We could never forget you...

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You looked at the teenager standing at the window in shock. He was wearing black jeans and a white hoodie with blood splatters, you didn't really think about those as you were busy looking at his familiar facial features. He had no eyelids and there was a wide, permanent smile cut into his skin. His charcoal black hair fell into his eyes as he stood there grinning at you.
" Hey there (Y/n), did you miss me? " He asked looking at you.
" ....Jeff? What- How? How did you find me again? " You asked, staring at him in disbelief. Sam looked at you confused.
" You know this freak? " He asked looking at you then Jeff. You turned and glared at him.
" Shut up. " Was all you said before turning back to Jeff. His grin became wider.
" I told you we'd find you and bring you back. We wouldn't let you go that easily. You were like family to us. Plus I'm getting tired of playing with Sally. " He answered your question and his grin turned into a smile. You felt tears gathering in your eyes as you looked at him.
" I gave up on waiting for you guys. It's been so long since I left. I thought you all forgot about me. It has been about 3 years after all.." You said smiling whilst shaking your head slightly.
" We could never forget you. " He told you before turning back towards your ex. " Move. Away. From. Her. " He said, his voice turning from kind to evil in mere seconds. Sam tightened his grip on you and sneered at Jeff.
" Make me you freak. " He answered pushing you behind him. Jeff grinned at him.
" With pleasure. " He answered grinning evilly. You backed away from your ex, just as Jeff pounced onto Sam. There was a quick scream before Jeff muffled the scream with his hand, taking his knife out with the other one.
" Go to sleep " He whispered in Sams ear before slicing his neck. Blood pooled on the floor around sam, as Jeff stood up. Jeff looked up at you and smiled awkwardly.
" Sorry you had to see that... " He mumbled, nodding towards the body. You shrugged.
" Nah it's fine. Remember how you killed the kid that bullied me in the forest? I was about... What, 7? You killed him in front of me. I didn't particularly mind it then, so that's not going to change. " You answered smiling widely at him. He scratched his head awkwardly.
" Yeah guess I was a bit too protective back then.. " He mumbled. You smiled before stepping over your boyfriends dead body and hugging him tightly. His body stiffened before he relaxed and wrapped his arms loosely around you.
" I missed you. " You whispered breathing in the familiar scent of blood and soap.
" I missed you too. " He pulled away and grinned at you.
" Well you've definitely grown since last time I saw you. " He pointed out smugly. You glared at him and punched him in the arm. His grin became wider as you sighed.
" Shut up. " You replied crossing your arms. He chuckled before moving on.
" So, are you ready to see the guys again? Also we have some new people since you last visited. "
You grinned back at him and nodded excitedly. " Well let's go! " He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the window, before running towards the forest.

A/n- Sorry for the short chapter guys! I thought this was an ideal place to end this part. Comment any feedback and vote if you have time and liked this part! Have a good day/night!

~ Abyss

Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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