Deny, deny, deny

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The key to surviving a surgical internship is denial. We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed. And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. De Nile. It's not just a river in Egypt, it's a freakin' ocean. So how do you keep from drowning in it? ”
— Meredith Grey

Joe gives Izzie a drink and she goes to a table where George and Meredith are sitting. George says when he left Cristina she said that she was okay. Izzie says, "Nobody goes through what she went through and is totally over it by now." George thinks Cristina can. Izzie says that she's too fine, that she is cold. Meredith adds, "Some people just keep their feelings to themselves."

Meredith sees Derek come into the bar. Derek sits next to Delilah. Delilah closes her eyes then stares off into space as Derek says, "Meredith kissed me. Addison kissed me. My wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day." Delilah says, "You are so damn stupid. We might sort of be friends, but I still dislike you, two-faced bastard." Noah then joined us," Derek, good to see you,old friend. Did not know you were in Seattle." Delilah looked between the two of them and looked at Derek and asked," You have friends...?" Derek looked insulted and Noah just laughed and shared a look with Delilah that said 'we will talk later'. Delilah stretched out her hand, acting flirty," The name's Delilah." As Noah was going for her hand, Derek slapped his hand and said no. They all laughed.
Bailey tells Izzie, Meredith, Alex, and George to be extra sharp because Cristina is still unable to work and Delilah has the day off. She also tells Alex to talk to Chief before the end of the day.

Meredith presents Cristina Yang to Bailey and the rest of the interns. Cristina is desperately trying to convince them she is okay - that she is taking in solid food and her pain is controlled by the medicine she takes. Bailey tells her to just relax and get better, she can be a doctor next week.
George presents Ellis to everyone. As he talks Ellis tells him that he is wrong, wrong, wrong. She then says that she does not want Meredith in the room because she is a child and does not want Meredith on her team. Bailey says they'll meet her outside. Meredith leaves the room.

Cristina is in bed filling out her own chart. Burke peeks into the room then comes in. He looks very happy to see her as he takes her chart from her.  He looks through her chart and says he's had a hard time finding a time when she's alone. Burke asks how she is. Cristina tells him to look at her chart. Burke asks again emphasizing how she is doing. They look at each other for a few seconds and then she looks away and says she is perfectly okay. Burke says he had a right to know about the baby. She says now he knows and it's over, there's nothing left to deal with or to say.
Meredith and Bailey go into a room where a young man is the patient. Bailey says, "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again." He replies, "That's only cause you're too lazy to learn anything more." Bailey introduces Meredith to the patient, Jeremiah Tate. Jeremiah was one of Bailey's first patients when she was an intern. Jeremiah says that Bailey was clueless on how to treat cystic fibrosis. Jeremiah raises around $100,000 a year for cystic fibrosis running triathlons.

Meredith asks, "What about his parents?" Bailey says Jeremiah does not like to bother them until he's well or he's going to be discharged. She adds, "He understands his reality he just chooses to ignore it. Denial works for him, Grey."

Alex is going through a bunch of clipboards and reads off what's wrong with that particular patient. He sees one where a man has a gun shot wound to the head. A nurse shows him where the man is. He has a small scar in the middle of his forehead. He is in the waiting room reading a magazine.

Alex is examining Samuel Linden, the man with a G.S.W. to the head. He notes how Samuel is talking, there's no bullet exit wound.  He adds that he shot himself. Alex looks at him with a peculiar expression.

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