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The next day at school, Jake was determined to get his revenge. He went into the cafeteria to grab a water bottle and looked his eyes searched around for Heeseung. Then he spotted him talking to Jay and some other people.

He clutched the bottle before walking up to him, intending to splatter him with water, but Heeseung suddenly noticed him and flashed a smiled.

Jake stopped in his tracks immediately and blinked, then looked back at Heeseung. He walked towards Jake and gave him a light tap on the shoulder, his other hand grazed his waist lightly as he walked past.


He swore that he felt something and stood still, feeling a bit overwhelmed, as he looked down at the floor.


Sunghoon snapped him out of his trance. "Y-yes?" Jake asked, looking up at him. The latter looked at Jake with his usual neutral expression and sighed softly. "You're spilling water."

Jake placed the bottle on the table and glanced down quickly. "Ah- I'm sorry for that," he said, letting go. Sunghoon saw where he was glancing and noticed Heeseung talking with a few people.

couldn't even get revenge in his dreams.

He bit his cheek and turned to face Jake, seeing something wasn't quite right. "did he do something?" Sunghoon inquired abruptly. Jake gave him a quick smile as he gazed up and down.

Jake remarked, "He just annoys me, that's all." He decided to end the conversation and walk on before he could hear the latter say anything else.

"lets just stop talking about him and talk about something else??" suggested the raven haired.

Sunghoon gave him a long look before nodding. He sat down next to him after saying, "Okay.."

After an unsettling moment of quiet, Sunghoon finally spoke.

Once more, he inquired, "How have you been?" "Oh, good, I guess? How about you, then? I assume you've been busy. as I hardly ever see you these days." Jake smiled a little.

Sunghoon gave a nod. "yeah.."

Their talk came to an abrupt stop, and they once more fell silent. Jake then continued speaking. "and.. I'm sorry about that day."

He enquired, "What day?" "uh, that day when I mentioned about Heeseung?" Sunghoon glanced down, gave it some thought, and then slowly nodded. "It's okay. I think I overreacted to it."

Jake muttered, "No, it's okay." "I guess, its a sensitive topic to talk about.."

He quickly gave Sunghoon his entire attention when he said, "Yeah."

"Wait, really? Could you please explain how it can be sensitive?

Sunghoon watched him with crossed arms, poking his inner cheek with his tongue. "you're asking me, how can it be sensitive?" He asked, giving an 'are you being for real' look.

"Did you not already have enough experience with him? Sorry if I came across as more irritating, but..-"

Jake thought Sunghoon would be vile when they first met, but instead of acting rude, he spoke softly, giving Jake the impression that he wasn't rude at all. However, this is no longer the case.

Even though he wasn't acting or speaking much profanities, his tone and body language took a complete 180.

"-..Isn't he fucking crazy? You aren't just dealing with any average dude—he's not even sane." replied Sunghoon.

Jake looked down and suddenly became silent. Then Sunghoon got up and gave him a downward glance. "you definitely got a soft spot for him."

do I..?

He had no idea. It's not like Jake enjoyed having him around to tease him or play practical jokes on him. He hated it to the core of his being, but he just believed that Sunghoon saw him as a soft hearted person with Heeseung.

Still, everything continue as usual. Just Heeseung irritating and bothering him.

. . .

While they were discussing, Jungwon was standing near to his classroom with Jay, Sunoo, and Riki. "Sunoo, Ni-ki, and me. and hoon?" Jay looked towards Sunoo.

Sunoo turned to face him again. "said he'll think about it which means a no."
"then, its the three of us and Jungwon." stated Jay. "Oh and what about Jake?" Jay inquired.

Jungwon replied, "He'll be there." Jake left the classroom at that moment and turned to face the group. Jay gave him a quick smile and carried on talking to Jungwon.

Then Heeseung joined the group and listened to the conversation. "I'll get the passes for you guys and also try to call hoon." Jay added. Heeseung questioned them, "Sunghoon's coming?" Jay said, "Yup." to him.

Jake asked "What happened?" to Jungwon. Then the latter replied, "You're coming to the party with us." Heeseung turned to face them after listening to the conversation they were having.

"party..?" Jake furrowed his brow. "Yeah. You mentioned that you'll be spending the weekend alone at home, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

"Plus, it will be a blast. You wouldn't wanna miss this," Jungwon smiled and continued. "Oh." Jake asked himself, wondering if he should go to the party or remain home.

And seeing that look on his face, made Jungwon sigh. "I'm coming to your place and drag you out, whether you like it or not."

Jake sighed to himself after giving Heeseung a quick glance. If Heeseung stopped trying to make him look bad in front of others, he wouldn't have any issues. Heeseung looked at Jake. "Come on, Jungwon, don't push him." he said, grinning slightly.

"no, he gotta come!"

"he thinks some little partying will kill him." He grinned. Jake narrowed his eyes at the purpled haired. "Jake, it'll be fun. Come along with us." This time, Jay asked him.

Jake didn't want to take the chance for the apparent reason. Heeseung. Jake said, "I don't feel like coming," and Heeseung's smile widened.

Then Sunoo and Ni-ki joined in to convince Jake but Heeseung didn't stop with his commentary. "guys, leave the square pants alone, its alright if he doesn't come." He chuckled.

Jake flashed a sharp glance at Heeseung. He turned to leave, saying, "If Heeseung is coming, then I'm not coming."

Heeseung was undoubtedly astonished, but the group wasn't all that taken aback. With a sigh, Sunoo turned to face Heeseung. "All right, Heeseung is not coming. so it's just the six of us."

"aw sunflower, do you really think you can make that decision on your own? Being that, I'm the one inviting you all, I'm friends with the host."

With a small sigh, Jungwon glanced at Jay, appearing slightly let down. Jay was sick of Heeseung's shenanigans already. He spoke to him as he grabbed him by the shoulder. "Remember that he is also one of my friends.

If I see you at the party, I'll drag you out for sure, so you better go convince Jake on your own before he steps out from this place." Jay spoke to him.

Heeseung narrowed his eyes at Jay, examining him from head to toe, then withdrew his hand. "well.. mama didn't raise no bitch, Jay." He rolled his eyes, scoffed, and turned to leave.

After seeing him go, Sunoo and Riki turned to face Jay, looking a little taken aback. "out of all the people, you're sending him to convince Jake?"

"He'll get by. Don't worry about it." He said to Sunoo and turned to face jungwon, giving him a soft smile. "Jake will be there, okay? Now don't frown." He gave him a little ruffle in his hair.

Jungwon just gave him a gentle smile. He wanted to say something but he chose to brush it off. "Thanks hyung.."

Heeseung didn't feel in the mood to go up to Jake and convince him. But somehow he made the decision to go to him and have a conversation.

"Can't believe that I'm actually doing this." He went to him, sighing to himself. then he noticed Jake interacting with a few people. "..What is he doing with her?" he muttered under his breath.

He noticed him with a group of people, and he was talking with two girls. A tiny smile spread across his lips, because he hadn't expected him to speak with such people. especially when they got some bad rep.

hope this goes well. 

- - - 

A/N : back w another update and exams are done !! small chap but still, i hope you guys enjoy reading this. take care and have a good day/night <3

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