Winning a battle and losing the war

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Meredith is in bed. It's 4:37am and raining. Delilah just finished making breakfast for herself and Meredith. She plans on being a good roommate.
Izzie stares from beside Meredith's bed holding some coffee saying that George's bedroom is bigger than hers. Meredith gets up but trips and falls flat on her face. She limps away.
Following her, Izzie explains that she needs the space as she has more clothes.
George butts in saying he got there first but Izzie says that its Meredith's decision.
Izzie stands over a sleeping Meredith.
George tells Izzie that his room is just two inches bigger than hers but Izzie says that he has a bigger closet.
George tells Izzie to just put her clothes somewhere else but she insists that everywhere is filled with Meredith's mother's boxes. They hesitantly ask Meredith if they can put the boxes in storage or unpack a few things like lamps, painting or pillows to make the house more homey. Izzie and George quickly ask if they can watch the tapes of surgical procedures from one of her mother's boxes but Meredith slams a door in their faces; a moment later, she re-opens it and takes Izzie's coffee and shuts the door again. She slumps against the other side of the door, holding her coffee. Delilah goes in and offers her a plate of waffles.

At the hospital Bailey complains to the interns saying they're just fools on bikes killing themselves. Alex asks George if Bailey is off her medication and George is surprised he never heard of the race. Webber, Burke, and Shepherd are standing in front of the O.R Schedule board. They note its done out well so they might get an early night but Bailey tells him that "Dead baby bike race day" started 20 minutes ago. George and Meredith explain that every year a bar hold an underground bike race and that is completely illegal. Bailey begins complaining again, "Crazy, a bunch of bike messengers racing against traffic trying to beat each other for free shots of tequila". Bailey tells them she needs someone to get up to the OR floor, the Chief needs a right hand. Everyone's hands (except Meredith's) shoot up and Bailey picks George.
Bikers of The Dead Baby Bar.
Bailey warns the others not to mingle with the E.R interns (who apparently don't know their ass from their esophagus). They are to sew fast, discharge fast, take bodies up to the OR yesterday. Her final warning is not to fight over patients. The interns run and jostle for position and see injured bike riders everywhere. Izzie and Cristina race off to grab a patient.
Meredith sees a man with bicycle spokes in his side. Alex and Meredith race towards him.
Behind a curtain, Alex and Meredith fight over the patient but after a while of them arguing, the patient, Viper, pulls back the curtain and asks if they can just take the spokes out so that he can win his race. Meredith tells him that they have to run some tests first but Alex just takes them out telling Meredith that its a superficial wound, not surgical. Alex leaves Meredith to sew him up.

Meanwhile Delilah goes and see a small girl with cuts and bruises. She decided to help her. She learned the girl was with her father to get some breakfast, but her father was now in surgery. Delilah clean and stitch up her cuts and doing neurological testing for sign of brain bleed or a concussion. She then said the girl was good to go. Her mother then discharged her. She keep on working on new patients in the ER. Later she saw a glimpse of Viper kissing and leaving a shocked Meredith behind.

Cristina, Izzie, and Derek stand over a patient. Cristina tells Derek that he is an "unidentified John Doe, mid-thirties pedestrian, hit by a motorist swerving to avoid a bike, GCS 3, pupils fixed and dilated, atropine given for a pulse in the forties". She continues to diagnose him and Burke announces that the bike race claimed its first victim. Izzie asks if he will be brought to the O.R but Derek tells her just to perform confirmatory tests and if he doesn't respond in six hours they should declare him brain dead.
Alex removes the spokes from Viper.
Webber is in surgery and George appears asking if he should scrub in. Webber says no, he is stuck in the O.R. all day so George has to monitor his pre-op and post-op patients. Webber tells him to pay special attention to a friend of his in room 4451 called Lloyd Mackie. In his bed, Lloyd light a cigarette but George tells him he has to put it out and smoking kills. Lloyd says that liver cancer will kill him and the cigarettes are just speeding it up. George insists there is hope, that he is at the top of the donor list. Lloyd tells him he has been at the top of the donor list for eight months.
Izzie and Cristina are with their patient. Izzie worries that he won't respond and they only have 5 hours left but Cristina tells her that if he doesn't respond to the tests it means he's already dead. Cristina then says that she just wants him to hurry up and go into the light so she can get another case. Izzie looks shocked, she talks about how it's a waste of his life. Cristina then says it is a waste of good organs too and Izzie catches on to her plan.
Meredith sews up Viper and while she does, he flirts with her calling her a "rocking babe". She ignores it and pleads with him to let her do some tests and that she could have him gone within an hour. He tells her no, he has to finish the race so before he goes she asks him to sign an AMA form.

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