Lucky Charms

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You opened your eyes slowly and sighed. It was still dark, your nightlight being the only source of light in your room. You tried to turn to look at your clock when you felt someone's arm holding you back. You sucked in a breath and turned around to see who the arm belonged to. You saw Jeff with his eye mask, sleeping peacefully, it seemed, his arms around you, holding you tight to himself. You smiled and lay back down on your pillow to try to get some more sleep. You slowly drifted back off to sleep, happily to have the man you loved next to you.

You were back in your old house, your father looking at you above his newspaper with a little smile on his face.
" (Y/n), what are you doing? " He sounded amused. You smiled as you continued dancing in the living room, singing along to Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold. You heard someone walk into the room behind you, so you turned around to see who it was. You were greeted by a woman with light curly brown hair and green eyes. She smiled warmly at you and set a plate of brownies on the coffee table. You stopped dancing and looked at her for a moment.
" M-mum? " You asked, shocked and confused. She smiled at you, though her eyebrows furrowed.
" Yes (Y/n)? Are you okay? You look pale. " The woman, apparently your mother, asked. You shook your head and smiled.
" No sorry, I just had a weird dream I guess. " You laughed lightly and carried on dancing. Your mother looked at you for a while, laughing along before joining you in your dance. Your father shook his head at the both of you before leaning forward and getting a brownie for himself. Your mother rolled her eyes at him and frowned.
" No, honey, that's for (Y/n)s friends. There's more in the oven for you. " Your mum sighed in disappointment, shaking her head at him.
" Oh no! It's moving towards my mouth! Stop it! No! " Your father pretended to try to stop the brownie from going in his mouth for a minute before stuffing it in his mouth and shrugging with a smile. " Not my fault. "
You laughed and your mother sighed again but you could see the smile on her face. This felt right. Like it was meant to be this way.

You woke up suddenly and looked around momentarily, confused as to where you were before remembering it was a dream. ( I miss them so much. ) Apparently your sudden awakening and movements related to you waking up had woken up Jeff who groaned next to you before removing his arm momentarily, only to put it right back after taking his eye mask off. He looked up at you, since you were now sat up in bed and he was still lying down and frowned.
" You look sad. Why are you sad? " He asked and you signed before looking down at him.
" I miss them. " You answered, quietly and your voice cracked slightly making you blush slightly. He frowned and scratched his head whilst yawning before speaking again.
" Who? " He asked causing you to look at him for a while before shaking your head. ( Okay stop, you can't expect him to know who you're talking about, you've never even spoken about them since you've been here. )
" Right sorry, I meant my parents. " You sighed and felt the tears prick at your eyes. You rubbed them away with your fist quickly. Jeff looked at you and frowned.
" No don't cry. " He quickly wrapped his arms around you and dragged you back down so he could hug you against him. Your bodies were pressed against each other, both of you lying on your sides, him looking at you and you looking downwards slightly.
" I know sorry. It's been so long, I should be over this. " You looked at him, and he frowned.
" Hey no. I understand. You don't get over family that quickly. Even if it's been years it will always still hurt. You just have to accept it after a while and know that wherever they are, they're happy and are most likely so proud of how far you got. " He finished and you looked at him, completely speechless. You touched his face lightly and he shuddered from the cold touch.
" Jeff... " You felt yourself tear up again before he shushed you by putting a finger to your lips and his scars grew slightly bigger, from him smiling.
" Hey stop. I'm not going to say things like that again if it makes you cry. Now I'm hungry, so I'm going to eat. I suggest you come before I eat all the food we have, just so you don't have any. " He grinned at the last part before jumping out of bed and running out of the room. You laughed before getting up to run after him.
" Damn it Jeff! " You were both laughing as you ran after him until you both got to the kitchen. Sure enough no one was there, since you had slept in a little too late. You looked at the clock and made a questioning sound. Jeff glanced at you as he pulled some pancakes out of the fridge and put them in the microwave to heat them.
" What's up? " He asked. You looked at him and shrugged.
" It's just that it's only ten and breakfasts at nine. So by nine thirty, everyone should have been finished. Which they are, but it sounds like no ones home, so they were really quick into getting out of the house. " You finished your slightly confusing speech and Jeff looked at you in disappointment.
" You think too much. " He said, through a mouth full of pancakes. Apparently the microwave had beeped whilst you were speaking and somehow you hadn't noticed it. You looked at the plate of pancakes and then at Jeff.
" Can I have one? " You asked. There were about ten in the plate, minus the one Jeff had eaten. He looked confused by your question before smirking.
" Nope. These are mine. Make your own. " He smiled cockily and leant back against the counter. You glared at him.
" Jerk. I think I hate you. " You mumbled. Before grabbing yourself a bowl and pouring yourself some lucky charms. He grinned in triumph before eating his third pancake. You stuck your tongue out at him and ate a spoonful of cereal, trying to make him jealous. He raised an eyebrow at you before shaking his head, through his fourth pancake.
" If you're trying to make me jealous of your cereals then you're failing miserably. I have pancakes. " He picked his fifth pancake from the plate and you scrunched your eyebrows at him.
" 1, you eat too much. 2, I am not failing. 3, it's Lucky Charms. "

A/n- Here's the next chapter! I'm going to try to post a Halloween special, but it might be a little late. Do you guys have any ideas for the plot of the Halloween special? It would help me a lot. Thanks :) Hope  you guys enjoyed this chapter, and As usual, comment any feedback and vote if you have time and liked this part. Have a good day/night!

~ Abyss

Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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