save me

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Derek returns to Meredith's bedroom and finishes getting ready as Meredith watches on.

Izzie is in the kitchen with George complaining that her cupcakes still don't taste right. He disagrees and says Martha Stewart would be proud of these cupcakes. Izzie thinks she's missing something, one specific ingredient. George suggests she just call her mother and ask, but Izzie doesn't want to do that.

Meredith watches Derek brush his teeth in the bathroom and suggests they sleep at his place tonight. She doesn't understand why they always sleep at her place and wonders if he even has one. Derek doesn't answer and heads downstairs to the kitchen. He greets George who offers one of Izzie's cupcakes for breakfast. Derek says he likes it here, that Meredith prefers having her things here, sleeping in her own bed as he gathers a bowl and cereal. Delilah was grumpy,because she did not get Noah's number . She starts to eat a lot of cupcakes. Derek and Meredith shared a worried look for the young resident.George asks if he's a health nut as he easts muesli every morning, which Derek denies. Izzie says he definitely does, the last 7 days at least. Derek then realizes he's been there all week.

Cristina is sitting in a doctor's office. The person tells her there are other options besides termination and tries to discuss them, but Cristina cuts her off telling her to put her down for the 16th. She will confirm after she rearranges her schedule. The person again tries to discuss options with Cristina, but she cuts he off saying she's not interested in the talking part.

Alex is examining Devo, a patient who recently had a root canal that wouldn't stop bleeding. Burke comes in asking for the bullet. Alex tells him Devo is a 17-year-old female hospitalized for excessive bleeding status post root canal, also had a significant new heart murmur associated with fever and is not afebrile on antibiotics. Devo asks if she's going to die, can they call her parents who are in the cafeteria, but Burke assures her she is not dying. He says Alex is going to run some labs, and he will be back later with her parents. Once he's gone, Alex asks what kind of name Devo is anyway. She mentions the 80s rock band and says her parents did too much blow. As she tells Alex she calls herself Esther, he pulls back the blanket to reveal she's wearing an ankle length denim skirt under her hospital gown. He teases her asking if she's Amish. She asks if he's ever seen an Orthodox Jew.

Cristina is reviewing scans, but says the patient belongs in psych and questions why they are turfing him to surgery. The psych resident explains the patient had a seizure 2 days ago, and another this morning. Meredith is reading his chart and wonders what he's talking about, the patient says he can talk to dead people, his family thinks he is dangerous and had him committed and reiterates it's a psych case, not neuro. Cristina asks if he even went to med school, which offends the resident. He says unlike the 'correspondence school' she attended, he learned not to jump to conclusions. He sarcastically apologizes and says psych can't take him back until he's cleared. He says the patient believes his seizures are visions, but the patient heard him and argues they are not seizures - he's psychic! Meredith and Cristina enter the room, greeting Mr. Duff and telling him they are going to start a workup, which he believes is a waste of time. As Meredith checks his eyes, Cristina tests his grip when he has another seizure. Once it stops, he tells them someone is going to check out, Cristina is not impressed and still thinks he's nuts. Mr. Duff says he's dizzy, not deaf and someone on the 4th floor is going to die. Just then, a code blue is called over the intercom for the 4th floor.

Cristina is fighting back nausea as she walks up to the nurse's station and joins George. He's still thinking about how the psychic called it with the 4th floor dead guy, but Cristina ignores him and asks if he's free to cover for her on the 16th. George is distracted by Derek and Meredith heading their way and says he's thinking of letting his hair grow. Maybe he won't shave, go for the stubble effect and asks Cristina what she thinks. She reiterates, she needs him to cover the 16th. He agrees and asks why, but she tells him it's none of his business and walks away.

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