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That night, Jake spent his time on the phone, looking through his social media, and briefly conversing with the other members in the gc before falling asleep.

Then the following morning, he woke up to find a message from Jungwon in his dms.

"we're going out tmr evening. Be ready at 7 p.m."

His brows furrowed slightly, and he wondered where they were planning to go tomorrow.

"where?" He texted him back. After a while, he put the phone away and began his routine for the day. He got out of bed and went to the balcony to get some fresh air and stretch his arms. 

Following that, he walked to the bathroom to freshen up. Jake was relieved that he could spend the entire day alone, without having anyone to interrupt or annoy him around.

Mentally, he needed a break from them because of those sudden shift of scenarios. He believed that it was simply Heeseung, with whom he was supposed to keep his distance, but there were more clowns who had just started to show up.

Jake wished that this year at school would end quickly. And he was relieved since he joined this place in the final year, so there will be no more shit to deal with these guys later.

Later that afternoon, Jake received a message from Jungwon again.

"somewhere to hangout. It's going to be just the seven of us."

Noticing the screen light up because of the message, Jake grabbed his phone and read the notification from the lock screen. Reading the message made him feel good and bad at the same time, since he had mentioned that it was going to be the whole group. Jake started to get anxious about Heeseung's antics again.

After a lot of thinking, he decided to drop out, so he texted him back in the evening. So he opened the message and noticed another message, which he didn't pay attention to.

some place to hangout
its going to be just the seven of us
and don't bail.

Jake let out a sigh, knowing it would disappoint him but he still chose to go with his decision and proceeded to text him.

sorry won
i got sick
i don't think i can come

that was actually dumb. 

did he unsend them? no. he just left it as it is and decided to ignore the other.

He put the phone away and hoped Jungwon would leave him be. Then Jake went into the hall and switched on the TV to watch some shows.

the following day.
Jay and Jungwon were in the car, heading to Jake's residence. "he is not really sick right?" asked Jay.

"hyung, you don't believe me?" Jungwon looked at him. Jay gave a slight chuckle. "not like that.."

And Heeseung followed them from behind in his own car, listening to their conversation from the ongoing phone call. He sighed to himself and turned down the volume, not interested in their talk.

Soon, Jay's car quickly came to a stop in front of Jake's and he grabbed his phone to speak to Heeseung. Looking out the window, he said, "We're here." Heeseung paused behind him and glanced outside. As he disconnected, he replied, "Okay."

Jay and Jungwon got out of the car, but Heeseung remained inside, watching them from the window. Jay turned around and signaled to Heeseung to come out, so he stepped out of the car reluctantly after a bit and joined the both.

"anddd..!" Jay turned to face Heeseung. "What?" he asked back. "please don't make any stupid comments and piss him even more."

"Why are we dealing with his stubborn ass anyway?"

"We could just leave him alone if he isn't interested." Heeseung answered.

"Dude, don't say that. He's our friend. Plus, it's our final year, so we gotta spend some time together."

He was surprised to hear that answer from him. "Our friend? Wow," Heeseung scoffed lightly looking aside. Jungwon stood at the door, looking at both of them as they had a conversation. he could easily tell that Heeseung was uninterested in this, but Jay was there to deal with him.

Thinking about that made Jungwon smile slightly because Jay was there to support him.

"Just shut your mouth and stand behind us. That would be a great help."

"I cannot greet him or something like that?" He asked, with a fake innocent smile. "I don't think Jake's gonna mind all that formality. But please, don't say anything I beg you." Jay sighed.

Heeseung grinned slightly, putting his hands in his pockets and nodding. "All right, let's go. We're gonna be late."

After that, they approached the entrance and knocked on the door. Jake was in the hallway, watching some random show. He had no idea who was at the door, but he simply assumed his parents were home, so he went to the door and opened it, only to see Jay, Jungwon, and Heeseung standing directly in the front.

He froze, looking at the three, dressed up and he was standing inside wearing an oversized tee and sweatpants, his hair somewhat disheveled. Jake smiled at them awkwardly. "y'all got the wrong address."

"Nope. It seems you're not feeling sick anymore," Jungwon responded with a grin. Jake breathed out. "told you already, I'm not interested.."

"Doesnt matter. You're coming with us."

It didn't take much time for Jungwon and Jay to convince him. Maybe it's because Heeseung didn't participate in the conversation, which surprised Jake. He simply stood behind them, leaning against the wall.

Well, he did wanted to throw a few snarky comments, but he just listened to Jay for now and kept quiet.

"Alright, I'll be ready in 15," Jake grumbled as he entered. "You guys can come in and wait," he spoke as he made his way towards his room.

Instead of walking in, Jay and Jungwon just turned around to face the other. Heeseung raised an eyebrow as he stared at them both. "what? Don't tell me that keeping my mouth shut and breathing is a problem for you, or I'll be hurt for real."

"No. You're bringing Jake." Jay replied. Heeseung's expression showed disinterest immediately. "I'm doing what now?"

"you heard me."

"him? "In my car?" Heeseung asked in disbelief. "what's the matter?" Jay asked him back.

"I'm gonna talk, but then his sensitive ass might search for something bad in it and sulk about it for a whole week." Heeseung said. "then don't talk." Jay replied back.

"neglecting my right to speak for his sake?? I ain't doing that." Heeseung shook his head.

"If you wanna talk, then do it properly. You just violate and offend him whenever you get a chance." Jay exhaled.

The latter said in disbelief. "I don't care. My answer is still a no. take him with you guys." "no heeseung, sports car is only a two seater." He smiled.

Heeseung groaned with dissatisfaction "Dude, please! You are doing this on purpose. What did I even do to you?"

"Quit complaining and listen to me." Jay patted his shoulder. "no, how about I take Jungwon there and you bring Jake?"

Jay clicked his tongue. "too bad, he's with me." He said and walked away with Jungwon, wrapping a shoulder about him, at which Jungwon smiled in surprise.

"You need to drop the whole tough and funny act. You're just acting like that to impress him." He said, catching both of their attention. "Huh?" Jungwon looked at him but Jay threw him a glare.

And they continued to leave. Heeseung gazed at Jay and sighed deeply. "i can leave too."

"Don't forget that the passes are with me." Jay said, causing Heeseung to let out another sigh. "Fuck you, Park." Heeseung muttered under his breath, watching them leave.

"Don't mess up," Jay warned as he got into the car with Jungwon.

"Um... he looks fed up already. I could have gone with Heeseung Hyung, and you could have brought Jake with you." Jungwon said softly.

the picture didn't look quite good in Jay's mind.

The elder exhaled softly, putting the key to start the ignition. "they should get along like you said, they..don't talk much.."

"I bet, they spoke to each other some what a bit more than you did.." Jungwon went on to say.

Jay started his car, he was about to hit the gas pedal, but his words made him freeze. He stared ahead, processing his remarks, or more accurately, trying to find some excuses to spend time with him or distract the topic.

"No, I think it's better with you here."

Jay said after a brief pause, then pressed the gas pedal and drove away. Jungwon glanced at him before turning his focus to his phone, a slight smile on his face. He murmured, "Okay.."

Heeseung watched them leave, then turned around to face the open door and sighed again before entering and closing it. 

- - -

A/N : girl atp idek what im writing but anw, i hope you guys like this (crying rn) andddd! i think my next book is going to be jaywon..? 

hope you guys are doing wellll and take care <3

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