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why here?

Jake continued to look at the both with a bewildered expression, and a number of questions ran through his mind.

"why are we here?"

He queried Sunghoon, standing behind him, with a confused tone.

Heeseung looked intently at the two, his expression serious and focused. Sunghoon remained quiet and didn't provide a response, but he broke the silence at last.

"this will be the last time I'll be warning, stay away from Jake."

Sunghoon spoke up to Heeseung, his tone firm. Jake was caught off guard by his statement, his attention shifting between the two.

Heeseung, leaning nonchalantly against the wall, could not resist a small grin forming on his lips, his serious expression slowly turned into an amused one.

"Now this is about him?" Heeseung questioned, raising a brow. "lemme guess, is this about that night?" He added with a scoff.

Sunghoon gave him an unfazed look. "you're crossing your limits, you never know that, do you?"

"What's up with you Sunghoon? Caring so much for a newbie?"

"I don't want to have this conversation with you," he stated unequivocally. "Can you just leave him alone?" There was no room for argument or negotiation in his voice, his concern for Jake clear in his serious demeanor.

"Yeah sure, and you wouldn't mind if he did something like getting touchy with my girl, would you?"

Jake looked at Heeseung, confusion evident on his face. "What are you talking about?" he muttered, puzzled.

Heeseung glanced at him, and a scoff escaped his lips. "Ah, you didn't even bother trying to remember anything? What's the point anyway?" He continued, his gaze locking onto Jake's puzzled expression.

Mockery was evident in his tone and his gaze was still serious. Sunghoon simply stared at him with the same expression as his, trying to maintain his cool.

"Not gonna bite back now?" the purple haired raised a brow. "He doesn't even care much about this, you're more bothered than him."

Feeling frustrated, Jake exhaled deeply and placed his hand over Sunghoon's back and turned his gaze towards Heeseung. "Can you stop it?" He pleaded, his voice firm showing weariness.

Heeseung turned to jake and chuckled, taking slow steps towards him. "what? you think things are going to get better just like that?" He asked with a sharp tone.

"Don't act so naive, Jake. You're the main reason why we're in this mess to begin with." 

Jake furrowed his brows in confusion again. "H-how..." he began, struggling with his thoughts.

Before he could continue, Sunghoon intervened into the scene and abruptly pushed Heeseung away, causing him to stumble backwards,  shocked. The purple-haired stared back at Sunghoon, astonished by the sudden move.

"Sunghoon.." Jake muttered under his breath, looking at him in shock as well. He held his shoulder, trying to think of a way to ease the situation. But, the tension in the air only thickened and the situation only escalated further, taking a turn for the worse.

"Fucking hell? He's just a new student, nothing special. If there's anything, he'll just try to break us apart–"

Sunghoon's anger flared as he heard those words slip out of his mouth. The latter was only fueling his frustration.

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