fight or flight

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While Richard's checking Burke's shoulder, Denny's flatlining.
Bailey was looking after Delilah. Delilah needed an emergency thoracotomy. Bailey decided to see her as a patient, and not as her intern. Bailey went ahead and did the thoracotomy , squeezing the patient's heart. Richard came into the trauma room after Derek arrived at Burke's room. She tells him she had to crack her chest.
Bailey has her hand inside the patient's chest and she feels the hole in the right ventricle. She can keep it closed. Richard paged Noah, because he was one of the best attendings. Bailey shook her head and said,"He cannot do this sir. They are too close, emotions will run too high. " Richard run his hand over his face and said," We do not have any other Cardio attendings as good as him or Burke. We will do this, but cover her face. He is her only option for survival." As much as Bailey wanted to deny it, she knew Noah was the next best thing beside Burke. They are moving the patient to the OR. They prep Delilah and covered her face.

Burke starts looking around as he's about to be put on a gurney.

Izzie stands in Denny's room with the cut LVAD wire in her hand. George says they need to call a code. He can't feel a pulse. Izzie stops him and says she has a plan. If they call a code, Denny will be rushes to surgery and they'll replace his LVAD. Then he'll stabilize and he won't get the heart. Denny will die waiting for another heart. George says this is crazy. Izzie threatens to break George's bones if he calls the code. Izzie says he has to choose between leaving or helping her.

While the shooter's taken into the ER, where Cristina offers Richard to help. He tells her to go run trauma 2. She's on it. She leaves right when a nurse comes in with Burke. She says he has a GSW to the right shoulder and that he's lost a lot of blood. Richard directs her to trauma 1 and tells her to keep the blinds closed since Yang is on the floor.

In trauma 2, the ER physician says the patient has a self-inflicted GSW to the head. He shot himself after emptying his clip. Cristina is excited to be running this.

Richard tells Burke to lie down, but he says he's fine and he tries to get up. Richard says he is the patient now. Burke seems surprised to see Richard and asks him when he got here. Richard asks to have Shepherd paged.

Cristina watches as Derek walks by. When he opens the door to enter trauma 1, she sees the patient is Burke. She tells the ER physician to take over compressions and leaves. She enters trauma 2. Richard tells her they got this.

Cristina returns to her trauma bay and takes over compressions. She refuses to let Petey die. He won't get off that easily. She wants to tell his family that she tried everything to save his miserable life.

Noah had a bad feeling. Delilah was supposed to meet him in the lobby before he headed home. Luckily he was in the lobby when he was paged. He met Richard outside the OR and asked what was the case. Richard could not meet his eyes, but said that it was GSW to the heart cavity and shoulder. The shoulder gun shot was through and through and only needed stitches. But he said that Bailey performed an emergency thoracotomy, because of the bleeding. Richard paged him because there's a tear and he expects a lot of bleeding so it's nice to have the best. Noah and Bailey started the operation. Later Richard came in and asked how it was going. Noah was confused for a moment as to why the chief was in his OR. Bailey reminds him ,they were about to reconstruct the ventricle. Noah asks for 3-0 ethibond.

Back at Mercy West, Alex tells Hahn they should hear back from Burke any minute. Erica says he said that half an hour ago. Erica decides she's going in to get the heart when they hit the hour mark.

Derek tells Burke the bullet is in dangerous property, so they're going to check his hand function. Richard asks Burke to squeeze his fingers, but Burke can't do that. Cristina comes in and says her guy's upstairs.  Burke asks the doctors for a moment. Richard says only a moment. They all leave. Cristina says she's not mad at him anymore for kicking her off the transplant. All that matters is that he gets through this. She's here for him, whatever he needs. He needs her to go check on Denny. She leaves to go do that.

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