The Perfect Date

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After about another 10 minutes, you were finally at the edge of the forest. Jeff showed no sign or interest of stopping and so you both just carried on.
" Aren't people going to be shocked by.. Well you know. " You asked awkwardly. Jeff turned to look at you briefly before shrugging.
" Well it would be rude if they pointed it out. But you know, I find myself beautiful. Do you find me beautiful? " He asked you with a creepy smile. You tried to back out of his grip but he held on tight.
" Jeff, you're scaring me. " You muttered, looking at the ground. He looked at you quickly before sighing.
" Right sorry. " He stopped walking and turned towards you. In one swift movement, his arms were wrapped around your waist and he hugged you close. " I would never hurt you. I WILL never hurt you. I promise. " He mumbled into your hair as you wrapped your arms around him. You smiled into his chest before pulling away to look into his eyes.
" Shall we get going? " You asked, smiling up at him. He looked down at you and grinned.
" Why of course M'Lady. " He answered before grabbing your hand and pulling you forward again.
" We're here! " Jeff exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. You looked around and chuckled under your breath. He'd brought you to a small restaurant, well it looked like a restaurant anyway. The outside were brown bricks and a black roof, with a sign above what you guessed what the front door, saying ' The Palmy Breeze ' . ( Why on earth would you name your restaurant ' The Palmy Breeze ' . How can a breeze be fricking palmy?! ) You turned to look at Jeff who was smiling at you. He tugged on your hand a little, smiling like a little kid.
" Let's go in. " He said excitedly, bouncing on his feet like a toddler. You giggled and shook your head at him.
" Okay let's go. " You smiled at him before he proceeded in dragging you to the door and into the building. You looked around once you were in and were astonished by what you saw. ( Wow the inside sure looks better than the outside. ) Before you were many tables, draped with white tablecloths, with silver utensils and beautiful wine glasses. You stared quietly, taking in the sight before frowning and turning towards Jeff.
" Can you even afford this? " You asked, looking around again. Jeff turned to look at you and smiled.
" Sure I can. I have money. " He answered crossing his arm in satisfaction. You glanced sideways at him and cocked your head to the side.
" Which you got from- Wait nevermind. I know where you got it from. " You smirked slightly, shook your head and turned towards him, hoping he would go to the desk about a reservation, or something. Anything really.
" (Y/n), you're ruining the romanticness of this date. " He moved from you to the front desk and you hurried forwards, catching up to him quickly. You smiled apologetically before apologising quickly. He smirked at you before turning to the lady at desk. She looked up from the computer screen and her eyes widened momentarily before she coughed to compose herself and smiled politely.
" Hello, how may I help? " She asked, smiling at the both of you.
" We have a reservation for 12:30. " Jeff answered, glancing at you. You smiled and took his hand in yours.
" Of course. Under what name? " She asked, getting ready to type at the computer. Jeff looked from you to her before answering.
" Smith. " He answered confidently, as if he'd said it thousands of times before. You raised your eyebrow at him and smiled again. The woman nodded and got someone to lead you to your seats.
You were sat at your table, Jeff on the opposite side. You had your menu up and were reading the menu descriptions intently. Jeff put his menu down and glanced at you.
" (Y/n), are you ready to order now? " He asked, somewhat impatiently. You glanced form your menu to him before going back to the menu.
" You are so impatient. Just wait a bit more. "
" Are you hungry? "
" Yeah. Well I mean I would probably be more if we hadn't ate breakfast 3ish hours ago. "
" It's not my fault you sleep so late. "
" It's not my fault you woke me up in the middle of the night. "
" Touché. "
You laughed and he looked at you and smirked.
" You have a really cute laugh. " He told you. You stopped laughing abruptly and blushed. His smirk got wider and he looked back at his menu.
You set down your menu 5 minutes after and nodded at him. He smiled in relief and called back the waiter. The waiter soon arrived and smiled at you both.
" Are you ready to order? " He asked politely. You nodded at him and smiled. Jeff looked at his menu and began ordering.
" I'll just have the steak with a side of fries. " He said and you looked back down to your menu to remember what you wanted.
" A portion of lasagna with fries, please. " You smiled at the waiter and he smiled again.
" Of course. It'll be here soon. " He left and you looked back to Jeff who was glaring in your direction. You quirked an eyebrow and gave him a questioning look. He proceeded to ignore you and instead glare in the waiters direction. You rolled your eyes and looked at him in annoyance.
" Jeff, it was a smile. "
" For you maybe. "
" Jeff, I swear. If you're going to be this jealous I might as well leave. "
" But I don't want other guys liking you! "
" Jeff with a face like mine it just comes in the relationship. " You laughed to yourself because you sure were funny.
" Yeah but you're mine! " He sounded like a whiny toddler at this stage and you just stared at him. He slumped down in his seat and pouted at the table. ( Damn he's cute. )
" You're so cute when you do that. " You told him before looking to see if anyone was watching his little tantrum. Luckily, no one was. He threw his arms in the air in exasperation.
" But I don't want to be cute! I want to be intimidating so people won't hit on my girlfriend! " He put his hands down and continued pouting. You couldn't hold it any longer.
" You know... " You started, searching for a way to say this. " We've never really talked about dating. " He looked up at you suddenly. You continued. " I mean, I've never asked you to be my boyfriend, and you've never asked me to be your girlfriend. " He looked at you, trying to comprehend what you were saying. " Not that I don't want to date you, because I do, but we've just never talked about that stuff. " He nodded in understanding just as your food came. The waiter set the food down and smiled at you both.
" Well, enjoy! " He left and you and Jeff were left alone again. Well, as alone as you can be in a restaurant.
" So, why do you like Toad so much? I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a good character, ish, but like, you always use him! " Jeff looked genuinely confused which made you laugh. You shook your head, a smile still on your face before answering.
" Because he's a mushroom, that is alive and he has the cutest voice. Plus he's small so he has less heavy carts. " You answered, putting a forkful of lasagna in your mouth. He nodded, looking up as if in deep though before shrugging.
" Yeah that's fair enough. " He cocked his head to the side and smiled. You rolled your eyes and smiled. ( I could get used to being with him. )

A/n - So here's the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy. Also the picture I've added doesn't really go with this part of the story, but it makes me laugh so much. I Hope you all have a good day/night. If you have time and liked this part, please comment and vote for/on this chapter. Don't forget to follow!


Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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