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It's Christmas time and that means stress. Whether you're working at a hospital or anywhere else. A young boy, Justin, needs a heart transplant but doesn't seem to want it. As a result of his treatment, Dr. Burke and Cristina spar over philosophical differences -- namely whether the boy's desire to live has any impact on the result.

Meanwhile, the interns rally around Alex to help him prepare to re-take his medical boards, after Meredith learns that he failed them. Initially Izzie is furious at them for helping him, but comes around and helps him in the true spirit of the holiday. On a superficial level, she decorates the house so that it closely resembles Santa's workshop. She loves Christmas! Delilah were not avoiding Meredith anymore, but she was still conflicted about what to do. Ellis had Alzheimer's and she did not know if she wanted to talk to her just once to ask questions.

Richard is pressured by his wife to spend more time at home. Miranda is pressured by her unborn son, whose kicking is making her job especially difficult. Derek is feeling depressed in spite of having reconciled with Addison, and confides to her that Meredith wasn't a fling. In the midst of her own internal struggles, Meredith tells Izzie, Delilah and George how much they mean to her. Meredith and Izzie got a dog.

In the end, despite the hassles and gripes, the inconveniences and the hurt feelings, the surgeons and interns cling to the ones they love.
Delilah was happy to have a dog in the house, but made sure her room door was closed before leaving the house.
Delilah got invited by some nurses to join them for a night out. She decided she needed to let loose for once. She, Sarah, Tyler and Olivia went to a bar and they laughed and talked about the drama at the hospital. They drank alot of alcohol, but Delilah did not drink more than three drinks.
Delilah was drunk and called Noah," Heyyyy... I missed you... today. We need to work on more... casess together. I do not feel okay now. I only d-drunk...two drinks. I do not know where my f-f-friends are." He told her to wait in the bathroom with a closed stall and he will come and get her. He drove as fast as he could to get her. He hoped nothing happened to her. He run quickly into the bar and went into the woman bathroom and knocked on the stalls. He found her passed out on the floor and picked her and took her to the hospital. Noah was sure she had been roofied. He took her to the emergency room at Seattle Grace because it was the closest.

Dr Bailey was on shift and was shocked to see her intern unconscious. They made sure this situation was private. Later the blood results showed that she had high levels of Rohypnol in her system and that effected her heart. Noah's heart broke seeing her in this state. He was just relieved that nothing worse had happened. He called Alex saying that she needed him here. Later Alex came and Noah explained what had happened. Bailey was taking care of her intern. She paged Burke and informed him of this situation. The drug started to slow her heart down and her heart stopped. Code blue was called and Burke shocked her heart and it started to beat again. He did not understand how a seemingly young healthy intern had a heart problem. Bailey asked Noah to the room and asked him if he know her medical history. Noah knew that she knew. He told them about her medical history and operations. They realized that one of her sleeping and anxiety medication was reacting contradictory and causing some medical problems.

Bailey and Burke was shocked at all this information and thought that the intern was already friendly and happy.
They decided for the best treatment was to put her in medical induced coma to make sure her body can be fully healed. She had to wake up when her heart is ready.

Unfortunately news had spread that she was in the hospital. Doctors and nurses visited and brought flowers and balloons. The interns spent some time every night around her bed waiting for her to wake up and telling her about their days. She was in a coma for a little over a week. She had a week of recovery before she could be back at work. She hated the attention, but was grateful for being okay. Olivia, Sarah and Tyler apologized profusely for what happened. Delilah said to them that it was not their fault and that shit happens.

Bailey also visited every now and then and said that she knew about her relationship and told her to be careful and joked about her interns that keep on dating attendings.

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