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Heeseung watched them walk away , then turned around to face the open door and sighed again before entering and closed it.

He left his shoes at the front and proceeded ahead while examining the surroundings and some photo frames pinned to the wall on his way towards the hall. The TV was still on, and the show was running. Heeseung looked around before settling on the couch and just watching TV. but it didn't take long for him to get bored.

It was just silent in the hall, except for the sound coming from the TV, filling the silence. The male kept wondering how the night would be until he got an idea. He took his phone out to text someone.

Minutes later, Jake came out of his room, dressed up. Heeseung's attention turned to Jake, and his eyes scanned him from top to bottom. He looked effortlessly good, even when he was just dressed up in a simple shirt and pants.

Jake looked back at him; his movements got a bit slow as he walked in and looked around, and then back at him again, slightly confused and with a surprised look.

"Where's Jay and Jungwon?" He asked, ruffling his own hair slightly.

"they left."

"oh..? then why'd you stay?" He asked, but he had a feeling that Heeseung would be the one to take him over there.

Heeseung stood up and walked to him. He could smell his cologne as soon as he walked in his direction. "Jay told me to take you along."

Jake was surprised that the latter had remained back. but then he decided to decline and also wanted to see his reaction. "Oh, please, no."

"Yeah, the feeling's mutual. I was supposed to take you along with me."

His intuition was right, but what did he mean by 'was supposed to'

"What do you mean by...you were supposed to?" Jake raised a brow. "Well, I gotta pick up my date, so I'm leaving." He said it in a casual tone.

Now, that went wrong.

unexpected, actually

"I don't understand.? What about me?" He mumbled, but it was loud enough for the other to hear. "thought you didn't want that?" Heeseung raised a brow. "Are you going to take every little thing seriously?" Jake looked at him.

"Hey, don't blame me for that," he said back. "What's the use of coming over then?" He rolled his eyes. "Hey, hey, Jungwon and Jay wouldn't feel happy about it. We literally came over to convince your ass."

"Can't she just come over by herself?" Jake raised a brow. Heeseung furrowed his brows when he said that, showing dissatisfaction.

"You don't really know how to treat a girl or take her on a date properly, do you?"

His face only showed disappointment.Jake just looked at him, and then somewhere else, slightly annoyed. and seeing that made Heeseung let out an exasperated sigh.

"God, you're so boring. I've seen you do more exciting things with a piece of paper than a girl. I bet you've never even kissed a girl."

Jake sighed, annoyed. "Alright, stop. Enough with the insults." Looking at his face made the elder chuckle a little. "No, youre literally boring. no dating and just devoted to studying, saying no to everything. At this rate, you'll become a nun."

"I've dated someone before! Are you happy to know? and this isn't the topic now." Jake raised his voice slightly, getting annoyed by his antics. very usual thing.

"Really?" Heeseung raised a brow. "I don't believe you." "goddamnit! just shut up." Jake sighed, looking away. Heeseung didn't say more and kept quiet. "alright alright." He laughed a little and stood close to him as the latter calmed down.

"So you can't take me with you?" "Nope," Heeseung replied as he started to fix the collar of his shirt, and Jake looked at him confusedly. "What are you doing?"

"helping you." He fixed his accessories on his neck properly.

Jake looked at him as he saw him do it. He just looked at his face for a bit and then looked to the side again. "So it's going to be the two of you guys, and you won't even bother to take me along?" Jake asked.

Seeing his face up close like this and his soft eyes staring back at Heeseung's almost made him melt.

"No, Jake, sports cars are only two-seaters," he smiled. Jake rolled his eyes at that. Now he has to go by some other means; he has no other option. Jake didn't mind him as he was fixing his appearance until he started undoing a few buttons on his shirt, which caused Jake to furrow his brows even more and try to swat away his hands. "Dude, what the hell are you doing??"

"I don't want to stay in a group with you dressed up like a nerd. You can easily pass as Jimmy Neutron, you know?"

"What about you? You're literally dressed up like a clown with purple hair," he said back. "Woah—you don't need to get all defensive. I was just making you look cool." He said this, stepping away from Jake and smiling a little, kind of satisfied with how he looked.

"Unbuttoning the whole shirt doesn't make me look cool. Jungwon said, We're going somewhere like a place to hangout, not a stripclub."

"Maybe he forgot to mention. I could drop you off at one if you want me to." He gave a cheeky grin. "But hey, your outfit is cool, but it doesn't suit you. makes you look weird." Jake stared at him blankly and shook his head slowly. "I'm so close to punching your face right now," he replied, exhaling heavily.

Heeseung seemed unfazed and chuckled at his threat. "You know what?"

"If you're able to pull a girl tonight, I won't bother you anymore, and you'll have my respect." Heeseung smiled, tapping his shoulder, and left the hall, leaving him alone. "What if I'm not interested?" Jake tilts his head.

"Brace yourself; it's going to be a tough year ahead for you, sunshine." he smiled.

"I'll send you the address, so don't worry," he said, putting his shoes on and leaving his place. Jake watched him leave and shook his head slowly. "stupid fuck.."

Heeseung sighed in relief and hoped that the night would go well. He made his way towards his car and drove away, calling Ni-ki on the way.

"Sup?" the voice said as the line connected.


"Cut the crap and tell me what you want to. Youre just wasting my time." Niki said immediately.

Heeseung wasn't fazed, but he let out a sigh. "Okay, I need you to do me a favor."

"Is this perhaps about Jake?" he asked. "Due to a last-minute change of plans, I won't be bringing him along, but he'll be there," he explained. "And what if I won't do it?" Ni-ki asked mischeviously. Heeseung gripped the phone tighter.

He was the only hope right now.

"look. I'm older than you, and you should listen to me."

"You know who else would love to listen to you? jay hyung." he chuckled.

I hate this guy.

Heeseung paused for a bit. "I'll lend you my PlayStation."

"Oh god, I don't need anything, especially from your place. I don't know where it has been or what it went through since you do all the nasty stuff."

"woah hello?? Do I look that cheap to you? I don't do it wherever I feel like. I'm not that bad, and I don't even bring people to my place. Why am I even having this conversation with you??"

"exactly, and I'm not interested in knowing. imma just-"

"NO- Ni-ki, don't hang up. Tell me, what do you want??" he exhaled. He was feeling fed up already. "for noww..! I don't have anything to ask for."

"Then why don't you just do whatever I say??"

"Eh.. that's not how a deal works."

Heeseung felt done. Soon, he stopped the car in front of a place and looked around. He texted the girl whom he was talking to, a while ago at Jake's place. "I'm here." and continued to speak to Ni-ki.

"Damnit," he mumbled under his breath and spoke to Ni-ki. "Fine, what do you want?"

"Just cover up for me on Monday, and maybe for Sunoo Hyung too? I don't know if he's going to stay or tag along, but yeah. Just handle the situation and do the proxy. I'll ask you later if there's anything else. and I also need some cash. don't question."

Heeseung rolled his eyes as he listened to his demands. "aight done. Now will you listen to me?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I'll give you a call when I'm there; just get two passes and meet me outside," Heeseung said.

Ni-ki replied after a short pause. "It's with Jay hyung."

"exactly. You can handle him. That's why I called you."

There was a short pause again. He couldn't hear his voice, but only some music was playing in the background, so he called him out. "Ni-ki..?"

"Man, you're fucked. Jay hyung just heard our convo."

"what now!?" Heeseung asked, stressed over this situation already as soon as Jay's name was mentioned.

"What do you mean he heard it??"

"Good luck, bro. I'll see you there. don't worry." he said, hanging up.

Heeseung was totally stressed. Right then, his date showed up and knocked on the window of the passenger seat, making Heeseung turn his head to the side. He put up a nervous smile and unlocked the car, letting her come in. "Hey, you're looking good."

Heeseung didn't speak much during the ride. He just kept his replies short, and he was a bit tensed after Ni-ki told him. and after they reached the venue, he got out of the car with her and checked his messages and calls. There was nothing from Jay.

He could hear the sound of loud music as he reached the entrance. Then he saw Ni-ki standing with a grin on his face and also chuckling, making Heeseung raise a brow. "What's so funny?"

"you are." He snickered, handing the passes, and chuckled, looking at the girl who was standing at a distance, looking dumbfounded, and Heeseung looked at him with a glare. "Wait, what about Jay??"

"Oh, that was just for fun. I wanted to see how you'd react. I bet you panicked a lot in front of her." He gave a cheeky grin.

"But you still have to manage Jake. see ya!" Nikki left before Heeseung could come after him. Heeseung sighed in relief, feeling as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He took the girl in and waited until Jake arrived. Soon, he received a call from him and went outside to receive him.

- - - 


A/N : honestly, i have no idea what im writing and i really really need to edit this story late cause im writing unnecessary shit. 

and! i changed my mind about the upcoming book, it's not going to be jaywon </3 but hey, its a sunsun book !

hope you guys are doing well and take caree !!

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