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"And yes. I do hate it when you mention about him."

Jake's thoughts revolved around what Sunghoon had said, going over the words and the way he had said them in his mind again and again.

After some time had passed, more than ten minutes to be exact, Jake let out a soft sigh and stared at the empty board. Jungwon looked over to him with concern, wondering what was going through his mind.

"Are you done staring?" asked Won.

"This is for the fifth time I'm saying this, I'm working on the equations," In a calm voice, replied Jake. "You're just staring at the damn board!" The latter complained.

He chose to ignore his complaints and continued to stare at the board. Even though he acted like he was contemplating how to solve the equation, his thoughts were still on Sunghoon's words earlier.

He couldn't stop himself from letting his mind wander and thinking about what happened earlier.

He bit the end of his pen, staring at the board as his thoughts continued to go back to the incident with Sunghoon earlier. He put on an act in front of Jungwon by making it seem like he was preoccupied with the equations, but his mind was still stuck on the interaction. After a moment, he finally let out a small sigh and looked down at his book.

Jungwon snatched Jake's books and started working on the equation. The raven haired, raised his eyebrows in surprise when he did that. "You're so slow" Jungwon said with contempt.

Jake chuckled at the sight of him quickly doing the equations and handing him the book back. He looked down at the book and grabbed his pen, ready to strike out the entire page.

Jungwon looked at him with a startled expression. "Why'd you do that?" he asked. Jake was finally packing up his items, seemingly ready to leave.

"You answered a completely unrelated question. Don't be hasty, Jungwon." Jake smiled at the him, ruffling his hair, which made the latter sigh loudly.
Jungwon proceeded to throw complains at him for taking a while to do the equations. "You're just too slow."

Later on, both of them ended up back at their places. Now, Jake was found lying down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling.

Sunghoon's mad and Heeseung didnt show up.

Maybe he's mad too.

Of course, he is. When was he not mad.

Jake's thoughts continued to bother him as he got up and headed into the bathroom. He took his coat and shirt off, as he stepped in.

He went to take a warm shower and try to clear his mind. However, it didn't work as intended, and his thoughts continued to drift towards his interactions with Heeseung and Sunghoon earlier.

After finishing up with his routine, he decided to study but again, his attention kept diverting. He started to wonder what was wrong with Sunghoon. And Heeseung? He simply wanted to sort out things with him.

He could've left him off but-

Oh right, I could leave this matter here.

No wait, Sunghoon's in a bad mood. Then what if Heeseung show up when there's no Sunghoon-

Jake lowered his head onto the book and groaned to himself, "Oh God."

Why the hell did I pull myself into this shit.

– the next day.
During the recess, Jake started to roam around the corridors, searching for the specific someone. Then he found Ni-ki talking to some guys so he went to ask for him.

"Him? Uhm.. Probably in the classroom or nearby." Ni-ki answered.

Then he walked towards his classroom and searched for him around. Right then, he walked into Sunoo. "Hey Jake- Oh- What's the rush?" Sunoo asked, watching him go.

"Searching for Heeseung."

Sunghoon was standing behind Sunoo and listening to the conversation. As soon as he heard the name, "Heeseung," he looked back quickly at Jake, who seemed eager to find him.

What's up with him now?

Jake didn't realize Sunghoon was there but he was just too immersed in his search. After a lot searching and searching, he finally found Heeseung alone, nearby the corridor, with a girl, flirting..?

okay..? didn't knew that he got a girlfriend?

Jake took a moment to consider whether he should call him or not. But, wouldn't it be rude if he interrupted them?

However in the end, Jake decided to interrupt them regardless. He was tired of being too kind to him. "Heeseung!"

The purple haired turned around to find Jake, standing in front of them but not too far from them. His expression started to turn furious as soon as he heard his voice and acknowledged his presence.

He moved away from the girl slowly. "Who's he?" the girl lifted her brows slightly, whispering to the male beside her.

He didn't respond to her and stared at Jake with a serious look. "What the hell do you want now?"

"I want to talk to you," replied Jake.

Heeseung's glance met Jake's for a small moment before he turned to the girl beside him. "Not in the mood," Heeseung replied to Jake. He then started to walk in the latter's direction.

Meanwhile, the girl looked at both of them for a bit before deciding to walk away. "I'll see you later," she finally said to Heeseung and left the scene.

"Huh?" he looked at the girl walking off and by that time, jake stood infront of him and Heeseung sighed heavily. "What the fuck is wrong with you dude?"

"Can't you understand? I wanna talk to you!"

"Didn't I already tell you that I'm not in mood for that? Or did your dumbass couldn't catch that?"

"I already told you about this. I texted you. And you chose to ignore." Jake complained.

"Whoa whoa. Aren't you expecting too much from me?" Heeseung replied.

Jake sighed, clearly frustrated, and brushed his hair back as he tried to calm himself. However, Heeseung began to walk off. He looked up at the latter and tried to call after him in an attempt to stop him from leaving.

Heeseung turned towards him just as he was about to take a step. "Don't even think about it," he said coldly.

"Like hell, I'll listen to your bullshit," he added, sounding pissed off.

Jake was unfazed by Heeseung's attitude and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. He stopped him in his tracks, causing Heeseung to turn towards him with a serious expression.

He then realized what he had done and removed his hand from Heeseung's arm before letting out a deep breath.

"Alright.. I should've not done that. I'm sorry.."

Heeseung would've done something in instinct, like pushing him off or maybe grab him by the collar.

He was going to do something like that actually but, as soon as he heard Jake apologize, he just stayed still.

Now that's unusual again.

Heeseung remained still, not responding with any sudden actions or words. He just stood there, causing Jake's surprise and confusion.

Heeseung was always a mystery to Jake, and he never was able to understand what was going on in his mind or why he made certain actions.

All he knew was he's just hot headed and a complete dickhead.

"God.." Heeseung sighed out and looked around. He stood away, maintaining some good distance between the both.

"Leave. I'm sure that it's gonna be a waste of time." Heeseung said but Jake didn't listen to him.

"I'm not leaving." Jake said back. Heeseung took a moment before giving a small nod.

Maybe he's not a complete dickhead..

"You don't give up that easily, don't you?" Heeseung tilt his head.

- - -

– 02.10.24
A/N : late update !! (i definitely hate this chapter. its so shit.)

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