into you like a train

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Meredith is seated at the bar talking to Joe. She asks him if she really asked Derek to choose her. Joe thinks it's romantic to which Meredith replies, "It's not romantic, Joe. It's horrifying. Horror-movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood, horrifying!" Cristina and George are shooting darts several feet away with Izzie seated at a table beside them. Cristina wonders how long Meredith is going to wait. Izzie says it's getting hard to watch. Cristina says that now the situation is pathetic. Meredith hears her and drunkenly says, "Who's pathetic? You who pretend to be my friends calling me pathetic behind my back, in front of my face. Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with." She is losing hope that Derek is coming. All of the interns start getting pages and a man in the bar says to turn on the television. On the news, there is a train wreck. The train was bound for Vancouver and had over 300 passengers. Izzie complains that they just worked a thirty hour shift. George says he does not have clean underwear. Meredith starts to pick up her stuff and Joe tells her she can't leave, that she should at least have a cup of coffee. Cristina pokes her head in the door and calls her. Meredith tells Joe, "Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I don't want to know." Joe does not agree.

Ambulances pour in with patients from the train accident. The interns rush past and head into the hospital.
Delilah woke up in Noah's arms to their pagers going crazy. They got everything together and quickly drove to the hospital .

Derek walks into the bar. He looks around for Meredith. Joe sees him and says, "Dude, you're late." Derek gets a page.

Cristina, Alex, Izzie, George, and Meredith are in the elevator. Izzie looks at Alex puzzled and Meredith looks very drunk, she stumbles out of the elevator. George and Cristina are very excited at the possible procedures they will get to see and perform. Alex says to Izzie, "I thought you weren't talking to me." They are all putting on the yellow protective gowns. Izzie tells him that she is rising above because it seems like he needs a friend after George's success in the elevator surgery. George accidentally hits Cristina's head with his elbow. Delilah walked up and put on her protective gown with the help of Alex. Bailey walks up to them in a formal dress. They all look at her in a little bit of surprise. Meredith is just leaning against a wall staring into space. Bailey hands Alex her purse and tells him to get her shoes. She starts to put on a yellow gown and passes Meredith. Meredith says, "Hello. I seem to be a little bit drunk. I was off duty." Bailey angrily replies, "So was I. Anybody else half in the bottle?". The rest of the interns say no. Bailey tells Meredith to stay out of the way for now and the other interns go with Bailey to get their assignments. She tells them to not make any mistakes because they are tired. Bailey pushes open a door and there are many injured people. Cristina happily says, "I'm so not tired anymore." George says he's not either. Meredith sees Addison with a patient. Addison asks Bailey for an intern and assigns Delilah. Meredith is definitely not pleased at the sight of Addison. Richard walks in with the man missing a leg and Bailey assigns Cristina.

Chief sees Derek and tells him to clear him for surgery. There is a train wreck and they need everyone available. Derek asks him several questions about having headaches and dizziness. Richard says in a stern manner that he hasn't.
Alex comes in and gives Bailey her shoes. Meredith is leaning against the wall watching all of the commotion around her.

On a gurney, a man and a woman are wheeled past her. They have a metal pole through their torsos connecting them together.

Inside, the man and woman with a pole through them are being examined. Just outside the room, a paramedic is telling Burke and Bailey about the two patients. The man, in his early 50's named Tom, has a steady blood pressure. The woman, in her 20's named Bonnie, is doing significantly worse.

Bailey tells Alex to cover the E.R. while he gets over his new fear of scalpels. He leaves to do that. Meredith tells Bailey, "That was mean, even for you."

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