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“ We all go through life like bulls in a china shop. A chip here, a crack there. Doing damage to ourselves, to other people. The problem is trying to figure out how to control the damage we've done, or that's been done to us. Sometimes the damage catches us by surprise. Sometimes we think we can fix the damage. And sometimes the damage is something we can't even see. We're all damaged, it seems. Some of us, more than others. We carry the damage with us from childhood, then as grownups, we give as good as we get. Ultimately, we all do damage. And then, we set about the business of fixing whatever we can. ”
— Meredith Grey

Finn's making breakfast for Meredith, who announces she doesn't cook, so she doesn't expect him to cook for her. He tells her to sit down and act like she's not scary or damaged. She denies that she is. He asks about her family. She says her not wanting to talk about her family doesn't make her scary or damaged. He asks about the last guy she slept with.

In the bathroom, Meredith's telling Izzie and Delilah about Finn. Izzie can't believe they've had four dates and two sleepovers without having sex. Izzie is really proud. Delilah said that means trouble. Callie enters, wearing only panties, and sits down to pee. She flushes and leaves. Meredith and Izzie can't believe that just happened. Izzie says she didn't even wash her hands.

Izzie's talking to George about the thing with Callie. They join the other interns in the ambulance bay as Izzie says that Callie crossed a line. Alex asks if they're still pretending she's not dating a patient. Cristina tells them to live and let live. She's cheerful because she got to scrub in and got laid, and now there are ambulances coming in with bloody car crash victims. She does a cheery dance, almost hitting Derek in the face. He passes by and asks Meredith about his dog. She says he's good, and corrects him. Doc's their dog. Derek is seemingly mad, but he says it's not the time to talk about it.

A first ambulance arrives. The patient is Noah Reynolds, a 25-year-old restrained driver. His vitals are stable, but he has pain in his knee. Izzie takes him to bed 3. Cristina takes Noah's wife inside while Noah tells the doctors what happened. This car drove into Melanie's parents' car, and then that car hit his and Melanie's car.

Melanie's taken into trauma room one. She got all the impact. Melanie is pregnant. She claims she's fine and asks them to just check on her baby and her family. She needs to know if her parents are okay.

George brings Melanie's parents in. Her mother is loudly complaining about pain and her father refuses to stay on the gurney. While Cristina's checking for a fetal heartbeat, Jim enters the trauma room. The baby turns out to be okay, which Jim reports back to his wife.

Izzie and Delilah comes in and tells Callie that their her intern, so she'll be joining her for Noah's surgery. Callie tells them to prep Noah. Izzie gestures at George as if she's washing her hands, causing George to shut the door on her. George walks up to Callie and asks her if she washed her hands. She says of course. She then reduces Marshall's wrist fracture.

Izzie was paged because a nurse found Denny collapsed in the hallway. He says he went too far too fast. Izzie says his battery's almost dead. She runs off to get Burke while the nurses help him to his room.

Denny tells Burke he wants to go home. Burke says that's not an option. Denny wonders since when Burke decides what is an option in his life. It's still his heart, so it's his decision. Burke says it's his life that'll end if Denny continues to push like he did today. Denny thought the LVAD would make him better, but Burke says it only buys him more time, if he respects its limitations and his own.

Bailey, Alex, and Cristina look at Melanie's scans as they come up. All her organs are out of place. Bailey asks to have Shepherd, Montgomery-Shepherd, Burke, the Chief, and every available surgeon paged to the OR. They rush to Melanie to prep her.

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