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“ As doctors, as friends, as human beings, we all try to do the best we can. But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns. And just when you’ve gotten the lay of the land, the ground underneath you shifts. And knocks you off your feet. If you’re lucky, you’ll end up with nothing more than a flesh wound, something a band-aid will cover. But, some wounds are deeper than they first appear and require more than just a quick fix. With some wounds, you have to rip off the band-aid, let them breathe, and give them time to heal. ”
— Meredith Grey

In Burke's bathroom, George is watching his hair in the mirror. He takes scissors and starts cutting.

Derek and Meredith are walking Doc. Cristina pours herself some coffee as George and Burke come back from their morning run. They ran 5 miles. Burke and George harmonically prepare to make pancakes as Cristina notices George's hair. Burke tells her to leave him alone, because it's his way to get over his issues. Cristina drinks her coffee as the men make cappuccino.

Meredith, Delilah, Cristina, and Izzie are tailing George and Bailey, who has her baby in a carrier with her. Cristina tells them that George and Burke are bonding, and she asks Meredith to apologize to George again because things can't stay like this. Alex comments on George's hair as he joins them. He asks Izzie if she's ignoring him as she didn't call him back. She doesn't see why she'd do that.

She presents Denny's case. Denny says he's turning 37 in three weeks. His congestive heart failure is getting worse despite the meds. Alex and Izzie present the treatment plan. Burke wants one of them to monitor Denny at all times. They both volunteer to stay.

Bailey's baby is crying as Bailey gets paged to the ER. Addison sends Meredith and George to the pit. Bailey tells Addison that the nursery is full and Tucker's out of town. Richard passes by, surprised to see that Bailey has her baby with her. He says she can't take the baby into surgery with her. She has no surgeries planned today. She'll solve that problem if it arises. Richard decides to let it slide and walks off.

While waiting for the elevator, Meredith tells George he's gonna have to talk to her at some point. He decides to take the stairs.

Bailey, her baby, and Cristina are in the ambulance bay as the paramedics take a patient inside. The siren is upsetting the baby, so Bailey has the paramedic turn it off. She then hands her baby to a reluctant Cristina because she needs to operate on that patient right away. As Bailey goes inside, Cristina cluelessly holds the baby.

Denny asks Alex where Izzie is. He replies she's busy with other patients. Denny's sure that Alex is a fine doctor, but Alex is not his type. Alex says he'll have to settle on being Izzie's type. He says he and Izzie are pretty much dating. Denny congratulates him, albeit halfheartedly.

Cristina is singing the alphabet song for little Tuck while changing him on the floor of the gallery. Richard comes in and notices she appears to be having trouble with the diaper. She says she has an M.D. from Stanford and a Ph.D. from Berkeley, so she can handle this diaper. He declines to take over for her and leaves. Delilah came into the gallery and saw Cristina struggling and decided to help her change the diaper. Cristina begged her to take the baby so she can be a surgeon. After some negotiations, Delilah took Bailey's baby.

Izzie paged Alex to the on-call room, but not for sex. She wants to yell at him for talking to Denny. Their sex life is between them. He can't believe none of her friends know they're sleeping together, but she points out that he and Denny aren't friends. He says he doesn't befriend patients. She thinks Alex feels threatened by Denny. Alex says he can't be threatened by her half-dead patient. This really upsets her, but he thinks someone had to tell her.

Izzie, Cristina, and George are having lunch at another table.  Meredith sits down with them, causing George to stand up and go sit with Callie. Cristina brings up how much George annoys her at her apartment. Delilah sat down with baby Tuck. Izzie says George would still be their roommate if Meredith would apologize. She says she's done that, but it takes two to make a stupid sexual decision. She's frustrated and leaves. Izzie wants to go back to when they all got along. As Alex comes over, she stands up to go check on her patient. Alex angrily slams down his tray, causing Little Tuck to wake up and start crying, so Delilah slaps his arm, saying that he need to buy her a drink later. Delilah walks off with him, leaving Alex to eat his lunch alone.

Delilah is in the gallery overlooking the OR where Bailey is performing surgery. Delilah tried to stop the baby from crying , but nothing worked. Noah walked into the gallery and saw the situation. He almost started laughing. Delilah is holding a very antsy baby who is crying loudly. She uses the baby's foot to press the intercom button that allows you to communicate to the OR.Delilah desperately said,"Dr. Bailey!"
Bailey who focused on the surgery, then replied,"What is it Thompson?" Delilah said that he was crying and she does not know what to do.

Bailey said,"Let me hear him." Delilah looked confused and said okay and held up the baby to the intercom, he cries loudly.
Bailey said positively, "That's cry number 4. You need to feed him." Delilah looked relieved and turned around and saw Noah. She could see he was holding in a laugh. She was so close to punching him, she softly whispered ," Be glad I have a baby in my arms or I would've punched you."

Delilah is begging a still crying Tuck to eat. Noah comes over. He finds this amusing. George comes over and takes the baby, who immediately stops crying and starts eating. Noah comments he's a natural. George says babies like him. Noah says that speaks to a good bedside manner. He leaves as Callie comes over. Callie tells George she's scheduled Heath's surgery tomorrow afternoon and asks if he wants in.

Bailey finds Delilah sleeping with her baby in an on-call room. She takes her baby and tells Delilah to go back to sleep. Delilah started telling Bailey," As much as I love your baby, I am a surgeon. You can make my life hell, but I am not a babysitter during work hours. Outside it, I might be a babysitter. "Bailey says fine.

Burke is operating on Denny. Izzie says she read that hearts can remodel themselves so the patient can get off the LVAD. Burke says that's unlikely for Denny because his heart is too weak. Izzie look disappointed.

Izzie sits with Denny, holding his hand. He wakes up and asks if she doesn't have somewhere to be. She says she does, and she's right there.

Cristina comes home and finds Burke and George playing instruments. She disappears into the bedroom.

Derek comes home. Addison's reading in bed. He lies down with her and tells her he was indifferent before Mark, in New York. She says that's right. He was absent. She says yes. He says he's partly to blame for what happened to their marriage. She says yes. He's sorry. He's working on it. She's happy to hear that. He gets ready for bed.

Noah and Delilah were cuddled in bed, talking about babies. They were laughing about how she acted with baby Tuck. She said it was challenging and if he keeps laughing, she will kick him out.

Meredith's wide awake in her bed, staring out the window.

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