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Jake arrived home later than usual. He was pretty worn out, both physically and mentally as well.

Of course, the reason for this is Mrs. Jeong and Heeseung.

As he entered his room, he tossed his bag on the couch and walked slowly to the balcony. He slid the glass doors wide and stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air.

He stood in front of the railings and observed his surroundings. He rested his hands on the bars and sighed quietly, lowering his head. The day sucked, and he started wishing for the weekend to come sooner because he wouldn't be able to put up with Heeseung's drama at school.

Home seemed much better to him now. No more bothersome conversations, the bitchy chemistry lecturer, or Heeseung.

"What are you doing out there?" Jake's father abruptly called him out. He swiftly turned around and stretched his arms, pretending casually. "Nothing. "I just came here for some fresh air," he explained, placing his hands back.

His father stood in front of the room's entrance, keeping an eye on him. "You didn't get changed yet?" the elder inquired again.

"uh, no. I arrived late. I had a couple of questions about getting things clarified, and there were combined studies" Jake replied.

"With whom?"


Lies slipped smoothly from his tongue. And that's how he was supposed to act around his parents, particularly his father.

Like, hell, he was going to narrate a story of how he got into detention because of a purple-haired freak swinging his bag around, which ended up whacking a mad chemist.

"Combined studies are a waste of time. Don't invest in such things; it's going to distract you." his dad said, walking off. Jake just had his hands back, patiently waiting for this conversation to finish.

After his dad left, he let out a relieved sigh while brushing his hair back. "oh god.." After that, Jake went back inside the room and went to get changed.

– the next day.

Jake just prayed that he would have a peaceful day at school without Heeseung, including in his activities or whatever.

He and Jungwon entered the school together, and he looked around, but thankfully there was no sign of him. Jake just continued listening to Jungwon, but he didn't let his guard down.

"Sunday was so special! Jay Hyung actually showed up to my place. We went out and spent time together.. "

This time, he had to clutch the strap of his bag tightly and look around continuously. But nothing much happened; twenty minutes had passed already, but nothing really happened.

"So that was it," Jungwon said. Jake got back from his thoughts and looked at Jungwon with a smile.

"Aw man, that was actually great! I hope it happens again."

"Jake, my friend's cat died."


Jake pursed his lips together with a blank expression on his face, while Jungwon raised a brow at him. "I was actually talking about you and Jay.." He smiled nervously.

"ouh! Yeah, it was good." Jungwon smiled softly.

"And I'm sorry to hear about the cat," he mumbled. "its okay!"

Nothing much happened, so Jake just thought he was being overly cautious about this. He brushed his thoughts off and focused on relaxing his mind until the door of an empty classroom abruptly opened from the side and a boy and a girl came out while making out messily.

Jake flinched. He and Jungwon stopped in their tracks and watched them, who were now talking to each other. Won was surprised, but Jake had a blank expression.

What the hell did I just see right now?

It was Heeseung again. His purple hair was disheveled, his shirt was messy, and his tie was loosened up. Both of them were just talking about something random while they were still catching their breaths, especially the girl.

He looked at the girl with a flirty smirk, doing all the sweet talk with a low, raspy voice, those rolled-up sleeves, and his hand on her waist.

a literal example of that one 'bad boy' where the girls are lined up just to get a taste of him.

"They'll be searching for me right now. Maybe some other time," the girl replied, smiling and blushing. "Aw, that sucks, but alright." Heeseung let go of her waist immediately and watched her rush away.

Then his gaze turned towards the boys in front of him, and the first thing he looked at was Jake. He smiled at him and Jungwon and started to walk towards them while ruffling his own messy hair.

that girl? and yesterday it was someone else..?

Jungwon was surprised, but Jake was more than surprised. Let's just say he was flabbergasted.

"I didn't see pinky pie and twilight sparkle over here," Heeseung said, earning a light chuckle from Jungwon and a glare from Jake.

"Sup?" he asked, giving a grin. Then he turned to Jungwon. "Jungwonn! Dude, I missed you!"

Lee fucking Heeseung.

Jungwon raised his brows in surprise, still smiling. "really?" but Jake looked at Heeseung with a look of discontent. "Yup," but then Jay showed up from behind them, ruffling Jungwon's slightly. "hey there.."

"Oh, hey, hyung!" Jungwon smiled at Jay, who was now dragging him away by his arm. Heeseung snickered lightly while looking at them as he walked backwards.

"Don't worry, man. He's all yours now." He said to Jake.

..a fucking player

Then Jay smacked him. "Could you act normal instead of being a clown high on life?"Jake sighed at that and then turned to Jungwon. "Let's just go to our class."

Then all of them met up in the cafeteria later in the recess—all seven of them. Everything went well until Heeseung chose to bring up the detention topic. "So, how was the detention with Mrs. Jeong?" He smiled at Jake.

Ni-ki and Sunoo looked at Heeseung sharply. and Jake gave the same serious look to Heeseung. and he just acted all laid back, looking back at Jake with an innocent grin.

"detention? Jake went to detention??" Jungwon asked, surprised.

Jay and Sunghoon were surprised at that information, but Sunghoon didn't show it. He was just spacing out like usual. just staring at his coffee the whole time until it was mentioned that Jake went to detention.

Ri-ki clicked his tongue while looking at his phone, and Sunoo sighed. "might not be the best topic to talk about right now." The rest of the members looked at Jake and Sunoo.

"But what did Jake do that he got into detention?" asked Jungwon.

"Its because of Heeseung or what," Sunoo said.

"no, Sunoo. no." Heeseung turned to him. "It was an accident," he said innocently. "Yeah, yeah." Sunoo rolled his eyes at that.

"What did you do?" Jay asked Heeseung. The latter laughed a little. "funny story..-"

Sunoo sighed, replying again. "Dude straight-up yeeted his bag out like a damn rocket."

"And it hit Mrs. Jeong!" Heeseung completed his line, laughing. "oh.."

Jake rolled his eyes and sighed, creasing his brows, feeling annoyed. Jay just looked so done with Heeseung. Sunoo shook his head. "That was a dick move."

"Hey, I told you that was an accident. I didn't know it would hit that bitch." Heeseung tried to defend himself. "There's..actually more to it." Jake sighed, joining the conversation.

Ri-ki looked at Jake and chuckled a bit. "What is it?" Jungwon asked curiously.


. . .

"..That was an accident, Mrs. . Jeong," Jake said, standing in front of her desk with his hands back.

"This isn't a playground. This is a school, and we have some rules to follow, and decency is maintained. Act like a grownup, and you don't even know how to give respect to your teachers."

Jake furrowed his brows slightly. What is she even expecting in return? He had already apologized earlier, but she's still continuing, making a fuss. He felt so done. Heeseung ruined his mood already, and now she started to do it.

Keeping up with his patience, the male just stood quietly and listened to her nonsense. Then he got dismissed after a while. On his way, he met Ni-ki outside, and he saw the latter, who looked pissed.

"yo? what's wrong?"

Jake said whatever happened in the morning and earlier in the office to him. Ni-ki was surprised, and he patted his shoulder. "She's always like that."

"No, god.." Jake sighed heavily. "Why does she overreact about this?"

"Uh.. Jake-"

"Like, can she stop??" He rolled his eyes. "Hey, calm down. You need to-" Niki tried to stop him, but he didn't listen.

"Oh, look at me; I get hurt by such tiny things." Jake mocked. "I'll die if my pencil falls on my toe."

"Mr. sim." A serious voice interrupted from behind, and yes, it was Mrs. Jeong again.

Jake stopped immediately and froze as soon as he heard her voice and he looked back at Ni-ki who gave him a you-are-absolutely-fucked look.

"detention after school."

. . . 

"You did not!" sunoo gasped. "He did." Ni-ki laughed. Others were surprised too, but they laughed a bit.

"You got a lot of guts. You're lucky that she didn't drag your parents into this," Jungwon chuckled. "I had to speak to the principal later; she's chill though," Jake replied.

"I didn't expect that from a nerd," Heeseung said to him. Then the bell rang, and Jake rolled his eyes, getting up. "Shut up, Grimace." Sunoo and Ni-ki laughed at that while Heeseung raised a brow at him.

"I'm going to the class," the raven haired said to Jungwon, and he walked off. Heeseung watched Jake leave and turned to Sunoo, who was still laughing. "It's not that funny."

"Grimace," Sunoo said to him, still laughing. "clowns."

Heeseung rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat. Then he got a call, and he looked at the caller ID, sighing a little.

He signaled Jay that he would be back at five, and he went away to answer the call.

. . .

After the dismissal, the students left the classes, and this time, Jake finally had one peaceful day at school.

Well, he was in that thought until Heeseung walked past him, pouring a whole bottle of cold water at him. "what the-"

"Oops." Heeseung gave a smile while turning back, waving a little bit. A girl beside him glanced at Jake and giggled, then they both walked towards the parking lot.

"Fuckass!" Jake groaned in annoyance. Jungwon blinked, looking at Jake, and handed him a kerchief immediately. "I guess, you're his favorite." Jungwon sighed, watching Jake wipe his face.

"I'm done with him."

- - -

A/N : bro i write a lot of shit. cause this was supposed to be like the fourth chapter- but anw! i made another update ahaha

hope you guys like this. andd i hope you guys are eating your meals and doing well. please be safe and ily guyss ! have a good day/night !

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