i am a tree

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Meredith and Derek end up on an elevator together. He goes to stand closely behind her and they smile. Meredith gets off when the elevators arrive. She gets off and he stares after her.

Izzie takes a batch of muffins out of the oven. The kitchen is already filled with muffins. She tells herself no more muffins, but then goes to make another batch.

Addison, dressed in a dirty sweatsuit, enters Richard's office as he's cleaning up his couch bed. He hopes she's not planning to see her patients like that. Addison says she needs the day off to drink. There are no laboring moms because God knows that Addison needs the day. Richard asks if she wants to talk. She asks why he's living in his office. He replies marriage is hard. She says hers is about to be over.

Bailey sarcastically tells her interns they reflect on her well. She tells Meredith to follow up on the labs and do charts. Alex gets to cover the pit since Addison is out sick. She then notices the panties pinned to the bulletin board. George and Alex try to hide their laughter as Cristina urges Meredith to get her panties back, since Bailey thinks they are hers. Bailey knows the panties belong to one of them. Callie jumps in and claims the panties are hers. She apologizes to Bailey and walks off. George is confused.

Bailey tells George and Cristina to go prep their patients. She warns her interns not to make her regret setting them loose. As Alex and Cristina walk off, they agree that the Nazi's back.

Cristina enters Burke's room. Under his father's observant eyes, she tells Burke that his mother wants to have coffee with her, and that Jane thinks that she's a racist stripper. Burke thinks it's kind of funny. It's just his mother. Everybody loves his mama. Cristina demands that he save her from this. When she's left, Burke's father chuckles.

Jane and Cristina are drinking coffee. Jane hopes she's planning to pursue a less time-consuming specialty after she and Burke get married. Burke is the most important thing in the world to Jane. Cristina then acts surprised to see Burke there and calls him over. Jane asks him why he's out of bed. He says he needed to stretch his legs. Jane says he's supposed to be resting. He says he wanted some air and coffee. He goes to get some coffee. Jane knows that Cristina did this. She says she likes Cristina, but she's selfish. She pulled Burke out of his bed because she is uncomfortable. She is convinced that her relationship with Burke won't last long. Burke then returns with coffee. Burke decided to visit Delilah before she gets discharged. They sort of become gunshot friends. He gets in the room and saw Noah and Alex fighting with Delilah over something.

Delilah's pov
I was thrilled to be discharged,  but now I want to kill the two dummies around me fighting about my recovery like I do not exist. I almost kissed Burke when he came in. " Good afternoon Preston. How is your mother? I hear about the Cristina situation and she isn't to happy about her." Alex and Noah looked confused as to why I was calling him Preston and not Burke. Preston then laughed at my question and said that Cristina and his mother had coffee and he was threatened to be there. We then chuckled at Cristina's behavior. We talked a bit about our recovery and talked about how it was going. Alex's pager went off. I flinched at the sound , because the last time I answered a page, I got shot and Burke looked at him with envy. Preston wanted that pager in his hands and he had a hunger in his eyes for surgery. As Alex walked off, Noah saw the looks and decided to distract us from that with talking about the discharged forms I still needed to sign. Preston said his goodbyes and I got everything ready to leave this place. Me and Noah walked out the hospital to his house, which he insisted I stay at since he has taken time off. At the house, I waited for Mark to visit before I take a nap. Mark said over the phone he had some great news that he will share when he is in Seattle.

Mark finally showed ,just when Noah went shopping to get me a ice cream. I was so happy he was here. He brought a basket of all my favourite snacks and drinks. Yayyy!!! SNICKERS are superior. " Good afternoon, Cloudy. I missed you. And you seem to get in trouble more then once here. " He greeted me and handed me something that looked like a pregnancy pillow. I remember it was something that helped me sleep after operations when I was younger. I started poking Mark and asked him what he wanted to tell me in person. He told me," Well, I am moving to Seattle." I gave him a 'why and don't lie to me' look. He then said that New York did not feel like home, because all the people he loved, left. I gave him a hug and said that he deserved  to have a great love and that I am happy to see him. I started getting tired and yawned. He said that I should go sleep. I just nodded and everything went dark.

As Mark got up to leave,Noah came back. He saw an older man in his house, which he assumed was Mark.
" Good afternoon,Sir." Noah greeted and he was so nervous to meet Delilah's basically father. Mark saw the guy that Delilah was in love with. He looked nervous to be in this situation. Mark made eye contact with Noah and said," If you break her heart, you will wish you were dead."  Noah gave a small chuckle and said," If I break her heart, I will pay you to hurt me." Mark just nodded his head and left.

Bailey sees Mr. Hernandez and sits down with him. She takes one of Izzie's muffins and asks if he's okay. His son's going to be fine. Mr. Hernandez says he let his son go off. He knew better. He keeps picturing his son going down that hill. He should have stopped. Bailey says kids spin out of control sometimes. Mr. Hernandez says it's a parent's job to control them anyway. He only sees Harley every other weekend since the divorce. He'd never have bought Harley that luge before, but he went soft when his son needed him to be the father.

Finn enters the bar and walks up to Meredith. Only seconds later, Derek joins them. She thanks them for coming. She tells them that she likes them both. She thought she had to decide, but she owes herself the chance to consider her options. She has decided to date them both. She understands if they're not up for it, but she hopes they are. Neither Derek nor Finn's bowing out.

Dana leaves the bathroom. She has decided to go back to the hospital to kick this cancer's ass. Alex exits moments later. Bailey walks up to him. He admits she was right today about not getting physical with patients. He smiles and walks off.

Cristina enters Burke's room as Burke tells his mother that he doesn't know if his hand will ever get better. Jane says it will. She then sees Cristina and tells her that Burke needs his sleep. Cristina says she was just checking to see if they needed anything. Jane says they're fine. Cristina wishes Preston a good night and walks off. In the hall, she passes Burke's father, who tells her to hang in there.

Callie finds George lying on a bench outside the hospital. She has a suitcase with her. She sits down and tells George that the panties aren't hers. The jealousy's insanely hot, by the way. He asks about the suitcase. She gives him a kiss.

George, Callie, and Meredith enter the kitchen. Izzie is making more muffins and asks them to leave her alone. Bailey then appears in the doorway. The other three leave her alone with Izzie. Bailey tells Izzie that she went soft after she had her baby. She got tired and busy and she stopped teaching when Izzie needed a teacher the most. Bailey could have stopped her, and in the past, she would have. She's partly to blame for what happened, so she wants Izzie to come back. They'll work it out with the Chief, because she's talented. They all make mistakes. Bailey tells her it's enough muffins.

Derek shows up at Addison's hotel room. She thought he was room service. Derek comes in and tells her he feels terrible. He's not proud of what he did. Addison deserves better. He's sorry about the panties and the prom. He sits down next to her. Addison says she's sorry, too. He says their marriage is over. It's all his fault. He says this is incredibly sad. The bathroom door then opens and Mark comes out, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He sees Derek and comments this is awkward. Derek takes a sip from Addison's champagne and tells her he feels better now. He leaves and closes the door behind him.

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