as we know it

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“ If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it? ”
— Meredith Grey

Alex and Izzie join George in the lobby. He informs them that something happened in OR 3 and that Hannah, the paramedic, went missing. He asks Richard what happened. Richard replies a quiet board's happened.

Burke enters Derek's OR and asks how it's going. Derek says there's a second bleeding. Burke says he's going to try to save his guy once the bomb squad is done assessing him. Derek doesn't want to be the guy who kills Bailey's husband. Burke doesn't want to be the guy who kills them all. Burke leaves.

In OR 3, Cristina and Dylan tell Delilah that was incredibly stupid as Dylan's putting a flak jacket on Delilah. Meredith tells Cristina she had a feeling. Delilah was thinking that she might die. " Mer, bring my phone now! I need to call someone." Delilah pleaded and Meredith went and fetched the phone.

Burke gathers himself in the hallway before returning in the OR. He tells Cristina it's time to go now, because this is really dangerous. He says he can't do this or think with her in here. Meredith assures Cristina they'll be fine. Delilah was left alone with Mer for a while.
Delilah firstly left Mark a voice note," Mark... you are basically my family. I love you. Sorry, I did not visit recently. See you soon. Thanks for everything." Delilah had tears rolling down her cheeks, calling Alex next," Alex, my person, you know me and I know you. I love you and thanks for being my friend even when I am crazy, see you soon." Delilah did not know how to call Noah. It was truly one of the most difficult thing to do. Meredith listened to everything. Delilah called Noah," I should have wrapped myself in bubble wrap this morning. I do stupid shit and I am sorry. I did not think I could love someone like I love you." She let out a small sob and continued, " You need to forget me and move on if something happens. I know when I might survive in dangerous situations and this is looking bad. I love you, Noah." She hung up and gave Meredith the phone. Meredith realized that her boyfriend is one of the attendings. Before leaving, Cristina tells Burke to be the other guy from the movies, the one who runs away from danger instead of facing it like the hero. A teary-eyed Delilah asks Dylan if he has a plan to get her out of this. Dylan is silent.

Alex, Izzie, and George are in the locker room. Izzie needs the other two to shut up. Delilah and Meredith could die any minute. She suddenly starts giggling. She tends to have inappropriate reactions to stress. Izzie, still laughing, gets up and leaves.

Cristina just scrubbed in and she enters Derek's OR. She says she has to be here as she gets gowned. Derek says Tucker is hanging in there. He asks about Hannah, the girl with the bomb. Cristina says she's hanging in there, too.

Alex and Izzie sit down in a dark supply closet. She says she laughs at funerals, too. Izzie kisses him again, but he stops her. Izzie says she was jealous of Meredith and the surgery. He leans in and kisses her. He admits that he is scared of losing Delilah.

Delilah asks Burke if this is the strangest thing that's ever happened in his OR. He has to admit it is. Delilah's happy to hear that, because she's very competitive. Burke says the best surgeons are.

Noah was  worried and scared for his girl. He felt like he could not move when Alex told him the news. Of course, she would put her hand in a bomb cavity. He prayed for the safety of his girlfriend.

Dylan is with Richard and tells him they have a plan. They could get the bomb out in 10 minutes if he's not interrupted again. Richard tells him that the general anesthesia in the OR requires a flow of pure oxygen. He's turned off the oxygen supply to OR 3, but that OR is right above the OR floor's main oxygen line.

Dylan and Burke are whispering. Delilah tells them to stop. She's not a patient. She won't freak out so they can tell her whatever they have to say. Burke tells her about the main oxygen line. She correctly guesses that if the bomb were to explode here, the whole hospital could blow up.

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