old dresses and suits and various dress up items. The three of you squealed at your discovery before beginning your search through the huge box. If anyone would have walked in right now, they would have seen various items of clothing and accessories being thrown across the room behind you, as you all searched for the perfect clothing. You had decided you needed to choose an era to have this tea party in, and you had all settled on the 1900's. A quick google image search and your heads were all filled with pictures of dresses and suits from that time, meaning you knew exactly what you were looking for in that box. It took a while to go through every single item of clothing there was in that box, but eventually you all found something. <If you can seen the picture above, then you'll understand this next bit, if not, google ' dresses from the 1900 ' and you should (hopefully) see a picture with many women and dresses with a timeline under, look at this picture to understand the next bit.> You were wearing this dress from the year 1903, with the hat of course <doesn't have to be red>, and Sally was wearing the dress from the year 1905, and yes, it was huge on her. Splendor had found a good suit and had changed into it. You were looking at each other in awe, admiring your clothes and look before smiling at each other and wondering what you should do next.

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