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"How did you guys break up anyway?" Sunghoon inquired curiously.

Jake smiled slightly as he gazed down at the glass. "Actually, I left him. He was toxic, and my patience with him ran thin, so I decided to end things after dealing with him for a while.."

and the time passed with them talking to each other about random stuff.

Sunghoon gave him a slight smile, chuckling as he spoke about random topics related to science. "Alright genius, you've drank enough," he remarked, pulling Jake's glass away because he was starting to get a little tipsy.

"let's go back to them." Sunghoon murmured, taking one last sip from his glass and standing up. "C'mon," he gently grabbed his arm and led Jake to the others.

Hoon sat him down and sat alongside him. Jake literally spoke about random topics while watching him with a tiny smile. He was adorable like that, saying anything came to mind.

At the moment, a girl showed up, sitting next to Jake. She was completely wasted, giggling and babbling random stuff. Jake and Sunghoon focused their attention on the female, who began to approach Jake and put her arms around his neck.

Both of them were surprised, and Sunghoon became concerned, thinking that Jake was becoming uncomfortable because of her, but he showed no signs.

Instead, he kept the girl close by but not too close. Sunghoon seemed bewildered as he continued to watch him.

The girl who was sitting with him was none other than Heeseung's date. He looked around for the girl till he found her with Jake.

Heeseung was taken aback and simply stared at Jake, slowly taking in the scene and processing everything. Jake simply took advantage of the circumstance. He maintained his arm around her shoulder and gazed back at him with a tiny grin, suddenly daring.

However, Jake was unaware that she was Heeseung's date. He knew nothing about it. He was merely thinking about the earlier bet that Heeseung made.

Heeseung misunderstood the situation, and soon, the shock on his face was replaced with anger.

He moved towards them and grabbed her arm, drawing her away from Jake. "Get away from him." he said in a low tone, trying not to lose his cool in front of others.

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows in surprise as he saw the girl being carried away. Jake was simply satisfied as he watched the other take the girl away.

"let's go and get another drink." Jake stood up, after a bit, and Sunghoon glanced at him, puzzled.

Later, everyone began to return to their own places, and Sunghoon chose to drop Jake off at his residence.

He took him out of the club and led him to his car. Then he helped him in getting into the passenger seat. "Be careful, you'll hit your head," he said softly, placing his hand over his head as he sat him down.

Then he fastened the seatbelt for him and entered inside the car. He started the ignition and drove away, again listening to Jake's random talking on his way to his  towards his place.

"no but, you should've seen the look on heeseung's face when I proved him wrong." Jake giggled a little.

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow at that. "Proved him wrong?" What do you mean by that?" he questioned, staring at him before returning his attention back on the road.

Jake, who was in a tipsy state, gazed ahead with hooded eyes and started mumbling some stuff.

"he made a stupid bet.."

Jake took while to get the words out, and Sunghoon did his best to understand while he drove. Finally, he understood the story, and Sunghoon gave out a soft sigh. He only felt bad about how Heeseung continued to mistreat him, despite the fact that he hadn't done much wrong.

He knew Heeseung was a troublemaker who always did such things, but Sunghoon didn't understand why he was always bugging him.

"You should've disagreed..-" he continued, but he paused when he caught sight of him sleeping peacefully.

"Alright," Sunghoon murmured, turning his head ahead after a while. He remained focused on the road, and the car eventually came to a stop.

Sunghoon stopped in front of his house and got out of the car. He helped Jake out, moving his unconscious form to his place. He took the keys from his pocket and opened the door, taking him in.

He removed his shoes and led him to a room, and laid him down on the bed, making sure he was comfortable. Then he went to get a water bottle and put it on the nightstand.

Sunghoon even wrote him a message and placed it alongside the bottle. He watched Jake sleep happily for a moment before leaving his place.

Jake awoke the next morning to find himself in his room, on the bed. He pondered how he got there, and then the memories of the previous night hit him, and he slowly remembered the happenings. He gave out a quiet groan, feeling his head ache a little.

He brushed his hair back while looking around to find a bottle and a note placed on the nightstand. He leaned towards it, grabbing the note.

'call me after you wake up'
– sunghoon

Ah, right, he brought me here, Jake thought to himself. A few occurrences remained a haze to him.

He sat back against the headboard, calming himself before picking up his phone to call Sunghoon.

"hey, good morning.. are you alright now?"

As soon as the call connected, he heard a raspy voice on the other end of the line. "A little better..." Jake responded. "and thank you for last night."

Sunghoon and him spoke for a bit before returning to their own work. Jake sighed quietly as he got out of bed and began his routine late and slowly.

Meanwhile, Sunghoon remained in his own bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't help but recall yesterday night's incident when Jake mentioned Heeseung.

He wanted to talk about it with him, but he didn't think it was the right time, so he planned to talk about it tomorrow.

he got a bit worried.

or maybe a bit too much.

the next day.
at school.
Jake didn't bother remembering or thinking about what happened that night. He just focused on his own work.

Sunghoon approached him at that very moment, tapping him on the shoulder, and told him to accompany him somewhere.

He got confused, but he went on with it,  following Sunghoon, also questioning him in between, until his tracks came to a halt near some room.

Jake stopped as well and stood behind him, with a confused look, but his gaze shifted to the guy ahead to see Heeseung. And he didn't seem happy.

- - -

– 06.12.24

A/N : don't know what im writing but neo ttaemune onmomi taolla neo ttaemune simjangi mongmalla
like a feverrr fever fever fever !!

hope you guys are doing welll !

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