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hello guys, xiun here. im so sorry for the inactivity. im busy w some works and also with the exams which are being held every week :/ it's so tiring

and im kinda going through a lot of stuff at the moment. i don't feel good physically or mentally, I got issues w my family and even few problems w other stuff

but still ! I'll try my best to update but I can't do it often or regularly because of the current circumstances im in, so I hope you guys understand the situation.

and also thank you to those who added my book to your lists and reading. thank you for the support and it means a lot to me.

it's just I don't have enough motivation to write but still I'll continue writing when I get the time (it might end up being boring but still)

thank you for reading this and also for your support and I hope you guys are doing well. have a good day/night !

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