break on Through

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Outside the main entrance of the hospital, the nurses strike has begun. They shout "fair hours, fair wages". Izzie and George want to cross the picket line, because they're healers and they took an oath. George says his parents will be very disappointed if he crosses the line. Cristina joins them and says she heard there are scab nurses coming. She goes in first, but the nurses throw food at her as she makes her way to the entrance. Izzie decides to follow. Olivia yells at her to change her own bedpans. "Enjoy your syphilis, Olivia," Izzie says as she walks on. George decides to stay on the other side of the line.

Meredith discovers that Richard is visiting her mother again. They're talking about how Ellis will become Chief of Surgery one day. They hold hands and Meredith leaves.

Cristina, Delilah, Alex, and Izzie are observing other residents, trying to predict who will replace Bailey, as Meredith joins them. Suddenly, a loud voice calls all their names. A perky resident comes over, happy to have finally found them. She says they look like a great group. She was a little worried because her horoscope said she was in for a challenging day. Sydney hugs Cristina to say hello, but Cristina doesn't like to be touched. The resident introduces herself as Sydney Heron. Her philosophy is "heal with love". Sydney notices someone's missing. Cristina says George is with the nurses like a little girl. Sydney likes that he stands up for what he believes in. Sydney asks who wants to go to the pit for a consult. Alex and Cristina leave to go do that, as Meredith goes to check on her patient. That just leave Izzie and Delilah. Addison comes over and asks Izzie for a consult. Delilah decided to stay with the new resident, because it was her first day back after the incident.

The ER resident asked for a surgical consult because of a fast-spreading rash. They go to the curtain, only to find a couple making out on the bed. They apologize, but they are on their honeymoon. Cristina asks the woman to dismount.

Meredith tells Richard that she went to see her mother this morning. Richard asks how she's doing. Meredith says she's fine. Richard asks Meredith to give Ellis his best.

Cristina marks the border of the infection. If it crosses the line, they'll have to do a muscle biopsy. Claire says she's supposed to run 10k tomorrow, but Cristina says that won't happen with this leg. Alex asks about the rash. They first noticed it when they were climbing Mt. Rainier yesterday. Sydney and Delilah come over and introduces themselves, then Sydney admires Claire's wedding ring. Cristina asks if Claire had some accident. Wade says she cut her foot on some oyster shells at the beach a couple of days ago. They were windsurfing. Sydney jokes they'll need a vacation to recover from their honeymoon. Cristina says it's not a light infection and points out that the infection has crossed the border already.

In surgery, Sydney asks if anyone wants to probe the wound. Alex gets to do it because he claims he'd like to try healing with love. Cristina is visibly disappointed and Sydney tells her that she has to learn how to share. Pathology calls with the results. It's necrotizing fasciitis, meaning the OR will be closed off to all non-essential personnel.

Wade is shocked by the news of the flesh eating bacteria. Cristina says they have to amputate, which she deems the only sane option. Alex says they can also try to cut out the infection. It won't be pretty, but they might be able to keep the leg functional. Wade wants to see Claire, but there's no time. He needs to decide now. Wade says running marathons is who Claire is. Sydney says they'll do anything to save the leg. On their way back to the OR, Cristina asks Alex if he really thinks this is the best choice. He says it's a way cooler surgery. Delilah said ," It will be cool, but that's what the patient will want. Dead or alive."

In the OR, Cristina still disagrees with the decision not to amputate. If the infection moves into Claire's bloodstream, she's dead. They're solely basing their decision on the fact that she's young and active. Sydney misses compassion. She wishes Cristina was more like Alex and Delilah, who's compassionate and warm. Cristina leaves to go to the restroom.

Cristina finds Burke and tells him about the case and Sydney. She thinks that Sydney is killing the patient.

Cristina and Burke enter the OR. Burke walks up to the table and they talk about the case. He asks about her protocol. Sydney figures out that Cristina wanted to make sure that the perky little bimbo cheerleader isn't killing the patient. Sydney says she's good at what she does. She's gonna do everything to clean out the infection. If it still spreads after that, Cristina can hold the saw for the amputation. Sydney says kindness and compassion aren't high on Cristina's list, but maybe some bonesaw action will make Cristina respect her some more.

At Joe's, the nurses are celebrating George while Meredith and Cristina are drinking. Cristina hates that Sydney called her unkind in front of her boyfriend, because she's not. Meredith says she's gonna have to kill her patient. Now it's Izzie's time to say what's wrong. Izzie packs her stuff and leaves. Cristina says she's a very compassionate person. George and Alex sit down with them. Alex says he'll pay for nurse George's drink. George tells the nurses that Alex mockingly called him a nurse. One of the nurses dumps a drink in Cristina's lap. Cristina and the nurse start yelling at each other. Delilah unknowingly walked jn the middle coming back from the bathroom. She somehow received a hit from a nurse. Joe interferes and stops the fight. Meredith drags Cristina out of the bar and took Delilah to the house to ice her jaw. It was just swollen and that she does not need stitches.
Noah said that she need to be wrapped in bubble wrap and not be in dangerous situations. Delilah laughed and playfully pushed him and said,"  I cannot help it, danger loves me more then I love it. It is a very toxic relationship we have with each other. " Noah said words without thinking," Well, I love you." Delilah stared at him wide-eyed and he realized what he just said. She recovered from her shock and kissed him and said,"I love you." He then put some frozen peas on her jaw and said he did not want her face to be ruined. She slapped his arm.

The strike is still going on.

Sydney tells Claire she's making a spectacular recovery. After a few times in the hyperbaric chamber, her leg will be saved. Claire thanks her for saving the leg. Sydney leaves Alex and Delilah to explain the hyperbaric chamber to Claire and Wade, and tells Cristina she'll take that apology any time.

Cristina tells Burke that Sydney wants an apology. Burke says she crossed a line, and made him do it, too. She doesn't believe she can make him do anything. Burke says it's his fault. He's supposed to be her teacher. She came to him as her boyfriend, and he responded that way. She admits she's not used to being wrong. He knows that, but she's still an intern.

Meredith finds Richard and tells him he should keep visiting her mother, because she lights up when he's around.

Burke and Cristina approach Sydney, but Cristina sees she's with Alex. She says she can't do this in front of Alex. Burke says she has to. Cristina wonders why he's not apologizing. He says attendings don't apologize to residents. Cristina follows him to Sydney. She almost whispers as she begrudgingly tells Sydney she's sorry for having overstepped. Sydney says that's the compassion she was looking for. Sydney wants to hug it out, but Cristina turns around and walks away.

The nurses are cheering and taking away their signs. Richard is shaking hands and congratulating them.

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