Putting the plan into action

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You were being quite sneeky, you'll admit that. You looked at Jane from behind the couch you two were hiding behind and frowned. Why did she look better in spy clothes than you did? She was literally all in black, apart from her mask. You were also in black, but your loose shirt made you look like a stalker rather than a sneeky spy. You were in a different living room than where you had initially made the plan, since Jeff hadn't been in that one. Now you were crouching behind a couch next to the one he was sat on. (I hope he doesn't see me because man do I look weird. Okay, I doubt he'll see me, the curtains are pulled back since him and L.J are watching a film. It's dark, I am blending in.) You and Jane had sent L.J to ask Jeff a few questions and pop up a few sentences that were sure to make him jealous. At least you hoped so. 

Jane did a couple of spy hand signals before moving away. You raised your eyebrows. (The hell did that mean? Where did she go? What?)

" Jane! " You whisper shouted. "Come back! " Jane turned around from behind the couch Jeff and L.J were sat on (How did I not see her?) and looked at you for a while.

" (Y/n), I'm right here. " She whispered, the doneness <that's not a word is it> clear in her voice.

You put a finger to your lips to shush her, hoping that would make you seem smart. Jane shook her head at you before you both returned to listening for any noise from Jeff and L.J.

" So, how are... things? " L.J asked Jeff with a rather suspicious pause in the middle.

" Eh, " Jeff answered, his eyes never leaving the screen, " things are okay I guess. " His voice was flat and lacked any emotion whatsoever. You frowned and rolled your eyes.

" What a jerk, " you whispered to Jane, " dumps me and things are freaking okay for him. Screw this guy, I hate him. " You huffed, crossing your arms and sitting on the floor with a pout.

" Well, if you hate him that much then let's cancel this whole plan then. " Jane asked, nonchalantly. You jumped on her arm and shook her.

" Don't you dare. " Jane laughed quietly, proud of herself. You both stopped talking to each other when L.J spoke again.

" You over (Y/n) yet? " L.J asked slyly. Jeff looked from the screen to him for a moment, somewhat in disbelief.

" L.J we broke up yesterday... " He informed him, his voice sounding as though he was concerned for L.J's health.

" So is that a yes? " L.J continued. (Ah, good old L.J having my back, what a good friend!)

" Of course not you idiot! It was yesterday damn it! It could have been a month and I still wouldn't be over her! I love her for Pete's sake and here you are asking me if I'm over her! " Jeff shouted, holding his hands in tight fists on his lap. You froze. (Love? What?)

L.J looked at him, taken aback.

" You... love her? " He asked. Jeff realised suddenly what he had said and buried his head in his hands.

" Don't tell anyone. Especially not her... Please L.J... " Jeff muttered miserably, his voice muffled by his hands. L.J breathed in loudly before patting his head. (Oopsie daisy)

" I won't tell anyone. I promise. I can't guarantee no one will have heard you since you shouted it, but no one will hear it from my mouth. " L.J thought for a second before flicking Jeff on the head. Jeff looked up quickly and glared.

" The hell was that for?! " He asked, annoyance clear in his voice. L.J had his hands on his hips, like a sassy person.

" You love her and you dumped her?! When it was clear that she loved you too?! You love her and you broke her heart?! You freaking jerk! " L.J raised his voice slightly. You frowned. (Excuse me L.J? Who gave you the right to tell him I love him?)

" She loves me? " Jeff asked, confusion and realisation <filling> his features. L.J looked at him in a ' duh ' way and nodded once. " Well someone could have told me damn it. Like her maybe. "

" Really? (Y/n) could barely admit that she had feelings for you and you think she'll be the first to say ' I love you ' ? " He asked. Jeff huffed.

" Okay, fine. Breaking up with her was a dick move. " Jeff finally admitted. You resisted fist-bumping the air and doing a victory dance and instead smiled smuggly at Jane, who promptly ignored you. (Rude jerk).

" The dickiest. " L.J added. You had to resist the urge to laugh so much that your face went red and you almost choked. You giggled silently along with Jane.

" You're an idiot. " Jeff shook his head and laughed a little. " So, do you think i should just say sorry and see how that goes? " He asked L.J.

" Oh yeah, definitely apologise. " Jeff nodded at L.J as L.J smiled. " Wow, didn't even need to make him jealous. " Jeff turned his attention from the tv bck to L.J.

"What did you say? " You and Jane froze, afraid that your cover had been blown.

" I was talking about the film. " L.J answered. Jeff nodded and they both went back to enjoying the film in silence.

You glanced at Jane and motioned to the door. She nodded and you both waited for the perfect opportunity to sneakily leave the room.

An explosion suddenly filled the room and you both took the opportunity to crawl out of the room and into the safety of the outside.

A/n - WOOH SO LONG NO SEE GUYS. I MISSED WRITING. STUPID COLLEGE AND THE NINE HOUR DAYS. But I am back! And will hopefully stay back but I can never be sure how much work I'll get from college... Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this part. As usual, don't forget to vote and comment if you have time and liked this part. Following wouldn't do any harm either am I right or am I right :)))) I love you all, thank you for putting up with my lack of updates.

~ Abyss

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