who's zooming who?

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George is sitting on the edge of the bath naked, reading a book about rashes when Izzie knocks, telling him to hurry up. She asks what he's doing but when he replies that it is private, she laughs and says she'll wait.

In her room, Meredith quietly talks to a nurse at her mothers nursing home but hangs up as Derek turns around in his sleep and wakes up.

George emerges from the bathroom and Izzie tells him there is no need to be ashamed (presuming he was masturbating). Meredith walks out wondering why they are arguing and Izzie explains she caught George playing with Jimmy and the twins. They all walk away and Derek emerges with his ringing phone but he ignores it. Meredith then said,"Aren't you gonna get that? It might be the hospital." He said it wasn't.

Cristina talks to a doctor about her scheduled abortion on the 16th but hangs up as Burke comes around the corner. Burke asks her why she didn't answer her page the previous night and she considers telling him about the pregnancy but walks off instead. The chief walks past her, swaying slightly and rubbing his head.

George talks quietly to Olivia in a corner as the chief passes asking if she feels ok. He starts to tell her he feels a bit itchy but Izzie interrupts. George and Olivia leave and Izzie realizes that George wasn't playing with Jimmy and the twins. She looks confused, wondering what he was doing.

In another OR, Meredith and Delilah looks up worriedly at Derek in the gallery while she helps the chief and Bailey. Miranda and Meredith look worriedly at Webber as he complains about the lighting but they continue with the surgery.

Cristina and Izzie look at a patient with an abnormally large abdomen and he explains it has been growing for a while.

George asks for the bloodwork of George O'Malley and Izzie plucks it out of his hands, asking who has syphilis and if it isn't surgical why does he have the bloodwork.

In surgery, the chief drops a surgical instrument and blinks rapidly. He steps back and allows Bailey to finish.

Cristina and Izzie walk into Franklin's room and tells him he has ascites. He and his wife look worried but their daughter looks dis-interested, saying it is because he drinks a lot.

Cristina and Izzie update Bailey on Mr. Franklin, after testing them, she tells them they can do a paracentesis. As she walks off, Cristina and Izzie celebrate.

Derek walks into the chiefs office and asks him to explain his behavior. The chief says that a few weeks ago he was operating and the vision in his right eye became blurry. After a few hours, it was fine but the problem came back again. He lets Derek run some tests but insists that he keeps them secret.

In another room, George is bent over a gurney while Alex prepares to give him some penicillin. Meredith complains that Alex is doing it wrong so he hands the needle to Meredith and leaves. Izzie and Cristina quickly follow and after Meredith is finished, George leaves angrily.

While Meredith quietly talks to one of her mother's nurses. Derek and the chief walk down a corridor and Derek tells Webber he has an MRI scheduled. As Derek leaves Patricia appears and tells the chief they have a situation.

The chief has many doctors in front of him, he complains that three interns, four residents and six nurses on the surgical floor were diagnosed with syphilis. Olivia and George look at each other from opposite ends of the room. Delilah and Noah snuck out of the room,and went to the on call room and they laughed so much and joked that the hospital has more syphilis than a escort service. After a stern lecture, Webber gets Patricia to perform a safe sex demonstration with a condom and banana. Derek slips into the room at quietly asks the chief to come down for the MRI.

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