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- new start .

tw/ : slurs

Jake walked around the hallways of his school. He looked here and there and it felt calm for him until he heard some commotion near the lockers, where a person was rounded up between some students and they looked up at them with a fearful expression.

"What's up fag? I heard that you did some confession to her?"

"First, you make out with other fags and then you show up to confess to my girl?"

"You don't know that im trying to hit on her and you dare to touch her-"

"I only spoke to her! and why are you guys being like-"

what's the matter with these people?

Before the boy could argue, he got bet up. Jake lowered his head, sighing as he couldn't do anything except for watching him get beaten. Then he heard some students talking about a fight. "Hey, we heard that there's a fight on the rooftop, let's go and watch!"

so much of violence and gossips..

As he tried to ignore whatever he despises, all of it kept haunting him. He hated such toxic environment. The male walked ahead and opened a door, revealing his homeroom teacher and his parents in the room.

He got confused about why they were here and then his father showed him his results paper. "What have you been doing all this time? do you think this is a good results? do you think C's and B's are good?!

And you failed two subjects!" Jake's eyes got wide and he looked at the papers, shaking his head as a no. "Thats- That c-cannot happen! I studied well-"

"We had such high expectations on you Jake." His teacher replied. "You're only here to disappoint us and nothing more-"

"That's not true!" He raised his voice, he wanted to prove them that they were wrong but then his father raised his hand, ready to throw a slap at him.. but then-

Jake suddenly woke up, breathing heavily and looked around to find himself in his new home. "Oh god.. no.. no.." he put his face in his hands, realising it was just a bad dream. Later, he got up and started to get ready for his first day.

It was sort of common for him to get such kind of dreams, after all, he was bought up in such environment, except for the abuse which was minimised for good.

toxic school and academic pressure.

His parents, more like, only his father was strict only when it came to his academics, his childhood wasn't that good as compared to others. His father controlled him all the time, always wanting his son to shine. Jake understood that his dad wanted him to walk in a good path.

He had to ignore sports because of his dad. And yeah, he had to follow him. But he was still good at all other activities.

"Sports is just a waste of time and it wouldn't-" Alright we got your point, Mr. Sim. Study well and have a bright future. Physical education was important as well, so he let him join those classes.

And coming to his school, his school had a toxic atmosphere. It was basically a hell hole, filled with bullies, homophobes and what not. His school isn't very ideal but it was just the way it was. Jake hated it. He HATED it a lot.

And luck was on jake's side. His parents got a new job at some other city. His parents gave him two options: stay in the boarding school or come with them.

Jake didn't take much time to make his decision, he chose to go with them and now here he was.

Jake had a nice lengthy shower before he got out, went back to his room, dried his hair, and put his clothes on. He made sure to sort his clothes out in the mirror, making sure that the looked smart before he grabbed his phone and his bag and to eat his breakfast and then he made his way to the school.


"Dont let yourself get distracted."

"Alright mom-"

"Make sure to eat properly."

"Alright mom, now-"

"And stay safe."

After a short pause, Jake gave a nod to his mother and tried to speak but then his mother chose to cut him off again.

"And be careful with the new people!"

"Okay mom, I understood. I'll be going now. i have to meet the principal." He said, getting out of the car.

it was just like sending off an elementary kid to their school.

"Take care jake..! Good luck with your first day! I love you!"

He nodded while throwing his bag on his shoulder and grabbed his sweater. "Yeah, you too. Love ya!.." he said while walking away.

He let out a small sigh as he walked towards the entrance, the campus was huge and prestigious of course and it was the ambience was good, until he saw few groups of people here and there.

All he hoped was there was no violence. He wasn't a victim of bullying, he used to get bullied for being a nerd but he was strong enough to stand up for himself. He just hated violence and didn't show much interest to these stuff.

As he went inside he did hear few whispers and got few stares from others, who were mostly girls. But Jake chose to ignore them and walked straight to the principal's office.

"mm.. see that Ari?"

"What is it?" Hae, who was leaning on the wall with a phone in her hands while looking at Jake's figure walking off, asked the other.

"Wow.. new fish?" she raised a brow.

"Meal, Ari. Meal!" she said, correcting her. "Yeah but he seems new. I think he's a new student.." Ari replied.

"I don't care about that, I wanna talk to him."

No lie but, Jake could be considered as an attractive and good-looking person, with nice hair, a charming smile, and a unique sense of style. He stood tall and lean, with a masculine yet fit physique. He always seemed to have a flair that made him stand out. He could be well-groomed and dress in a style that reflects his individuality and personality, and his overall appearance is very captivating.

There was something about him that drew people in, his cool and confident demeanor and his soft and gentle personality.

Jake went to the principal's room and he greeted her with a bow. "Good morning.." She greeted him back, checking some file. "You must be Sim Jake, the transfer student?"

"yes, Mrs. Han."

Sohee pulled out a file and put it on the desk and asked him to sign some sheet. "I'll make some arrangements for you later, so that you can check the campus. For now, you can go to your class."

As he left, he took his phone out and checked his schedule and put it away, now searching for his first class.

He took directions from a staff member and walked towards there. As he wondered how his new school would be- Jake got pushed to aside to the wall..

Which was an accident of course.

"Dude - what the hell?!" Jake exclaimed in disbelief as he watched. However, no one seemed to pay any mind to his words.

"Hold this, will ya?" a purple-haired guy in front of him remarked in a slight and breathy tone, pushing his bag to Jake's chest as he faced away from him.

what a lovely day..

- - -

A/N: finally! first chap is published > <

- originally written on: 10.29.23
published on: 11.11.23

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