enough is enough

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“ I have an aunt who whenever she poured anything for you she would say "Say when!" My aunt would say "Say when!" and of course, we never did. We don't say when because there's something about the possibility, of more. More tequila, more love, more anything. More is better. Sometimes all we want is a taste. Other times there's no such thing as enough, the glass is bottomless. And all we want, is more. ”
— Meredith Grey

Meredith and Cristina are hungover. Meredith is lying on the floor near the toilet and Cristina is lying in the bath tub. Meredith blames stupid boy penises for her problems. Cristina is mad over how Burke broke up with her, like it was business like. Like he's the boss of her. Meredith points out that Burke is. Cristina finds it worse that she cares about what happened. She used to be all business but now that he got her pregnant, she started caring due to the hormone surges of estrogen. 
Derek thinks telling her everything should be enough for her to not be so pissed at him. Meredith says it's not enough "when you waited two months to tell me and I had to find out by her showing up, all leggy and fabulous, and telling me herself. You pulled the plug. I'm a sink with an open drain - anything you say runs right out. There is no enough." Derek looks disappointed as Meredith goes inside the hospital.
Burke tells Derek that there is an organ donor coming from another hospital, that they're doing a harvest.
An ambulance arrives. A 55 year old male, Ted, was involved in a head on collision.  The paramedic says, "He's pretty much gone." Bailey says, "He's not gone 'til we say he's gone." She assigns him to George and tells him to save the man. George says, "But he's dead." Bailey tells him to go do it. She tells Meredith to go with George. More victims of the car accident arrive. George goes inside reluctantly.

Bailey, Alex, Izzie,Delilah and Cristina respond to another ambulance from the car crash, the car that jumped lanes and caused the accident. The driver, Bob Seibert, was not wearing his seat belt and has significant abdominal tenderness and a bad liver, he is on the donor list. Bailey says Burke needs to be paged and assigns Izzie to the case, he'll be taken down to the O.R. Bailey tells Alex to take the son involved in the accident and assigns Cristina and Delilah, wife of the driver. Inside, an E.R. resident tells Bailey there's someone else in the E.R. who is surgical. He has a bowel obstruction - they think he has drugs inside of his body according to his X-rays. Bailey walks into the bay that George, Meredith, and Olivia are in. She is pleased that they are doing what it takes to save the man. Bailey tells Meredith to come help a man with a bowel obstruction.

Derek is examining Richard. Richard's wife, Adele, comes into the room. and says, "What makes you think he wants to be discharged?" that the hospital would crumble if Richard wasn't there. Chief is surprised she is there, she is supposed to vacationing in the Virgin Islands.  Richard asks, "You called my wife?" To which Derek replies, "You called mine. Look, having someone home with you is the only way I'm letting you out of here today."

Cristina and Delilah are examining the wife, Lea Seibert . The two patients are telling their respective doctor what happened in the accident. Lea says her husband is a very good, safe driver, that he saw something in the middle of the road and swerved to avoid it. Scott tells Alex about a guy with a truck who cut them off, that his father lost it and started chasing the truck and blasting through traffic. Lea says that morning was pleasant, totally fine. Scott says that Lea and Bob had a fight that morning. Lea tells Cristina and Delilah again about her husband's bad liver. Lea looks very distraught. She asks about her son. The son says, "Next thing I know we're upside down on the other side of the freeway...at least the son of a bitch got what he deserved."

Cristina is continuing her examination of Lea. She turns her to her side to look at her back. There is a large bruise there. Cristina asks how she got it. She looks uneasy and says it must have come from the accident, Cristina doesn't think so because it appears to be a couple weeks old. Delilah shared a look with Cristina, knowing it was the husband.

Meredith is with Mr. Hubble, the man with the bowel obstruction. He is on a gurney. She says it would be better if he just told them what he ingested. He tells Meredith she has the most beautiful, delicate, porcelain-like features. She rolls her eyes.

Alex,Delilah and Cristina are there getting Bailey caught up on the Seibert family and looking at their X-rays. Scott has no fractures or internal bleeding, they'll keep him overnight for observation. Lea, on the other hand, has multiple fractures on her arms and ribs. Alex tells them what Scott told him earlier - that the accident was road rage. Delilah says that's not what the wife said happened. She also tells them about the bruise she saw on her back from a "fall". Cristina says Lea needs "bed rest and a shrink". Meredith comes in with Mr. Hubble's X-rays and says it's drugs because it appears like balloons are all through his intestine. Bailey says, "Stupid, stupid, stupid." She puts up the X-ray so all of them can look at it. To fix him, they'll have to run his bowel - removing all of his intestine from his body, hand searching for the "balloons" and removing them. Delilah doesn't think they're balloons because one of them has a face, they all have faces. Mr. Hubble didn't swallow drugs, he swallowed ten Judy doll heads. Cristina utters an "ew".

George and Olivia are "closing up" Ted. He asks if there is family waiting. She says they're still trying to reach them. Olivia apologizes for the whole Alex situation and explains that she slept with Alex before George and not during the time they started going out. George is very uncomfrotable and is paged by the chief. George "calls it" and leaves.

Scott is in a gurney as Alex transports him. Scott hits his fist against the side rails of the gurney in a beat. Alex talks about Mr. Hubble, the man with the dolls in his intestine to try to cheer up Scott.  Scott says he doesn't hurt him, just his mom. Alex and Scott get out of the elevator. Izzie comes saying she was looking for them. Scott knows it's about his father.

Burke walks in to find Adele getting some things for Richard. Adele says, "Being chief is a lot like being an intern, the work never stops." She says she was relieved to hear Richard had a tumor so that he might be forced to retire. Burke is intrigued.
It's raining outside. Izzie and Alex are talking to Scott about his father's condition. If Scott were to donate his liver, he would have to do it today because of the amount of bleeding Bob is having. Scott says, "When you get counseling they tell you not to force it, the decision, you know. One day, one moment you just know the right thing to do. It should be easy right? He's my father." Alex tells him it's a tough operation and that his life would be changed so it's not necessarily easy.

Cristina, Izzie, Meredith, and George walk to a table where there are several headless Judy dolls. Alex and Delilah a table over smirks. Cristina throws one of the dolls at Alex. Olivia tries to talk to George but he barely acknowledges her. Cristina, Izzie, and Meredith all look at each other than look at George.

Bailey, Izzie, Meredith, Alex, George,Delilah and Cristina are operating on Mr. Hubble. His intestine is outside his body and they are carefully removing the dolls. Bailey pulls out a head and says that it was a collectible. Cristina says, "Seriously? You can identify these dolls by their heads?" Bailey likes Judy dolls and owns them. Burke comes in requesting an intern to go to the organ donor. Bailey sends George. Burke tells Cristina, Alex, and Izzie to scrub out to get an answer from Scott. Bailey pulls out another doll head and says it looks like Meredith. Delilah laughs and said it was true.

Lea, Alex, Izzie, Cristina,Delilah and Burke wait for Scott to make a decision. He is pounding the same beat as earlier on his wheelchair. Lea looks sadly at her son, sad because she knows this is such a hard decision for him. Scott looks at Alex and stops beating his fist on the chair. He says that he'll do it. Lea is very relieved. Scott has a few conditions, though. He says, "You're going to tell the cops the truth about what happened in this accident, Mom. And as soon as we get home you and I are moving out. Enough is enough."

Burke walks past Scott's room where he is recovering. Alex and Izzie are with Scott. Izzie looks at Alex with interest.
Burke walks past Lea's Hospital room. Police officers are with her. She is probably telling them the truth about the car accident.

Noah met Delilah at Mer's house. He brought some Chinese take out, they ate food and she told him about the case she worked on and about the doll heads. Noah said that it had to be hard to swallow. Delilah giggled and said, "It's what she said." Noah playfully pushed her and also talked about Addison and he heard about what happened and they went to bed early, because they were both tired.

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