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Jake slowly turned to face the source of the soft voice – Sunghoon. "It's you," Jake said slowly, turning around to see Sunghoon standing in front of him, making him let out a soft relieved sigh.

"You're in front of my locker." Sunghoon replied in a gentle tone.

"Oh, Sorry about that." Jake looked a bit embarrassed as he stepped out of the way, now realizing that he was unintentionally blocking Sunghoon's locker.

Sunghoon watched him go, then he proceeded to ask a question, "Waiting for someone?"

He opened the locker and put the books inside. Jake nodded in response. "Jungwon told me to wait here.."

"Yeah? And what happened in the cafeteria?" He asked again. "Weren't you there while me and that guy were arguing?" Jake asked back. "Well, I guess, you were too busy to notice me leaving in the middle." Sunghoon replied.

"Who won?" Sunghoon questioned Jake curiously, now even more interested in finding out what had happened. He stepped forward, leaning against the locker door next to Jake. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was also a bit curious about how his and Heeseung's fight had ended.

Jake was somewhat surprised. He thought  Sunghoon was seeing this, as if this whole argument wasn't a big deal to him at all. "Do you think there was a winner? It was mostly just two of us yelling at each other. Come on, why didn't you stay and catch the rest of the show?" Jake asked, straightforwardly.

Sunghoon watched him, a slight glint of amusement in his eyes. "Oh. I'm sorry for my curiosity." He said, showing a small smile.

Jake took a moment to collect himself, shaking his head little. "It's alright," Jake mumbled, trying to shrug it off. "It didn't really last long, honestly. We were about to have a full-on fight before others stepped in and stopped us," He explained.

As the realization set in that Heeseung was likely looking for him in retaliation, Jake grew agitated again but he didn't show it. He still pondered about the situation.

He looked at Sunghoon and replied casually, "He pissed me off and I pushed him.."

"Wow, sounds like you guys are still having quite a bit of beef," Sunghoon exclaimed.

"And now Heeseung's looking for me like I insulted his entire family."

Sunghoon kept a somewhat straight face but still displayed a slight smile as he replied, "I heard that from others..."

"I guess, I heard that from others.."

"Really?" Jake asked, surprised.

Sunghoon continued to smile slightly, but his expression remained neutral despite his smile. His tone was also soothing and reassuring.
"Hm, you gotta be careful then," Sunghoon said. Jake nodded in response, still a bit surprised by Sunghoon's demeanor.

As part of the friend group, Sunghoon knew about Heeseung's tendency to seek revenge, but it seemed that he didn't let it bother him too much.

Jake was aware that Sunghoon was a part of Heeseung's friend group. Still, the interaction between the two seemed strangely calm and relaxed after their recent fight.

"Alright then," Sunghoon said as he started to walk away. Jake mumbled a goodbye in response and watched him go, unable to read his thoughts and emotions.

Maybe he doesn't want to speak much to me..?

He couldn't help but wonder if Sunghoon wasn't that close to Heeseung, since he was acting like a helping hand towards Jake.

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