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"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Jake..."

Jake was called upon to introduce himself to the class. After he was finished, he headed back to his seat.

"You're doing great!" Jungwon showed a thumbs up while flashing a sweet smile.

Their class continued on without a hitch, and they were soon on their way to lunchtime. Jungwon got up from his nap and put his book away in his bag.

He headed over to Jake. "Woah...you're so organized," He said, impressed. "Oh, thank you." Jake responded to Jungwon and began to pack his things.

Jungwon looked at him with curiosity. "I wasn't expecting you to be like this," He said, to which Jake responded, "Like how?"

"I mean, at first glance, I thought you were some kind of..." Jungwon trailed off and hesitated, unsure of how to continue. "Frat boy..? You know, like the popular jock with muscles and confidence," he finally said, glancing at Jake and hoping for a chuckle.

Jake tilted his head, "Really?" He asked. "I'm not one of those."

Jungwon smiled and took him outside the class to continue asking him questions. He seemed so curious about getting to know more about Jake.

"So you're not into partying or doing fun stuff?" Won asked.

"Define 'fun stuff'," Jake stated, looking ahead. "You know.." and he started to list some stuff which only made Jake give an uninterested gaze.

"..pulling chicks, sucking dic–"

"Sorry?" Jake looked at him sharply, and Jungwon had started to panic a little as he backpedaled and clarified himself.

"That was it! I meant, like, going to parties or drinking with friends," Jungwon finished with a nervous grin. Jake looked at him but seemed unfazed.

He didn't say much after that and looked around. "Are the classes done?" He asked the other. Won nodded. "Yup! Right now, its lunch break. C'mon, i'll take you to my friends!"

Jungwon led Jake to the cafeteria, where Sunoo and Niki were already seated.

"Jake meet, Sunoo and Niki. Sunoo and Niki, meet Jake!" Jungwon introduced each other.

"Hey." They greeted Jake and he greeted them back as well. Then they made a small conversation while eating their food, and Sunoo and Niki asked Jake about himself.

"So what's the reason of your transfer?" Sunoo asked, curious. Jake bit his inner cheek before responding. "Parents got a new job here so I had to move cities," he explained, keeping his answer short.

They continued talking for a bit and went back to their classes. Despite the incident earlier that morning, Jake was starting to feel comfortable with his new school and thanks to Jungwon for that.

When it was time to leave, everyone made their way outside, ready to go home. Jake was with Jungwon who was showing him around the school premises. After they finished, Jake thanked him for the day, smiling at Jungwon.

"Well, I'm glad you had a good first day here. I know starting at a new school can be overwhelming, but you shouldn't worry.

As long as you're yourself and are open to meeting new people, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Plus, you've already got two friends here!" Jungwon said with a friendly smile.

It was clear that Jake had enjoyed his first time at the new school. It seemed like things were looking up for Jake, and he was glad that was there Jungwon to help.

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