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After his brief conversation with Sunghoon earlier, Jake made his way towards his classroom. However, Heeseung abruptly approached him and walked beside him.

oh god, not him again

Jake looked over at Heeseung with a perplexed expression on his face. His brows furrowed, and he didn't expect his sudden presence. "What are you doing here-" he finally asked, his tone tinged with confusion.

Heeseung who had a neutral expression on his face, glanced at Jake. "Walking to my class?" he replied in a nonchalant tone.

"You're standing right beside me," Jake pointed out in a somewhat irritated tone.

He then raised an eyebrow before saying: "Are you implying that I'm not allowed to walk next to you? It's pretty rude of you to say such things." Heeseung rolled his eyes as he spoke ironically.

Jake sighed to himself and sped up his walking pace, but Heeseung continued to talk, causing him to slow down a bit.

"Actually, I wanted to say something," he finally spoke up. Jake paused in his step and looked at Heeseung.

"Say what?" He asked.

"An apology." The latter replied.

Jake looked over at Heeseung with a confused expression, seemingly unable to believe what he was hearing. "An apology?" He repeated, sounding suspicious.

"You alright?" He asked him again.

"Why?" Heeseung inquired innocently with an innocent smile on his face. Jake then shrugged and responded. "Maybe you hit your head against a wall? Or someone hit you?"

Heeseung replied with a light smile. "Jacob, I'm fine, thank you for your concern," prompting Jake to roll his eyes yet again.

"My name is Jake, not Jacob."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Anyways, that was a interesting conversation that I hope we don't repeat," Jake replied with an irritated tone.

"C'mon, don't be so uptight." Heeseung countered, his voice light and playful.

The raven haired male turned back to look at the other with a frown. "If you're planning to waste my time again by saying something you might consider an apology, then that's fine. You don't have to keep dragging this out. Just leave."

He replied with a fake smile and continued to walk. He just wanted to get away from the situation. Heeseung, meanwhile, followed behind him.

Heeseung tilted his head to the side, raising a brow. "It's different this time," Jake rolled his eyes and scoff quietly under his breath. "A change of heart, huh?" he asked with skepticism in his voice.

The former smiled slightly and nodded. "You could say that." Jake shook his head lightly as he walked over to his locker and started to take things out. "Unbelievable." He mumbled under his breath and sighed. "Fine then. Go on??"

Heeseung leaned casually against the wall, looking at Jake with an adorable smile. "Yeah, sorry for this," he said.

Jake raised a brow and furrowed his brows. "For-?" He looked confused, not understanding the latter's words. And just like that, he got his bag snatched in the blink of an eye.

With a small smirk playing on his lips, the latter added: "Cool bag."

Jake's expressions changed and he kept his fists clenched. He immediately turned towards Heeseung and spoke directly: "Give it back."

Heeseung chuckled softly and moved away from Jake while placing the bag higher so that he wouldn't be able to reach it. He smiled to himself as he made his new friend's life a little more challenging.

This prompted Jake to whisper-yell in frustration: "Stop being so childish!" He was becoming increasingly annoyed by how stubborn he was being.

"You're embarrassing me in front of others."

Heeseung took the opportunity to play the situation for his own amusement and put on a show. However, there weren't many students around during that time, which meant only a few people noticed their interaction.

Jake tried to keep his cool, but Heeseung's childish behavior continued to provoke him. "Aw, you want the bag? C'mon, take it~" He teased as he walked backwards, still gripping the bag tightly in his hands.

Jake clenched his jaw and walked towards Heeseung, still getting taunted. He tried to snatch the bag back from him..

But Heeseung ended up throwing the bag outside.

The situation quickly escalated and Jake froze as he was stunned by the unexpected scenario.

"Oh.." Heeseung blinked but then grinned at him, cheekily.

"What the fuck-!"

Immediately, jake looked out from the window and saw a person, gazing up directly at him from below. And it was none other than their chemistry lecturer, Mrs. Jeong.

oh shit.

"Jake sim. You're coming to my office during the recess."

Heeseung didn't join him when he heard the familiar voice. He laughed lightly and patted his shoulder. "Man, you're fucked."

Heeseung slipped away from the scene calmly, leaving Jake to deal with the situation on his own. Jake stepped back and let out a deep sigh.

i fucking hate him.

– during recess.
Ni-ki and Sunoo looked at each other with a sense of awkwardness as they observed Jake's frustration.

Ni-ki, attempting to ease the atmosphere, slid a bottle of water towards Jake. However, the latter was clearly not in the mood to talk to anyone right now, being deeply upset and enraged by the situation.

"Water..?" Ni-ki asked, before clearing his throat. Jake, who had his elbows on the table with his face covered by his hands, stared at Ni-ki.

"Aight-" He didn't look back at him and looked down instead. Jake continued to cover his face and sighed, clearly needing to collect himself.

Sunoo exhaled softly. "It's just Mrs. Jeong, right? What's the big deal anyway–"

Then Ni-ki and Jake, gave him a sharp look, making Sunoo stop midway through his sentence. "..um-"

"You were saying?" Ni-ki raised a brow.

Sunoo laughed lightly and nodded. "o-oh- she's..a real gem! Really knows how to warm a person's heart with her personality."

Jake sighed to himself again and brushed his hair back. Ni-ki leaned back on his seat and elbowed Sunoo. "Was that necessary?"

"What's the point of being 18 if you don't even know Sarcasm 101?" Sunoo scoffed. "At this rate, you won't last long that way," he added.

Ni-ki rolled his eyes in response, his face showing just how annoyed he was. "At this rate, you'll be lucky if you last more than two minutes without getting on everyone's nerves."

"So shut the fuck up." Ni-ki added. Then the both of them started to argue with each other. Jake looked up at the both and shook his head slowly, grabbing the water bottle.

He wished that Jungwon was here but he absent today, so Ni-ki and Sunoo were with jake today. He gulped down the water and looked down at the little yellow slip in his hands which was for the detention.

only if she saw Heeseung yeeting his bag away, he wouldn't end up getting an invite to the detention.

and there was nothing much in the bag except for few books and pencil case.

she made it a huge deal as if she got her head hit by a whole ass meteorite or something equally catastrophic.

and then our star of today's episode had showed up again.

Heeseung approached with a devious grin on his face. "What are you kids fighting over now? Toys?" he asked curiously as he stood behind Jake with his hands inside the pockets of his jacket.

Ni-ki eyed him. "You know. Just typical teenage bull shit. But at least it's still more interesting than your face. At least some things never get old." he replied and grabbed his phone, to spend time on it and ignore others.

"No Heeseung, we were fighting over dolls. Wanna join in?" Sunoo smiled playfully.

"I wasn't aware we were having a doll house play date," Heeseung smirked.

"I mean, do you want me to grab my doll house and join you? Because I totally have one." He added, taking a seat beside Jake.

he just had to sit right beside him.

Jake just felt disappearing right now. Heeseung's presence made Jake feel irritated, to say the least. He didn't say a word and just kept quiet, trying to avoid further conflict.

He just hoped Heeseung wouldn't cause more trouble and piss him off again.

"Not about doll house, honey. It's just the dolls. Want me to buy you one?" Sunoo asked. "Nah. I got a lot for myself. I'm not hesitating to share though." Heeseung said back.

Sunoo rolled his eyes at the latter's statement. "Geez, thanks. Keep it to yourself," he scoffed.

Jake got ready to leave the table, as he was about to stand up, Heeseung patted his shoulder.

"Sup, hero?" He smiled sweetly.

One glance at him was enough for Jake to recall the incidents and he was instantly pissed.

Then his gaze shifted down towards the yellow slip in his hand. "ooh, what's that-" Heeseung asked but Jake moved the slip away from his reach, quickly.

"Don't." he said, crumpling it and shoved it in his pocket, making Heeseung get surprised a little.

"Anyway, where's your other half?" Heasked, referring to Jungwon.

"I'm not in a mood to talk bullshit with you now," The raven haired replied. "What? I'm just asking about jungwon!" He chuckled and then looked at the other two.

"Where's won?" He asked again.

Ni-ki didnt reply since he was too busy ignoring Heeseung, so Sunoo answered him. "absent."

"Aw, that sucks. Jake's gonna to feel lonely." Heeseung commented, but Jake stared at him seriously.

"Why do you yap a lot?"

"what's wrong?" He gave a fake pout. "I was just making sure that you got some good company today."

"wow! Thank you very much, Heeseung. That's very kind of you. Now I really appreciate it if you get the fuck away from me." Jake said back.

"Hey now, if you guys are going to fight, give us a heads up." Sunoo said in between, turning their attention to him.

"You guys fight worse than girls do." He sighed, making Ni-ki laugh at the comment. "I'm gonna go to Shotaro," he said, standing up.

"what? You gonna leave me alone with these both?" Sunoo looked up at him. "What if they fight?"

"Join them." Ni-ki grinned at him and left.

Sunoo sighed heavily and leaned back on his seat. "I can't babysit you guys if you're gonna fight."

"Nobody's fighting," Jake said, getting up.

Heeseung turned his head toward him. "Are you leaving?" he asked, but Jake didn't answer him and walked off, leaving the cafeteria.

"Wow, he's all worked up just because of a detention?" Heeseung asked Sunoo, who was on his phone. "That's from Mrs. Jeong.."

Heeseung laughed at that. "Mmm! I expected that one."

"yeah? wonder what might be the reason." Sunoo said. His gaze shifted up from the phone, eyeing Heeseung. "or the cause."

Heeseung glanced at him and chuckled softly as he looked down at his own phone. "You gotta stop messing around," Sunoo said.

"cant help." Heeseung clicked his tongue, his eyes still glued to his phone. "What if things go wrong?" he asked, catching Heeseung's attention fully.

"What could possibly go wrong?" Heeseung asked him back.

"What if you end up in the same situation?" Sunoo tilts his head. Heeseung stared at him for a second and scoffed at that.

"how amusing. Will I even end up like that?"

He asked, looking up at Sunoo, who was now standing. He just shrugged. "Youve been warned." With that, Sunoo left the table.

Was Heeseung even willing to think about it a little? Of course not!

gotta wait and watch then.

- - -

– 02.15.24

A/N : i need to start preparing for exams but i got a lot of determination to make another update so yeah! hope you guys liked this chap.

And 1.6k reads is crazy, i wasnt expecting that and i nearly thought of discontinuing the book one time but i continued cause i was bored. anw-

i couldnt say stuff on few people's message board cause the app's glitching but i just wanna thank you guys for the support and ily guys !!

hope you guys are doing great, have a good day/night and take caree <3

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