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"You don't give up that easily, don't you?" Heeseung tilted his head. Jake didn't give an answer, but he just looked back at him.

Heeseung cleared his throat slightly, feeling uncomfortable because of the awkward silence and clouding. "Earlier, you were so desperate to talk to me. What's the matter now?" he asked.

Jake blinks and furrows his brows slightly. "Shut up." I wasn't desperate. "You are." Heeseung cut him off, putting his hand inside his pocket and fishing out a lighter and a cigarette.

"Always desperate to prove your point. but for what sake?"

Jake looked at the stuff he was taking out of his pocket and then at him. "Could you stop and let me speak?" he asked.

Heeseung put the stick between his lips and looked at him. "Alright, five minutes, and I'm leaving."

Jake sighed softly. "okay..? but could you not?" He looked at the cig. Heeseung looked at him and lit the end of the cigarette anyway, making Jake maintain some distance between them.

"What's wrong?" he asked, blowing the smoke out. "I- I can't bear the smell of it," Jake said, turning away.

"You're definitely a perfect example of a nerd," he said, earning a glare from the latter.

The purple-haired took a long drag from the cigarette and glanced at Jake with a small grin. "Anyway, you gotta be quick, Mr. Perfect."

"I don't have all day just to listen to your shit." "Okay!" Jake said, slightly annoyed by his behavior now.

"Can't you just be normal with me? or- or.. I cant be treated normally? You're just pissed off with me all the damn time."

"What are you trying to say?" The other raised a brow. Jake paused for a little before replying. "We can't just be friends or something like that," he asked.

Heeseung took another puff before discarding the cigarette and looking at him. "Well, that's going to suck."

Jake's face dropped immediately. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"It's not going to happen," Heeseung replied bluntly. The raven-haired scoffed at that. "thats it?"

"You don't want others to know what happened when you spoke in the class alone. And now you're like, us being friends is something that's not going to happen?"

"dude. calm down, will ya? The year just started, and you just joined, and it hasn't even been a week yet."

"no heeseung. You never apologized to me in the first place, and the others are thinking that you apologized to me and we're cool?" jake argued.

"In front of others, you're calm. and while we're alone, you're always behind me, trying to harm me."

"We're literally alone right now. Did I even touch you?" Heeseung raised a brow.

"..no? but- that's not the point!" Jake shook his head. "Then what's the point?" Heeseung asked, blinking innocently.

"Are you being serious? Do you act dumb all the time, or is it just now?"

"Aren't you the one who acts dumb?" Heeseung asked calmly, making his way towards the other now. "Youre such a dickhead." jake sighed.

"no. That's you, and you're getting carried away. again. always complaining about something or the other without even making your stupid point."

"Don't try to come closer." Jake stepped back. "oh? Are you worried about the smoke and all that? relax. Just inhaling a bit doesn't make you go nuts or turn you into a smoker. You're just overreacting."

"I just can't bear the scent of it, dumbass."

"Mr. Moral's overreacting as always." Heeseung shook his head and crossed his arms while leaning his back against the wall. "And you're annoying as always." Jake said back.

"See, you're just spewing shit instead of talking business." Heeseung clicked his tongue. Jake rolled his eyes at that and turned to him. "You can't be friends with me, you don't want that."

"and at the same time, you want others to know that we're cool." Heeseung raised a brow at that, but he just kept quiet and continued to listen to Jake.

"and..remember Jungwon? when he told you,"

"Wait, all of this for Jungwon's sake?" Heeseung chuckled. "huh?" Jake blinks in confusion.

"Do you want to be friends with me just because Jungwon wants you to be close with all of us, or is it just your interest?" asked Heeseung.

"I- uh.. I just want to have a peaceful year at school-" Jake went on. "Forget about Jungwon." Heeseung spoke up, turning towards him, standing a bit close to him.

Jake stood stiff and looked up at him, gulping a little. "Just be honest with me."

"y..yeah? It's just my interest." he mumbled. "hm? So it's not about Jungwon? Because even Jay.. Jay was implying that." Heeseung replied back.

"Ouh, I dont know about that- As I said, I want to have a peaceful year.. w..we.. we could be friends instead of fighting or arguing over something stupid." Jake said.

Heeseung looked down at him with a small smirk. "cute." he chuckled a little. "Gosh, how much time do you even spend with Jungwon?"

"You literally sound like him, all sunshine and rainbows."

Jake sighed softly and kept his gaze on the other. "Just..keep Jungwon out of this conversation and tell me whatever you want to say now."

"What should I say?" Heeseung asked. Jake furrowed his brows lightly and looked at him. "Seriously?"

"What are you expecting from me? friendship?" He scoffed playfully. "I think you know what my answer is going to be." He smiled, standing more closer to him.

such a waste of time.

Jake looked back at him with a glare. "Youre such a-" he clenched his fist, looking down with a sigh. but then he shook his head and pushed him off, making his way outside the corridor.

As he was about to walk off, Heeseung grabbed his arm and pushed him back. He pushed him to the wall gently and kept him pressed, along with his hand. Now he got playful all of a sudden.

Jake struggled in his grip and tried to push him away with his free hand, but the other didn't even budge. Heeseung clicked his tongue, watching all of his attempts go futile. "Heeseung!" Jake bawled a little.

He was already annoyed by his antics, but Heeseung kept annoying him further. "M..move-!" he gritted his teeth as he held his collar now.

The other looked down at him with a wide smirk. "Woah woah. easy there." He took his hand up to take Jake's hand off his collar. "Let's take this off from there and put it down." Heeseung chuckled.

He squeezed his hand gently. "Now there's no need to get all aggressive, bub."

"I don't get why Jungwon and others are friends with an asshole like you!" Heeseung looked down at him in surprise, still smiling. He took his hand up to his hair and brushed it gently. "Aw, jealous much?" He laughed softly.

Jake swiped his hand away and tried to push him away again. "You...w-wasted my time-"

"Don't complain about it. I already gave you a heads-up earlier. but you chose to ignore it."

Heeseung smiled at him, fully entertained. "Shut the fuck up and get off!" Jake yelled. The taller suddenly covered his mouth with his hand and looked around.

"Okay, now don't yell; others might see us and think that we're doing something nasty." He sighed, loosening his grip, and moved back just a little.

Jake pulled his hand off and breathed a bit heavily. "If I didn't try to push you off, you'd definitely be doing that stuff. cause that's what you do, right?"

Heeseung made a disgusted face immediately. "with you? What the fuck, dude? Thats so fucking gross!" Jake took his chance and pushed him off finally, still glaring at him. "Stupid fuck," and then he walked off while bumping shoulders.

Heeseung took a moment to process and turned his head back to watch him walk off with a small grin plastered on his lips.

"alright then."

–after school.
"oh c'mon! Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Jungwon asked Jay while following him behind.

"nope. its a surprise." He smiled, walking towards the exit.

"ahh hyung! pleasee?" Jungwon pleaded, but Jay didn't say anything. "Have patience, Wonnie; you'll see it yourself." he smiled.

Both of them walked out, and there was Jake following them from the back, third-wheeling. And just then, Heeseung had to show up.

"yo Jay! lets go." He just spawned from the side suddenly.

The group's attention turned to the purple-haired. Jay stopped in his tracks and looked at him, raising a brow. "Go where?" he asked. Heeseung turned to him and glanced at Jake and Jungwon behind him.

He just looked back at Jay, gave some signals with his eyes, and tilted his head. "Oh, I was going to go out with Jungwon." "Jay, it's important." He cut him off.

Jay sighed softly, turning to Jungwon with an apologetic look. "It's alright, hyung!" Jungwon replied, flashing a bubbly smile. Jay bit his inner cheek, hesitating to leave him. "y..you..sure?" He asked him.

Heeseung rolled his eyes and patted his shoulder. Jake watched the whole scene and looked at Heeseung. He looked back at Jake with a smirk and turned to Jay again. "I'll be at the parking lot." With that, Heeseung left, making his way towards the parking lot.

Jake watched him walk off, and he let out a small sigh, knowing his stupid intentions, but he remained quiet. "There's always a next time," Jungwon said to Jay.

The elder paused for a bit before nodding slowly. "Aight, take care then. see you tomorrow," he said to the younger. Then he turned to Jake, waving. He waved back with a small smile, and both, him and Jungwon watched Jay leave them alone.

"So, he left," Jungwon said, looking at the direction in which he left off.

"It's okay, I'll accompany you." "Ouh, thank you!!" Jungwon smiled at him. Jake scrunched his nose at the aggressive thanking, but he ended up smiling in the end.

then both of them did the usual thing: talk about their day, also about some random stuff, and a complete five-minute ted talk, especially about Jay, and of course, it was Jungwon who was talking, and return back to their places.

And thankfully, it was a weekend tomorrow, so Jake was relieved that he wouldn't have to deal with anyone from school, especially Heeseung.

Maybe he was less worried about Heeseung by now, but Sunghoon was still on his mind.

Well, he hoped that he wouldn't stay mad for long. So, he decided to apologize to him. Jake grabbed his phone and stared at the screen. "nevermind.."

He wasn't even prepared for this. So again, Jake decided not to. He just thought it would be better if he brushed it off, maybe?

But for how long?

The next time he went back to school, he ran into Sunghoon. What a good start to the day!

"watch it-"

Jake looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm so sorry.."

Sunghoon looked back at him and blinked. "Oh, it's you."

The latter gulped as their eyes met. He clutched the strap of his bag tightly, putting up an awkward smile. "Sorry for that," Jake said softly.

"its alright." Sunghoon replied back and looked away. "I.. uh, I gotta go now," he said, leaving without another word.

"Bye," Jake mumbled as he left.

Well, it's going to be a hell of a ride from now on.

- - -

– 02.10.24

A/N : double updatee !! (cant believe i wrote down all of this shamelessly instead of studying for the exams coming up this month. i love 20 cube omg.)

Anyway! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter? idk but bruh ninth chapter made me wanna cry cause wtf was that. im actually cryingng

i hope you guys are doing well ! take care, stay safee and have a good day/night !

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