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Jake only looked at him in utter shock while the male started to fight with some other and he was left there standing while holding his bag.

Everyone's attention in the hallway was set on them and they roared in excitement, watching them fight. Jake watched them, still shocked. It was clear that their fight had become the center of attention for everyone in the hallway, and the crowd continued to cheer on their favorites.

He had enough of it and then the purple haired male got pushed to his side again and Jake dropped his bag, pushing him again. He lost his balance and fell on the floor and other students looked at them in shock, gasping and mumbling at the sight.

"You think you can just push others around and get them hurt?"

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you see that we're busy with something?" The male glared at Jake.

Using this scene as an advantage, others tried to attack them and the guy on the floor grumbled. "Move the fuck away!"

Jake attempted to do something but then, he got pushed away and the purple haired guy's friend knocked one out. Now it was his chance to knock the other out. As he grabbed the guy's collar, a loud whistle interrupted them which made their heads turn to the source, just to find the coach and the principal on his side.

"Oh shit! It's coach boomer-"

"Damn, the fun was just started!" Few students mumbled to each other.

In an instant, the students in the hallway hurried off to their respective classrooms. However, the four students who had gotten into a fight remained there and Jake looked at them for one last time before he walked away. Although he was still furious with the guy, he ultimately decided that it was best to leave him be and focus on other matters.

"What the hell are you doing?" The coach asked them, while the principal stood beside him with her arms crossed, looking at them with a serious look.

- at the principal's office .

All the four students who got into a fight were there inside with the principal. the two students, except for the purple haired male and his friend, looked uneasy as they stood in the principal's office.

"-it's nine in the morning and you guys just proceeded to fight in the open hallways? And it's not my first time to see you getting involved in such activities, Heeseung. I already told-.."

The principal was scolding them for their fight, even though it started over a bet. No one wanted to speak about the true cause of the fight and kept calm, taking her scoldings. But Heeseung, being Heeseung, he didn't plan on staying quiet and watch.

He struggled to keep his cool while being scolded by the principal. He kept trying to argue back, blaming the other two students.

"They started that, and I was just defending myself."

Sohee wasn't having any of it. She was visibly irritated by Heeseung. The tension in the air was palpable and Heeseung felt like he was being unfairly treated.

"It's pointless to argue, Heeseung. You must accept your responsibility and stop arguing." She warned him.

This made Heeseung feel like he was being wrongfully accused and blamed for something he didn't do. However, the principal seemed unfazed by his claims, she proceeded to give them a warning and a three-hour detention and Heseung was given a special punishment.

- after their dismissal .

Heeseung, with a look of annoyance on his face, walked out of the principal's office with his friend, Jay, on his side.

Jay laughed at Heeseung for arguing with the principal and getting himself into trouble, which only annoyed Heeseung further. He didn't find it funny and punched Jay in response.

Jay's eyebrows raised in surprise and he had a slight frown on his face, but he was still giggling. "C'mon," Jay said with a teasing tone, "if you didn't argue like that, she wouldn't have made you the janitor."

Heeseung glared at Jay, "Shut up."
"Nah, I don't take orders from you. Instead, the janitor takes my orders." Jay teased him more. And then Jay threw his bag at Heeseung, but Heeseung threw it back at him.

"Shut up, before I fuck you up," Heeseung glared. But Jay didn't seem to care and continued chuckling. "You're all bark but no bite," he laughed, to which Heeseung ignored him and walked off.

"Let's skip the classes, what do you say?" Jay followed Heeseung and said, "We can't skip the classes."

"Have fun then, I'm leaving." He said back. "We can skip the detention but classes? that's not gonna happen." Heeseung just scoffed and said, "Don't worry, I can make it happen." Jay rolled his eyes and followed Heeseung.

Heeseung was known as the rich and popular athlete in school, known for his pride and confidence. He was seen as a player and a heartthrob among the female students, who swooned over his personality and appearance.

And he even have some interesting flaws. For instance, he can be quite arrogant and confident in himself, not afraid to speak his mind and make his voice heard and, has anger issues, and isnt always willing to admit his mistakes or he just throws the blame at others.

On the other hand, he values his pride and self-esteem. He was known to be he had a bit of a tough and harsh personality, lacking in kindness and empathy, preferring to speak his mind rather than apologize for what he said.

While these flaws are certainly not exactly "good," they also didn't make Heeseung a "bad" person per se. overall, Heeseung came across as a dominant male figure, with a strong personality and presence.

Coming to Jay, he was a popular individual as well, widely known for his athleticism and for being a funny and lively person. He was a friend to Heeseung, and they were often seen together, like a pair of partners in crime.

Jay may have not been the nicest person, but he had a lighthearted and laid back personality and positive attitude towards life and always knew how to make others laugh. he could sometimes come across as a bit moody and rude, but for the most part, he was well-mannered and respectful towards others. He was also a caring person, especially towards Heeseung and the rest of his friends.


And Jake finally made his way to the classroom. He stood in front of the entrance, taking in a quick glance at the surroundings and sighing softly. Anxiousness filled his chest, causing some tension within him.

After taking a deep breath to ease the nerves, he entered the room. He found his way towards an empty seat at the side, ignoring all the stares that were cast in his direction.

Jake made his way to his seat in the classroom. As he took out his belongings from his bag, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find a smiling face greeting him.

His eyes were filled with a warm, bubbly gaze. Jake could even see dimples on display, making the individual look even more adorable and friendly than before.

"Hey, you must be the new student! your name?"

Jake was initially surprised by the other's sudden greeting, but he was also relieved. He was not expecting such a friendly welcome so soon, and was unsure if he would have the courage to approach anyone on his own.

maybe this wouldn't be bad..

"I'm Jake Sim.." he replied after a pause.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yang Jungwon!"

Jake knew that this experience at the new school wouldn't be as hard as he previously thought.

- - -

A/N: i suck at this plspls
andd have a good day guys <3

–  originally written: 11.15.23
published: 11.16.23

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