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Jungwon stood in front of the both with a bright smile, as he looked at both Jake and Heeseung.

Heeseung, on the other hand, had a neutral expression on his face, not showing any particular emotion.

Jake let out a small sigh in relief, grateful for Jungwon's presence. He was relieved that he had showed up at the right moment.

damn it.

Heeseung's eyes flicked up to meet Jake as he removed his hand from his shoulder, observing his distant demeanor with a slight raise in his brow.

He noticed how Jake was blatantly ignoring his presence and couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation. He regretted not arriving later, but it had already happened.

Jungwon sat down adjacent to them and looked at them curiously. "What were you guys talking about?" asked Won.

Jake slowly moved away from Heeseung and leaned on the desk, his soft smile directed towards Jungwon.

Jake brushed off the question with a simple "nothing". His attention was fully on Jungwon, their conversation flowing smoothly as they spoke to each other. Heeseung watched them both closely for a moment before getting up.

"Where's Jay?"

Heeseung asked, looking back towards Jungwon. "I didn't notice him anywhere," Jungwon responded, his eyes fixed on Heeseung as well.

The purple haired male nodded in response and then walked out of the class. Both Jake and Jungwon turned their gaze towards each other, looking puzzled.

Jungwon asked him, "What's up with him?" But Jake just gave a simple shrug.


A part of him felt relieved that Heeseung was gone, but he couldn't deny the lingering worry and concern about what was to come later.

He definitely planned to stay with Jungwon and the others today, hoping that it would help him to ignore Heeseung for the time being. However, how long can he continue to turn a blind eye to the situation?

Jake hoped that Heeseung would forget about the situation and leave him alone.

However, as fate would have it, luck seemed to be far from Jake's side in this instance.

– lunch break.
It seemed as though Heeseung didn't have any particular plans, as Jake could barely spot him anywhere in the school.

Jake tried to brush the thoughts out of his mind and he began to walk towards the cafeteria with Sunoo, Niki, and Jungwon.

"I wish they would add mint choco to the menu," Sunoo pouted, frustrated.

Jungwon let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes, seeming tired of hearing this debate over mint chocolate.

Niki looked at Sunoo and asked, "You didn't brush your teeth this morning, did you?"

"Stop saying that!" Sunoo replied angrily. "Mint choco is really good!"

Jungwon made a disgusted face when mint chocolate was mentioned. "It's so bad!" he exclaimed.

The three of them began to bicker, engaging in a playful back-and-forth. Jake couldn't help but let out a sigh, but he didn't mind the bickering too much.

The elder just followed behind the three, their bickering still continuing to fill the air. Suddenly, he felt a strong grip on his arm and before he knew what was happening, he found himself getting dragged away into another hallway.

And the arguing trio didn't seem to notice Jake's disappearance and continued to bicker on and on.

Jungwon sighed as he looked at Sunoo and Niki, who were still engaging in their argument about the ice cream.

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