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Sunghoon didn't look at Jake when he stood by the door. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and focused on the desk in front of him, not looking up.

Jake sat adjacent to him and sighed to himself, contemplating if he should speak to him or stay quiet. he couldn't tell if he was still mad about the situation, he didn't wanted to worsen his mood even more.

"you got something to say?" Sunghoon asked suddenly as he felt his stare. and surprisingly his tone was calm.

"Uh..." Jake stumbled over his words, surprised. A part of him was relieved after knowing that he was composed, despite his disheveled appearance.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern as he saw the cuts and bruises on his face, looking as if he lost a war.

Another part of him wondered how to begin the conversation or what he should say right now. And his overthinking made him anxious. He was worried that if he started talking, he'd become riled up again.

"hm?" Hoon looked at him, expecting him to say something.

"Thanks..?" Jake blurted out.

"For what?" Sunghoon raised a brow. "I didn't do much." he added.

"Back at the principal's office.." He trailed, earning a little nod from Sunghoon. "Thank you for that.." he mumbled.

"Don't mention it." He said back, looking at the desk again.

The raven haired went quiet again before he stared at the other, watching him wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth. He noticed the cuts on his face he decided to treat them.

He stood up and gestured for Sunghoon to follow him. "c'mon." he said. The latter looked up at him with a questioning gaze, still sitting in his seat. "Where are we going?" he inquired.

"Infirmary." Jake replied.

Sunghoon tried to brush it off, saying "It's alright." "No, let's go." But Jake was insistent, gently grabbing his arm and tugging. Sunghoon watched him for a moment before finally nodding, giving in to Jake's persistence.

He stood up reluctantly and Jake took him towards the infirmary. After he led him there, he sat him down on the bed. 

Hoon sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze wandered around the room and then focused on the other. He watched quietly as Jake rummaged through the various items, picking out the essential ones and placing them on the side.

"An ice pack should be enough." He suggested. "Then what about the cuts? I can't just leave them like that." Jake grabbed an ice pack for Sunghoon as he spoke.

Sunghoon remained silent, his gaze on Jaeyun as he sat in front of him, holding an ice pack and a damp cloth. "You're worrying a lot," Sunghoon mumbled. "but thanks," he said, appreciating his concern. He placed the ice pack against the areas that stung, letting out a soft sigh as he did so.

Jake didn't say anything but glanced at Sunghoon and hummed in response as he began to clean the blood from the cuts. However, when Sunghoon winced in pain, Jake stopped his actions for a moment.

"Sorry.." He murmured before he continued to clean the cuts more gently.

The room was clouded with silence until Jake spoke up again. "You..should've not done that all that. And now your parents would know about this and-"

Sunghoon looked at Jake, raising a brow. he shook his head slowly, cutting in, "you don't have to worry about them. i can manage it."

"Are you sure?"

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