great expectations

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Recap of everything Delilah's missed with her healing journey: George continues to be skeptical about Burke's ability to operate, after seeing Cristina perform a complicated surgery and refuse the credit. George's father is admitted to the hospital. Izzie shadows Alex, who is on Sloan's service.A traumatic car accident at the local market brings in multiple patients to the ER. Erica Hahn is brought in after George loses confidence in Dr. Burke, while his mother is embarrassing him in front of his peers. Cristina also has a crisis of confidence and confesses to the Chief the cover-up between her and Burke.Miranda tries to make sure that Burke and Cristina are punished, but Richard feels otherwise. Meredith is spooked when her half-sister is admitted and George gets too involved in his father's case as the rest of the staff attempt to separate adult conjoined twins.The O'Malleys await for a response from the surgery, Addison and Alex feel awkward after their almost moment and Cristina and Burke still are not talking, while Meredith's snoring is still annoying Derek. Unfortunately George's father had passed.

“ No one believes that their life will turn out just kind of okay. We all think we are going to be great. And from the day we decide to be surgeons, we are filled with expectation. Expectations of the trails we will blaze, the people we will help, the difference we will make. Great expectations of who we will be, where we will go. And then we get there. We all think we're going to be great and we feel a little bit robbed when our expectations aren't met. ”
— Meredith Grey

Before bed, Derek is obsessing over Richard passing him over for the promotion. Meredith is worrying over Burke and Cristina's relationship.

Izzie baked for George, but instead Callie comes running out of his room. George is grieving by having lots and lots of sex and she can't take it anymore. She feels horrible for George, but this needs to stop. As she quickly gets dressed, she puts Izzie on Georgewatch 2007. Izzie objects, but Callie quickly runs off. A naked George opens the door to his room. Izzie is surprised by the view and asks if he's hungry.

Alex catches up with Addison at the hospital. He thinks she's been avoiding him, which she refutes. He walks off. Addison and Callie cross paths. Addison confesses she kissed Karev, while Callie says George has turned into a sex machine.

Bailey comes in and tells the inters they are on their own today because she has important things to do today. If they face troubles, they have to ask themselves "What Would Bailey Do?" Bailey welcomed Delilah back. She was happy having her favourite back. Izzie wonders what is wrong with everyone.

Derek and Bailey catch up with Richard as he gets on an elevator to go to a meeting. They both need to talk to him, but only Bailey can promise she'll keep it short. She gets on the elevator and the doors close in Derek's face. She tells Richard she wants to open a free clinic. She has done research. Richard says there a lot of hoops to jump through. Bailey asks if he'll consider this if she gets the okay from all department heads. He agrees to that, but still wonders why she's interested since it's not surgery-related.

Bailey comes up to Derek and brings up her project. She asks for his support. Derek says there are a lot components to think of, which is a Chief's job, and apparently he's not cut out for that. So she's going to have to take it to somebody else.

Delilah is working with Callie. They talk about George's sex drive. Delilah points out she does not want to hear about this anything else sure,but not this.  Callie was glad Delilah was back, she was basically her only friend of the jntern group.They walk up to the patient, Steve Beck, who dislocated his right patella due to a fall while running a marathon. Steve was told he blacked out. Callie distracts the patient by asking about his day and reduces the patella. She asks Delilah to get a patellar brace, run labs, and get post-reduction films. She advises Steve to skip the race next time he has a cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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